Official Patrick Little hate thread

Fucking reparations advocate.

He should be imprisoned, and gang raped by those niggers he loves so dearly.

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He is smart enough to see the value of buying the nigger vote. Playing the Jews at their own game.

Literal who?

Says the half-nigger from the Dominican Republic. You probably like Little because he likes niggers.

Anyway, Republicans will never gain more than 5% of the nigger vote. It doesn't matter what the Republican is proposing.

Was he advocating for giving the blacks land so they can fuck off in their own state or giving blacks money, because I support the first.

This is now a Patrick Little love thread.

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Hello my white american friend!

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He's a guy who's trying to make WN an entirely anti-Jewish movement. He calls himself a civil rights advocate and preaches tolerance for niggers, spics, Arabs, Asians, etc. He once complained that Paul Nehlen dehumanizes niggers. Pat Little only hates Jews, and tries to unite whites and non-whites against Jews.

The worst thing about Little is that he believes niggers should get reparations.

Little just proposes giving blacks money. And still allowing blacks to stay in America, get affirmative action and gibsmedat, etc.

Little's not proposing to give blacks their own country or help them move back to Africa. Although sometimes his supporters try to portray it that way.

>this much energy wasted on an eceleb wannabe politician Jow Forums cheerleader

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Hmm. You're a Polack. The race that's notorious for miscegenating with niggers in Britain.

I wonder why you'd like Pat Little. Maybe it's because he's a nigger lover, just like Polacks are.

You probably look even blacker than that guy does. At least as black, anyway.

Little is murica's best shot at having a leader that could free it from the Jew. But as always the Jews know how to play the american goyim like a fiddle, using niggers as a distraction from them every step of the way. My dad did his medical residency in NYC, one of his Jewish classmates told him "thank God for these niggers, otherwise these people would be hating us instead!".

Your turn.

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Niggers are evil villains. They aren't a distraction from the Jew. Only nigger lovers like Pat Little and yourself think that.

Seriously, your country is full of mulattoes, and you still hate even blacker people like the Haitians. Imagine what it would be like to have zero nigger blood, and have to deal with niggers.

Lol. Like something called google images doesn't exist, and you can't just get a picture off there.

The only reason we are overrun with Haitians is because your Jewish government would invade us the second we take any major action against them. Even your Jew-cock sucking god emperor backs Haiti, he sent his Jew goblina ambassador to demand we give them nationality. The Jew brought the Muslims into Europe, The Jew gave you your civil rights movement, the Jew is public enemy number 1 and nothing will change until it is defeated. Your country is overrun with Mexicans and central americans because of the Jew.

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Prove I got if from google, nigger. You are not going to prove you are whiter than I am either, because you can't. You are probably one of those 56% goblins with Jewish ancestry, lol.

Lol. Like giving niggers reparations will overturn the civil rights movement.

Actually, it’ll do the exact opposite and make niggers demand more rights than ever.

Where do you stand on the Jewish question? Who is better than Patrick Little? Do you support Trump?

When somebody proposes reparations for niggers, I don’t care one tiny bit about what their opinion on Jews is.

Contrary to what you might think, they're not dumb enough to fall for it. They would easily know Little wants to get rid of Jews, who he sees as their protectors, so then he can deal with them. This is what you want as well.

>threatens to sue his friends
>fucked a negress
>is schizo

Yeah, you're a Jew.

My opinion is that the USA is doomed no matter what. It is like Hitler said about Russia, the Jew will destroy a nation, then the vampires leave.

Little gets half his ideas from the Westboro Baptist Church. Marching around with signs, acting like a doofus, screaming Jews Rape Kids (likely modeled after the WBC’s Priests Rape Boys slogan.)