Ireland 2019

This is a primary school (ages 5 to 11) in an Irish town. This is ethnic replacement.

Scum are attacking @gemmaod1 on twitter for telling the truth.

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Why couldn't that big asteroid end this clown world?

The irish have always been niggers

This is Dublin now. Cork, Limerick and Galway aren't far behind, and the Irish government are putting direct provision centres in the countryside for maximum diversity impact in the population.

1 million more are projected by 2030, and their birthrates soar while Ireland's native have voted for abortion and divorce and gay marriage... and a gay Indian is running the country and they slide deeper int the clutches oft he globalist EU's hands.

Poor old Ireland, she's dying.

Can't see the difference

But not that type of nigger

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the is what we mean by race replacement


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Dumb paddy bastards.

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See the refugee...


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What the hell are the parents of the remaining white kids in that school thinking? Everyone knows that you don't send white kids into dindu thunderdomes poorly disguised as "schools."

The IRA is a fucking joke. They wasted so much time about "muh counties" and meanwhile the EU took over Ireland, let in so many niggers that Ireland is now majority black, and even have a gay shitskin prime minister. Absolutely disgraceful.


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"White people suck, the future is black, Muslim, and gay."

Bump. Are these the new Irish the press talks about?

Leftist consider all black to be diverse

Lads, Is fisting based and redpilled, or is it gay and cringepilled?

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You found the one school that is probably in Dublin like that. gratz do0d

>This is Dublin
yeah see called it. Dublin is Jew infested.

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The Irish are the stupidest people on earth. They spent hundreds of years crying and fighting and blowing up children over the English, because they were different, now have literal terrorists and African shitlords invading your country, so what do you do? Make sure everything is halal, and be sure not to seem racist..

You dumb fucks are beyond saving.
Europe was so stubborn and refused to listen to us.
We were there to warn you.

Degenerate pilled. You gain nothing from the interaction

Yeah that's what I thought. Cheers!

Ireland was fending off invasions by the vikings and British. Regarding intelligence most Nobel winners are Irish Americans. You're delusional

Don't worry. Only the poos and whites will graduate.

traditionally, ginger ones tho


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Eh being willing to fight is a good thing. The bad propaganda only came from the UK winning the war from simply having 10x the population.

this is not the time for divide and conquer. what you're doing right now is the kind of thing kikes do.

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number 2 is quite a unit
i have no idea what number 6 is supposed to be
number 8 was up all last night doing a voodoo ritual
front row number 8's dad was a torturer in the rwandan genocide

It's the same in Scotland, general nationalist stance is 'everyone else is completely benevolent except England'. It's incredibly short sighted.

hell is empty and all the devils are here

That's the Sam McGuire trophy; the No. 1 football(peil) trophy in the world.

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We stopped the blacks coming with the referendum in 2004. And as you can see from pic related, blacks in Ireland have a negative growth rate.

They are leaving the country.

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Jesus H. Christ where is that? How can all those white parents be so bluepilled?

A freestate passport lets them go anywhere in the EU.

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Good thing Africans dont get passports here. Referendum 2004.

>other (including mixed background)
nice to see the leprechaun population rising again

Its probably Brits desu. You would be our biggest source of "mixed" people.

>voices concern for ireland’s ethnic cleansing
>bit yoo’ve got shite teeth ooh ah up the ra

>Mutts or Brits dont just try to lie and steal from everyone
Your "concern" is noted.


fuck this nigger bullshit. why do all european cultures have to be bastardized into literally America 2.0? Christian morality did this to us. Nietzsche and Schopenhauer warned us of this, as well as many others. FUCK white pathological empathy. FUCK reactionary apathy. It's time for whites to take back their countries and make all the niggers go home. It's still salvageable, but in a few generations, this will be completely normalized, like it is in America--it will just be accepted and seen as "the way things are." You guys, I'm scared. wtf can we do?

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Because normal people don’t care about color


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>Christian morality did this to us
Jews did. Churches were heavily racist in America's history.

you're an awkward little shite aren't you

Calm down, Muhammad.

Only metaphorical niggers. Now they are becoming literal niggers

Its just fucking laughable that a Brit would pretend that any other race of people were a bigger scourge on the planet. The Mongol hordes maybe have you beaten?

I just read replies on her twitter, so many internalized White racist in there.

I just don't get it...

How do we just start our own country? Where can we go to save our peoples?

that's because it's been culturally unacceptable to "care about color" for 2-3 generations. Our collective morality has placed racism at the center of all evil. Most people here aren't necessarily "racist," either, just racially aware, and generally have a preference for their own people.

>dindu thunderdomes
also fuck bongs and fuck jannies
stay out of Ireland reee

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The allies are being hoist on their "victory" in WWII. They believe their own lying wartime propaganda.

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uh huh, that a fact?

I think 95 percent of people care about how people act not color of the skin. It’s time to evolve user


>I just don't get it...
They're Jews pretending to be white. Dublin is full of 'em.

Yup, I rather be around a black person who is nice and hard working than some red neck white trash welfare queen. Vise versa by the way

why don't you try saying "whiter than you" my muttley friend

But what people of a certain color tend to act and behave in a certain unpleasant manner which is noticeable?

what on earth are you on about you stupid spudblood

why don't all the parents of the few remaining white children simply remove them from the school?

So majority of the population are Jewish? user... I don’t know what to say...

I would like to know the demographic composition of Ireland aka how many shitskins are around?

There are always exceptions to the rule, no dispute there.

Low income people do. Have you been around poor whites lol?

Spreading civilisation is not akin to rampaging mongol hordes set on destruction

Your history of gun violence and drug pushing done on an international scale. You make blacks look like amateurs.

You better not talk about Israel like that

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Overall I would just want to do away with lazy people. If you are lazy and need the government you should be fixed

Shatter was handing them out like confetti.

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I honestly don't care about Muslims/Indians etc. but why the fuck are niggers such creatures? They all have the exact same fucking hair, that's as animalistic as it gets. No diversity whatsoever.

Most forms of welfare should be done away with certainly.

>I honestly don't care about Muslims/Indians etc.
They do not belong in Ireland.

Germanics literally cleansed Rome's ethnicity AND religion. Do you have any fucking idea how old the Roman empire was? You were unironically living in huts during their reign.

What's red, white and black and floats upside down in the Lee?

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Exactly, I feel that race thing is important to a irrational population which humans are. That being said I am more tired of welfare queens and boomers who depend on social services

*stares you in british*


ok ya got me. i'm the entire personification of the united kingdom throughout history
you're still an awkward little shite though

Hey guys found a pic of IXuNLGFm

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A nigger Corkman caught telling Kerryman jokes.

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Well at the pace of things you won't have to wait relatively too long.

I see niggers of all different colors.

you probably ought not to look at dublin mosque user

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I hate Jews and the evil Talmud.

I don’t get it?

>I know that the British empire was violent and dealt drugs on a massive scale so I have no come back

No, this is hell. Think about it. Makes sense.

>I hate Jews and the evil Talmud.
What's your favorite bad verse from the Talmud

Spooky, my gosh how did the smart atheist Europeans fall to Islam? I’m being sarcastic of course

This is what happens when you are the EU's bitch

Only read parts, pretty much I hate the way it says that you can have sex with the goyim children

Research a verse and name it. Copy and Paste for all of us

The pace of decay in civilization. Rampant degeneracy and narcissism. Civilization is burning out.