You are now aware that London has 900,000 blacks

>You are now aware that London has 900,000 blacks

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Man needed a good test to see if he could evolve into something even better then a sentient being with tons of intelligence. I just wanted a simple life, but clown world is never simple or serious so it’s hard to get things done. Like not eating an awful diet, or having property.

Black population of London
At the 2011 census, the total Black population of London stood at 1,101,688.[4]

nobody fills in the census, there's a lot more than that

Based and redpill...thanks London

White bois are obsolete,that's why your women are importing real MEN who can satisfy their sexual needs.

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OH FUCK 900k out of 8m are niggers

I want to smack her fucking smile off her face but I can go to bed at night knowing darkie darko over there will do it for me sooner than later.

Who u callin nigger Hans?

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where is your father?

is that all?

big man ting

very scary times

thats 900k to many

>says the hapa for the 7th time today furiously jerking off to blacked porn

The britbongs did it to themselves. They could have voted differently. I have zero pity for them.

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>real men
You know that average african male height is 170cm right??

reminder this is what the posters under the BLM meme flags look like

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It's almost as if niggers act like niggers in all countries

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yes tangerine britain, that's practically all the blacks in the entire UK
outside london and a couple of other places like bristol, black people are a rarity
i see black people occasionally in my little town. i always have an urge to ask them why they are here and how they got here. i think they must have just missed their stop on the train and never went home