Defend your country

Defend your country

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based. Now if only we were allowed to think the same...

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If she lived in the UK she would be pro-immigration.

Israel is as based as we want to be.

Totally based

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it is times like these that i, as a jew, have to reckon with the reality that although jews are not the evil hivemind with an agenda that /politically incontinent/ thinks we are, our high intelligence, minority status and historical fear of/disdain for the goyim has resulted in an egotistical doublethink that, overall, has been unhealthy for the culture of western nations.

I hate you kikes even more after reading this.

>although jews are not the evil hivemind with an agenda that /politically incontinent/ thinks we are
The question is do jews actually damage our societies in irreparable ways, which jews always do. Claiming that we think every jew is "in on it" or in cahoots is a strawman.

Based Jews

>Hitler is bad
>behaves exactly like Hitler
I want off this fucking clown ride

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well dont act like jews havent been a major economic driver since the turn of the first millennia. i personally am american first and jew second (think stephen miller, seth rich, etc), but definitely notice that wherever in the world i meet jews, they are usually jews first. but that is the same for any minority.
the west has careened towards liberalism over a long, long period, and only VERY recently (considering the length of time it has gone on) have the jews been at the head of liberal thought. history is like a pendulum. and Jow Forums worships the cultures/history/peoples directly following periods of intense liberalism (rome->medieval europe, weimar->third reich). so if it is getting really bad, then maybe you fags are in for a treat. as you may well know, the jews have been preparing this time by building a relatively powerful nation to protect its people in the case that they have to flee. it is the nearest to a fascist ethnostate that currently exists in the west.
ive had a few so sorry if this rambling makes no sense

>you need us goyim
fuck you

these posts don't make me want to put you in the oven any less

>so sorry if this rambling makes no sense

Typical deluded schizo jew posting. Its amazing how warped your mindset and world view is, especially with regard to the inherent superiority and impact of jews. Major drivers? This is again double think as jews were highly restricted (oppressed as you often say) for centuries to prevent your meddling.

How could you be such an influence if you were not even allowed to hold various jobs simply because you were a jew?

Let them, they’ll be the enemy in WW3

>the jews have been preparing this time by building a relatively powerful nation to protect its people

The jews havent built anything. They manipulated the U.S. into doing it.

Maybe go fight Iran by yourself and then run your mouth.

If you were high intelligence you wouldn't require a monopoly.

Your trash.

i dont think you do. doesnt change the fact that jews helped build the west in a myriad of ways (you're welcome for Jesus).
>jews were highly restricted
restricted to money-lending.
this money-lending built european economies in the middle ages (court jews).
and as soon as we were legally able, you found jews in the highest positions in every nation. because we have superior intellect and a culture of scholasticism.
built you the bomb



>religious, socially conservative nationalists want to live in a homogeneous country
>atheistic deconstructivist rootless cosmopolitans living in foreign countries don't
Huh what the heck that's weird

we need to kick out all jews and make them live in their own ethnostate they cry so hard for

>built you the bomb

Einstein stole the majority of his work from Poincare, and his theory of relativity is false and based on naive physics for the goyim.

Some of us aren't retarded.

Well, it seems that the people are seeing through your bullshit. I have tried my best to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t trust you. Please stop trying to destroy the west. Either you’re brilliant and you know what you’re doing, or you’re all fools.

you did it to yourself
did the jews somehow get your prince to marry a black woman?
at least consider the possibility that the white man has a touch of the 'tism and can go a bit nuts with his humanitarism until finally in a fit of rage he invages the neighboring country because it has a bunch of middle-eastern money-lenders who they slaughter and to make up with it invites swarthy hordes into its bed. its been going on for thousands of years.


>>doesnt change the fact that jews helped build the west
according to the jew, go and die for your holy land juden

Israel should have taken the millions of high testosterone Syrian men which their proxy war in Syria displaced. Within a generation their entire population would be BROWN'D and turned Arab.

if only they would stop kveetching when we say the same about our countries

The Jews literally manipulated and indoctrinated the Russian people in to giving their land and possessions to the (((Communist))) state. Jews are the spawn of Satan.

If she lived in the UK and said the same but defending the native UK population, she would be put to stoning.

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To defend the United States would require the entire US government be physically removed and dumped out at sea to drown

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Your talmud says it's you and your shabbos goys vs us bad goyims.

>owns your country and controls your livelihood.
Heh, nothing personal kid.

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My country needs no defense.

I saw that, sloppy job m8.

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never read the thing
i prefer to make my own interpretations of the Law

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Then why do jews always pull this shit?

Nationalist in Israel
open borders everywhere else

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I typoed so I deleted and reposted. KYS nigger

>Us Jews don't have secret meetings where jews from all over the world come to plan how to push our tribal agenda at the expense of the goyim

Of course not. It's not secret at all. The world Jewish Congress and the world Zionist Congress and the half a dozen other supranational jewish governmental meetings are not secret at all

Because Somalia has nothing worth taking.

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Israel is BASED

Your country is dead.

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Fuck off, you can be based without being detrimental to other counties. Israel is needlessly destroying countries, if they just kept to themselves they’d be fine but instead they purge their shit onto other countries. Fuck kikes, death to every men, women and child of kike blood.

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Send a source if you got it user

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refugees for thee but not for me, goyim.

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no no jews be multicultural.

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You are right history repeats like a pendulum. The Jews had a rich powerful ethnostate and had the richest city in the world according to the Romans. The Jews abused the Romans attacked them and funded their enemies and the Romans tore down the 2nd temple and crushed their nation scattering the people to the winds. US is Rome, Israel is Judea, history is repeating.

>although jews are not the evil hivemind with an agenda that /politically incontinent/ thinks we are
There you go, just making fucking shit up, claiming everyone is a 'dumb goyim' that doesn't understand how you parasitic cunts operate.

We are smarter than you, we have way more people with much higher IQ's than you by sheer population numbers. You will be found out on a whole. You believe that you have this won, that you will be in the leadership seat at the end of all of this. You are completely wrong.

What about his trash?

The Jews have such bad Holohoax trauma that they've internalized fascism.

>some of us aren't retarded

Right. You do not count among that number.

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Jews were the tax collecting parasites of Europe, the more money they stole from goy peasants the more rich they became. Then they lent that money out at interest. That was the situation in Europe for centuries, even before Charlemagne.

>take over the media and academia and flood it with pozzed leftist propaganda
>conveniently do none of this in Israel
>hurr you did this to yourself goy, it was all you!

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Jews don't plan to Jew, it is just their nature. This is actually more damning than asserting some cabal.

14-88 ethnostates now!

>the west has careened towards liberalism over a long, long period, and only VERY recently (considering the length of time it has gone on) have the jews been at the head of liberal thought.

Right when what liberals thought mattered after the ancien regimes got btfo. Coincidence.

They just naturally do it to kike you over

>i prefer to make my own interpretations of the Law

t. culture of critique

Yeah thanks for killing Jesus, dirty Jew.

based. now western countries need to think the same

Ahaahahahahaah im going to have a BBQ with older friends who are with half redpill in their mouths and they are like
>heyfg anonfg we jaf to tahk abaht that COUGH COUGH COUGH jewigsm thang in the BBQ.
(The redpill its like 25 cm diameter they are having a hard time my little angels)
And this is just brilliant. Already have gigabites but this is concentrated buillon pill

we must protect ourselfs from jewish influence even at the expense of human rights

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She's a dumb bitch. she betrayed bibi and she's out of the knesset now. this is the ad she run on in the last election...

I wonder whose group is most responsible for demonizing nationalism when done by Europeans..

Israel's "power" is entirely reliant on the West so good luck.

>built you the bomb
Project Manhattan was done by mainly Western scientists, you deluded inbred little fuck.
And you stole the materials for the bomb from the US.

Fuck this movie fuck the jews

oy vey

Only if white people weren't so fucking stupid