Americans are Gods in human form

Americans are Gods in human form

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I'm so glad we get to have this thread for the 8 millionth time. Thanks OP.

He probably has to keep working to pay for his medical bill.

It's called freedom

>working minimum wage at 98

You do realize they pay him to literally just stand there and say hi to people coming in to the store. It's a Walmart Greeter. They hire disabled people and old people to chill by the entrance and greet people coming in and check receipts of people leaving with TVs and shit.


How is a one armed elderly man supposed to detain a shoplifter. Suppose someone loads a 48 inch TV into their cart then walks towards the exit. You think this old timer is going to be able to subdue a shoplifter?
Let's face it, this old man is a drain on the company. He's dead weight.

>old man would rather get out of the house and say hello to people than watch reruns of the price is right
>thinks may as well get paid rather than sit in the park for free

We really are it baffles me interacting with a person of color and there is literally no soul in them

Most casual shoplifters are more dissuaded by the thought of being caught rather than any consequnces of doing so

He's not, he's not "supposed" to accomplish anything. Greeters are just paid to give bored elderly people and disabled jobs, thats the point.

its really strange
i have a mexican friend, he listens to nothing but modern nigger rap. I tried to tell him that he should have more pride in his race and stop trying to emulate niggers so much and he just looked at me with a blank face, his IQ is pretty low

>detain a shoplifter
I don't think anyone working there is supposed to actually detain a shoplifter, unless you are a hired security guard or work is loss prevention.

It's pretty much just welfare for old people bro. This old guy doesn't want to just get a handout, so they give him a job because he's proud. Even though he doesn't actually do anything aside from sit in a chair and greet people, he feels like he's earning his paycheck.

I read that they do it to guilt trip potential shoplifters

Fucking sheep. Go pay your taxes goys.

Ebate covkace ebate.

This, they're just old and tired of retirement. Maybe their wife died or maybe they just want to get out of the house. Tons of people get bored and just want purpose. It's kind of cool that walmart has these kinds of positions for really old people and retards

Working is probably what kept him alive at 98.

>A retired senior citizen working to keep busy

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There's always an old mother fucker named Don working at walmart


filthy nazis/commies/degenerates shouldn't have invaded france

Store employees aren't legally allowed to detain anyone for any reason. Shoplifters get arrested thanks to security footage, not because the Walmart people greeter tackles and detains them.

3rd Worlders like macedonia and the dominican shitskin don't understand the concept of retiring or annuities, hence why their underage sister is out sucking dick for pennies.

Is this only in america?

Here in Germany we have Stores called "Cap" where EVERY employee is disabled or old. Ok at least 1 person is normal but its always the boss

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Fucking unit.
Dude probably has more energy than 90% of you depleted cucks on here.
And by energy I dont mean depression and sadism, I mean actual vitality.

I will say some Americans get simple jobs like that when they get older just so they have something to do everyday. I know quite a few people who could retire and have millions but they get some sales job because they just want to work.

Americans like to work, I know it OP pic seems weird but consider this a possibility.

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I love how in these threads everyone criticizes eachother while we're all sinking in the same boat.
"Haha, you're going to drown ten seconds before me!"

too bad he's wasting it by generating shekels for the eternal jew

Maybe, if its his free will to work for walmart. If not
its a little bit sad.

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They don't like to work, they just want to be around people

Wow lazy, he is just a greeter? Taking the easy road eh?

Freedom to work at minimum wage w*lmart instead of being a White aristocratic God under the Galactic Reich commanding space fleets with a harem of beautiful Aryan women?

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It's funny because euros are so work adverse they can't fathom that old folks would rather get a job than do nothing.

>old man doesnt want to sit in his house all day depressed
>gets off his ass even if his job is literally just not being on his ass
I know in slavshitholes you guys like to sit around in circles and just drink vodka and starve, but here in the US we like to at least contribute something if we plan on earning anything.
>gypsy calling anyone out about jewry

Get a job commie nigger

>t. Lazy shit

Oh good someone else who understands why the white race will never work together
I thought I was the only one
>tfw we hate each other so much we gleefully laugh at our own demise as long as our brother-enemies die first

>I can't generate shekels for the eternal jew because my economy is non-existent and will always live in eternal poverty
You sure took the high road on this one XkikeslayerX

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Well working is doing something. It's not just sitting there and rotting away.

Yeah companies will actually fire you if you resist being robbed nowadays.

Shut up retard

human interaction keeps people alive

>It's called freedom

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Not a single human on this planet is free. Our education just got good at telling us we are

He doesn't have to work. He gets social security. The man chooses to because it gives him something to wake up for every day. He gets to interact and be part of a team.

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Do you know what the Aberration of light is? Or what an arcsecond, quantum gravity, E8 polytope, and blackbody radiation is?

Don’t you have insects to eat bugman?

you guys are spouting bullshit. ive worked at walmart plenty before and NONE od the greeters were there because they "liked the work" or "wanted the socialization"

in fact, they are there because they NEED THE MONEY and need to qualify for some form of health insurance that isn't nigger tier while not having to lift heavy metals objects and rivet them together or have a stroke in front of a hot grill at 70+ years old

in the last few months walmart has actually completely REMOVED greeter positions to great concern of many of the elderly folk that work at the walmart near me because they are goig to obviously lose job security. WALMART KNOWS THEY ARE DEAD-WEIGHT.

seeing people pretend that others have to put up with the soul-sucking corporate that walmart puts you through and then see people spout such misiniformation about how not-fucked it is makes what Tarrant did COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED

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Better than being bored at the retirement home I guess.

I see your anecdotal evidence and raise it with my own that literally every old person that I knew that retired either quickly returned to work out of boredom or died within a few years because they lost their sense of purpose and gave up.

Only store security is supposed to detain shoplifters. Employees are told not to touch shoplifters.
Anyway, the guy is 98 years old. Most of his friends are dead for decades and he probably can't do many hobbies. Him getting to go out of the house for a few hours a week to greet people is probably the highlight of his week and the best social outlet he gets anymore. At his age, he's got about the best situation imaginable.

>coping min wage nigger

>Fuck higher education, an sheeit, right dawg? Who needs da whyte man's science?

My grandma still works at a store even though shes old as fuck and doesn't have to. Taking breaks with coworkers, interacting with customers and carrying around light goods helps to keep them young. All the old people go to the casino together on weekends.

It's something enjoy other than sitting around and binge watching Nancy Grace for 14 hours a day, starting at a portrait of their dead spouse. A neet faggot like you wouldn't understand

>complete non sequitur

They start at $11/hr with a 1k sign on bonus.
That guys is probably making 12-13 just saying hi to people.

do you really think some fuker who is in his 70s is gonna want to admit to you he is finacially fucked to the point he has to go to walkmart and stand at the door for his social interaction rather than go to weekly fucking bingo or some shit?
there is plenty of "purpose" at weekly bingo for Earl and Delores.

Good for you, minimum wage is fine for the lower IQ individuals who cannot raise their professional worth through study. A man has to know his limitations, after all.

>1k sign on bonus.
literally dosen't exist

Were you an orphan? Did you not have a family? Have you never spoken to your grandparents?

If security net was a way to screw over the Goyim, then ask yourself why Israel got free healthcare and state pensions? We did a number on you Mutts, made you throw out your old in the street and then we laugh as they work themselves to death, just like we laughed at this German soldier coming back from west front

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none of these people needed.

>2 retarded non sequiturs in a row
go for the hay trick

Most of them don't meet the productivity of even a minimum wage box carrier. The store manager is actually doing them a solid by allowing them to just stand at the front and pass out stickers. It's easy to mock it at face value but all the elderly people are on social security and don't need to work for money or medical. They do it because they like it

That's their kid menu

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should pay more to the guys unpacking good onto shelves or ringing up your shit at the checkout faster more instead of tell them to work faster for the same pay that some other dead-weight fuck gets paid but nope youll just get bitched at to work faster while the other half the store does nothing and banks off of the half doing actual fucking work

Look in his face and deep in his eyes.
Its an 98 year-old man who is still alive and made it until here. He lost many of his friends and even his left arm (i hope hes a right-hander)
He went through so much pain but hes still standing there and smiles.

This somehow motivates me.


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Oy that burger doesn't look kosher

98, he's probably a ww2 vet. he'll probably tackle them to the ground.

>his left arm (i hope hes a right-hander)
European education, everyone.

Ah so you were a stock nigger who's ass blasted he didn't get 15/hour for doing one of the most unskilled jobs that exists

You're right, and I thought the merchant was just being a dick, maybe he really meant what he said eh?

Where’d his arm go? Sneaky old man is trying to trick us

You actually had to learn that in school? I learnt which was my shekel grubbing hand at 1

It's Walmart, if you late for your shift they chop it off

ah, yes, so you're a boomer who thinks that some of the jobs that have to be performed by someone no matter what for our world to function should pay sociopath-tier wages just because "its not skilled".
hopefully one of the starving rats you try to justify the creation of eats you alive.

In all fairness, he may want to work. I’m not some corporate bootlicker, but this may actually be the case. My grandma worked at at Sears until she was 80. Then she quit her job because of management changes. She went from a spry, on her toes, independent grandma who loved seeing her coworkers, regular customers, driving to work, etc., to being in a home barely a year later. Her change was like turning off a light switch. That bullshit, retail job kept her active, gave her purpose, let her have lots of human interaction/friends, all while earning some money. I think she could have kept it up at least five more years but she decided not to.

It’s possible this scenario may not be the case and maybe the 98 year old is doing it because he needs money, but you don’t really know.

I have to work my ass off and throw two departments worth of freight because this fucking dude can't even do one.

they already automate cashiers and unloading a truck will easily be automated. You can't automate a friendly front door greeter.

You never know the taste of freedom you lazy Macedonian kike, until you work for minimum wage when your 98 years old and everybody you know is dead God Bless America.

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>ah, yes, so you're a boomer
No I'm just not a literal retard that thinks they should get more just because. Stop being "overnight replaceable" and you'll earn more you worthless fuck.

your grandma could have gone out to a park or something besides sit at home OR go work at fucking walmart but i guess she preferred to pity-party until she wasted away
nobody to blame but herself
OR she was actually that fucking old dude.. people cant go forever

You can say that about all the female employees aswell

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That's not his job you lazy nigger, get back to work

Of course he wants to be there. I'm sure that at 98 his spouse is long gone and his retarded boomer kids are waiting for him to die. I wouldn't want to sit around the old folks home waiting for LaQuish'a to pillow me to death either.

>Happy birthday Don. Miss another payment and we take the other arm.

you can even get a better version of it

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you can't go to the park for 6 hours every day you neet faggot

but you can competely remove the position as my local walmart already did. its a recent company news thing from a few mohts ago. Sam himself made the greeter position a thing decades ago and THIS YEAR they are REMOVING ALL GREETER POSITIONS
and the dead-weight old fucks working at walmart are worried. a couple of the people around the walmart here are worried they lose their jobs nobody else will hire them and they are then on the street because they have no friends and family anymore

N-netherlands... Is it wrong that I want to lick you?

"hurr durrr low skilled jobs should be shit even thought without them civilization would grind to a halt in a matter of hours"
die already you fucking jew boomer nigger faggot

That a result of Amazon automating the entire shopping pipeline.

thats literally one example shitlord. use your goddamn pea-brain or fuck off.

>Commies will think this guy is working at Walmart because he needs to, and not to socialize with people while also doing something to past the time

fact. a job gives them a sense of purpose because it pays them and they've been hard coded their entire lives to associate being paid with having a purpose. fact.

So fucked up that this is the fate that awaits us all lmao