Ebola keeps killing niggers, Now at least 1,000 are dead. Praise Kek now!!!
Source: apnews.com
Ebola keeps killing niggers, Now at least 1,000 are dead. Praise Kek now!!!
Source: apnews.com
>More than 1,000 people have died from Ebola in eastern Congo
Wait there are people in Congo? also not enough
in the time it took those 1000 to die, 40 thousand new nigs were born
Fucking hell. Burying the lad while he's still alive.
>they keep raiding and killing the doctors trying to help them
can we please stop getting in the way of natural selection, it's not fair to Ebola-chan who tries her best everyday and does it honestly
more like apenews
ebola chan is doing work
we need to help ebola-chan.
>Wait there are people in Congo? also not enough
there has been a 8 way faction / tribe war happening in congo for the last 15 years. annual life span is like 15 years old. import us to USA please?
Roll for massive Ebola epidemic
May i try aswell toothpaste bro?
Yeah please, I'm not having any luck horizontal Italy
Airborne when?
Came here for this.
Please, Please, Please go airborne.
when they become communists
No dignity for the plagued.
Ebola is God's gift to us.
Holy Kek, your name shall be honored!
Not really.
They'll get inmunity against ebola eventually.
>81.34 million (2017)
so 0.0012% died
Base ebola-chan