Why do people like the EU?

Serious question to every german and other pro EU cunts here.

What is it about the current consumerist regime formerly known as the coal and gas commnity of Europe that is so enticing?

Give me your best arguments for the EU, pursuade me. Why should i or anyone else be a member of a union that taxes trade, demands access to our market and demands a membership fee?

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You might as well ask Germans why they have scat fetishes.

I think I know why..
Its as simples as Globalists (pro EU) vs Nationalists (Pro soverign nations)

Globalist want to destroy everything in their nations because they are losers.
And losers want to feel important, so they want to destroy their nation/give wellfare to shit people from shit countries.

Psychologicaly it's simular to that loser kid in school, giving candy to the school bully, sucking up to his ungrateful oppressor.

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Well considering what happens when European countries go to war with each other...

You mean like all of European history?

>Why do people like the EU?
In China, the Communist Party teaches that is the same as China and the Chinese people. So if you say you don't like the Communist Party then you imply you don't like the Chinese.

The EU propaganda tells the same story. If you don't like the EU then you must don't like Europe and the European people.

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Was thinking this the other day lol

Why wouldn't Germans like the German empire? They can dominate an entire continent while armed with broomsticks and can even virtue signal while at it

*World history

Don’t forget your own country and Canada is a result of the seven years war

Very astute comparison. Agreed.

30 years is a lot more than 7, and that's just one of them. It turns out civilized people don't actually immediately turn to war just because they aren't under a Soviet Union.

That only goes for the sort of backward races the Merkel and her ilk want to bring in to do the raping.

someone told me that the only german scat site is, predictably, owned by a jew

Most Germans own shelf toilets. Are you going to blame that on the Jew as well?

no, was just an observation
germans are pretty degenerate

Corporate media shills it because it actually is good for our economy. No tariffs for a huge market and lets us keep our currency artificially low.

Sigh, if only they weren't trying to dj racemix us

But the socialism has killed the fertility rate and gravy train needs to be fueled with bipedal meat.

If the elites weren't delusional boomers, they would understand that this will never work.


The seeds of great fire are sown.


The fire rises

>shelf toilets
Just checked it. Disgusting

no one like EU
maybe immigrants and germans

It's our only realistic way to get rid of our gyppos

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Trade benefits, free movement, increased global power, environmental efforts, consumer protection, human rights, funded projects etc.

Then there are of course the disadvantages: the cookie law, article 13, article 11, censorship stances and the poor handling of the refugee crisis.

The benefits still outweigh the disadvanges in my opinion, but I don't like the idea of the European Union becoming a United States of Europe.


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How is getting invaded by the 3rd world a human right? Is having some nigger shit in the public pool a "right" now all of a sudden?