SJW tries to denigrate Its Okay To Be White

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umm no sweety its not ok to be white

Kek look at her

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I need to exploit left wingers for money

I am fine with this. It is the first sensible reaction I've seen.

>inb4 some minority's give her a lesson in tolerance and she starts wearing the shirt unironically

I see nothing wrong with her wearing that shirt

I literally have no problem with this. But her reaction is outnumbered by the millions who think it’s racist, so our objective is still complete.

>hahhaha I own those evil notsees!
>I'll buy their shirt and agree with them that it's ok to be white!
Check mate nazis?

Im cool with this actually. Most leftists would sperg out and set the shirt on fire or something.

It's already happening look at the comments. Also sock puppets to really ratchet up the anti white narrative might redpill some people.

shes 100% correct and you literally cant even refute what the fuck is wrong with you people? have you never met a black person before or just read what you think the ones in the hood get attention for


She’s gonna learn the hard way from her leftist friends that it is indeed NOT ok to be white

Multicultural is non cultural and very violent

>tfw the left would be far more successful if they weren't so reactionary

I lived in the 8th ward of New Orleans Niggers are scum

the thing is thats what most conservatives believe anyway, its those fucking sjws and on the opposite end complete white trash that keep bringing up race. races are not at all equal but its not inherently bad to be any particular color, its the attitude and culture that matter. unless human races are actually different subspecies instead then that changes my outlook dramatically.

its about damn time for NO to get another well-needed bath

>So I'm wearing this tee with love
You'd think it has claws with the way her face is.

who makes the money from these shirts?
if i was going to wear one, i'd just go print it myself.

Powerful and delicious nigger tears.

>the left tries to co-opt a Jow Forums psyop involving an innocuous statement while Jow Forums is trying to co-opt the backbone of twitter
what a glorious timeline

"it is okay to be white" is literally the death of its okay to be white. Is this a win or loss?

>all these SJW cretins having a meltdown

This ho is getting shredded on Twitter lel she just got redpilled HARD

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most of the comments giving her shit for it lol, i know she is not going to get redpilled because she is a woman but her virtual signal didn't worked

Entropy is the goal of chaos. Let it happen. Surf the Kali Yuga.

Post twitter fags yelling at her, some of us dont use twitter.

>raped by a nigger in 3...2..1..

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>Be careful with this rhetoric please
>This rhetoric isn't "silly" it's fucking dangerous.
>Except that that slogan is the modern more palatable version of a swastika.
>These posters were posted anonymously up on campus to intimidate students who are black, Indigenous, people of colour.
faith in humanity fading

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I want to be there when some antifa fag milkshakes her, and she stands there blubbering about how she is one of the "good guys"

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>i know she is not going to get redpilled because she is a woman but her virtual signal didn't worked
HARD. She's learning that the left does NOT think it's ok to be white. Drop a few more redpills and poof zim zam alakazam ... secret powerlevel.
>Post twitter fags yelling at her, some of us dont use twitter.
What does that even mean? It's a Twitter mob acting like a Twitter mob. They are NPCs dropping cringe GIFs.

>faith in humanity fading
pick one

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Isn’t this what we were going for?

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She gets it..that it’s ok to be white...small victories friends

Poor girl

>Its literally a white supremacist slogan
>Its the same as wearing a nazi uniform with swastikas
How can they believe this? I dont understand.

it’s funny you think that not being around black people is why people don’t like them

Literally the point of the slogan was that we knew people would hate it when all it's saying is that it's okay to be white. How is agreeing with the sentiment taking it back? Idiot.

I like how Jow Forums is far more gentle and understanding with her thought process and intent. Really feels like we're the good guys with this shit.

>She gets it..that it’s ok to be white...small victories friends
She is also learning that the left intimidates people into silence. She's getting the full force and effect. It's beautiful. They're literally telling her to shut up and get back in the kitchen.

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>thing is used by white nationalists, so you can't use it!!
They'll just surrender phrases and things just because some peeved white people use them?

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All that makeup and she's still ugly.

They hate white people.

>just wear anything that doesn't support white people!

This is as dumb as magapedes buying and burning Nike apparel to make a point
>hey look at me give you money, watch what I do what it after I’ve given you what you want

It wouldn't be so bad if she learned to smile better, I think.

We should intimidate vegetarians into eating meat because Hitler was a vegetarian, too. Being a vegetarian is like wearing a swastika.

>Drop a few more redpills and poof zim zam alakazam ... secret powerlevel.
i believe that most of the people on the left and progressives can't get repilled they jump from the blue pill to the black pill directly, they never see the true in the middle

the programming is as such:
if you're white
unless you are a card carrying communist
you are a nazi


She says she made the shirt

>raycis btfo!!1
>im gonna get like so many likes, like, oh my gawd
>"ayyy u go gurl! Leme git dem digitss"
The best part here is everyones a winner

They believe what they’re told to user, then shame each other into compliance. They’re all about diversity of skin color and sexual orientation but they want your mind in lockstep with their own. It’s very much like church and they can’t see the irony, if they did and pointed it out they’d be shamed for noticing.

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Got about 15 comments down and these people are misguided and indoctrinated..the comments are disgusting and retarded..atleast the lady gets it the statement only has power if u give it power...god damn leftist vitue signaling fuck fest

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Okay this is unironically epic.

This. The best way to get White people on the journey toward taking the red pill is to teach them that being leftist = being self-hating.

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You idiot, you can even take a brake from shitposting if your autistic nation won the hockey?

>b-b-but diversity

or you get Tibbetts syndrome, and still preach the leftist manifesto after you lose everything you love

why can ooga boogas only communicate in animated gifs?

> I see this as an absolute win meme.jpg

This is great. Not only did she wake up to the basic logic of "wait.. it's actually okay to be white. this meme is harmless"
but she's also learning the true meaning of "the left eats its own"

I expect to see a "walkaway" video from her in like 6 months or so.

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If I didn't pass for white I'd wear the fuck out of this shirt in solidarity with my white comrades oppressed by white guilt.

I think I might make some IOTBW shirts.

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Thats the logic they use...or the intersectional professors logic they were brainwashed into believing

>dying words from her father
>"I told you not to marry a fucking nigger"

This is a great example of how the female mind works. As the lines are drawn, you will see them start to try and slide back over to the winning side. When its all said and done, there won't be any doubt which side everyone is one. Women will always pick the winning side. Thats what they do

She has been defending herself from the Twitter mob for days now. She probably gotten so many DM death threats, but since it's coming from the left, she has no idea what to do, she is probably falling apart at the seems right now.
>Fucking glorious.

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Not Finnish. Am imigrant making mixed race kids with Finnish wife. Don't like ice hockey

The more that wear it the better, it sways even more.

Twitter is fucking bizarre with all the leftists. That's why these days I pretty much only post there pretending to be a leftist, and I try to be so off-putting that it repels people.

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Based and I'mgenuinelyconfusedpilled.

You are disgusting and should kill yourself

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so they just go insane and become zealots of their ideology

Why do you like ice hockey? USA suck

I thought the point was to showcase how much they hated white people, not necessarily to "shock and hurt"

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"White people are not systematically discriminated against"
Holy fuck do these retards actually believe this???

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We should make her /ourgirl/ OP
Agree, she has a receding hairline but some photoshop can fix that.

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As long as she thinks about why she was shocked/hurt to see the shirt, this doesn't seem bad.

>i believe that most of the people on the left and progressives can't get repilled
I used to be a liberal. But shit like this, exactly this, over and over and over.

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It is ok to be white but why would you want to be?

White people are weak and craven.
White people killed more white people than any other race.
White people started 2 world wars.
White people have build a glorious west only to relent to homofaggots, turbo sluts, kikey jews and mudslimes.
White people have abandoned god for material trickets.
White people love getting ass raped by satan.
White people are the most drugged up race.
White people have the most fat people.

sure it's ok to be white, but again I'm asking ,why the fuck would you want to be?

Unironically kill yourself, if I ever find you I'm gonna shove a hockey stick up your ass so far you'll be spitting out pucks
Fucking nigger go back to your country and make dirtcookies.
I hope you fall on some ice and chip a tooth then accidently inhale your tooth and it slices your throat open and you bleed internally.
Neck yourself faggot

i used to be a liberal too when i was younger, how times change


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Low effort trolling.

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>Mistaking Jews for whites.
Now everybody, repeat after me: Jews are not white

I aint no nog you 52% looser. Also not faggot, wife can confirm this.

It's Not Okay To Have Shitty Posture

Maybe this is phase 2? Sjw wear shirt. Get beat by niggers.

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Still working I guess. This retard saw the phrase "it's ok to be white" and immediately came to the conclusion that the phrase must be taken back from racists by pretending to agree with it. In reality she has taken a statement about there being nothing wrong with being white and turned it into "but what about X color people!" Literally the same thing black lives matter got pissed about when dumbasses started in on the "all lives matter" shit.

I am fucking fuming ryte now