This is what a Jow Forums poster trying to get into politics looks like

>this is what a Jow Forums poster trying to get into politics looks like

Humiliating display for sargon of akkad and count dankula

Who knew spouting edgy phrases and memes on YouTube wouldn't get you elected??

Attached: IMG_20190527_004503.jpg (1072x1440, 269K)

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Who do you recommend we vote for instead?

Saw this pic and I was thinking who the fuck is the manlet? kekerino


Who are these clowns and why should I care? QRD please.

Only children should be drinking milkshakes. If you have the audacity to call yourself a man, whilst tossing a milkshake at another man, you should be killed.

I wonder what kind of campaigning he did outside the shit for his YouTube channel if any. Did he buy any TV ad time slots? Did UKIP? Or did they just say "Oi this bloke got a million subscribas we can jus use his platform for free." Cause that's kinda what it looks like to me.

>yes goyim don't get involved in your own governance. we know best.

How about you give him credit for trying to enact change? You know that a lot of politicians fail their first time out right.

>pol poster
quadroon is 100% plebbit

>surgeon of applebees
>Jow Forums poster
Lmao sure thing kike. Next you'll say he had a chance for a political career

Nige the superior comes out on top as he should.

Attached: farage-pint_3153822b.jpg (620x387, 281K)

from lead to milkshakes, how far Antifa has fallen

based and shake pilled

this is assault and the milkshake throwers should be placed in jail

It's like anti-aircraft fire. If you're getting hit with milkshakes that means your message is getting through. Every time Nige got shaked he only got stronger. That's what lefties never understand. No sane adult respects shit like that. It's abhorrent.

Sargon did used to post here though

get shaked on

Did the thrower have his milkshake license?

the only thing between sergon and success are like 15 iq points and some introspective

He did pop the cherry for e-candidates.

He crashed and burned

Gib milk.

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h-he didn't want these votes anyway, winning elections is for collectivists

Wow you sure proved him wrong!

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Who will be the next James Bond actor?

It is said that it might be a black gay female actress or something like that.

>It is said that it might be a black gay female actress or something like that.

Your dad sounds like a good candidate then

When do you start?

And after brexit?

I unironically want to see Carl as Bond

>Carl Bond gets caught and interrogated by the villain
>Just cuts him off mid-speech saying "I'm sleepy now. I need to leave"

I'd watch it.

Attached: 1557540998240.jpg (1242x1591, 1.04M)

>No sane adult
Most people aren't sane

>this is what a Jow Forums poster trying to get into politics looks like
More Israeli fake shit.

We're not buying it

Attached: they live alt right.jpg (2319x1690, 423K)

should've gone for a local council seat and ignored the EU stuff

doubtful his ego would allow that

Sargon hates Jow Forums you nigger.