Last one ded
I'm making a version with the Branches connected.
make europe a forest again
Also, what should be the colors of the eco fascism? Green, white, and black seem to be the consensus, but I've also seen Red and Brown.
But once self-propagating systems have attained global scale, two crucial differences emerge. The first difference is in the number of individuals from among which the "fittest" are selected. Self-prop systems sufficiently big and powerful to be plausible contenders for global dominance will probably number in the dozens, or possibly in the hundreds; they certainly will not number in the millions. With so few individuals from among which to select the "fittest," it seems safe to say that the process of natural selection will be inefficient in promoting the fitness for survival of the dominant global self-prop systems. It should also be noted that among biological organisms, species that consist of a relatively small number of large individuals are more vulnerable to extinction than species that consist of a large number of small individuals. Though the analogy between biological organisms and self-propagating systems of human beings is far from perfect, still the prospect for viability of a world-system based on the dominance of a few global self-prop systems does not look encouraging.
The second difference is that in the absence of rapid, worldwide transportation and communication, the breakdown or the destructive action of a small-scale self-prop system has only local repercussions. Outside the limited zone where such a self-prop system has been active there will be other self-prop systems among which the process of evolution through natural selection will continue. But where rapid, worldwide transportation and communication have led to the emergence of global self-prop systems, the breakdown or the destructive action of any one such system can shake the whole world-system. Consequently, in the process of trial and error that is evolution through natural selection, it is highly probable that after only a relatively small number of "trials" resulting in "errors," the world-system will break down or will be so severely disrupted that none of the world's larger or more complex self-prop systems will be able to survive. Thus, for such self-prop systems, the trial-and-error process comes to an end; evolution through natural selection cannot continue long enough to create global self-prop systems possessing the subtle and sophisticated mechanisms that prevent destructive internal competition within complex biological organisms.
Meanwhile, fierce competition among global self-prop systems will have led to such drastic and rapid alterations in the Earth's climate, the composition of its atmosphere, the chemistry of its oceans, and so forth, that the effect on the biosphere will be devastating. In Part IV of the present chapter we will carry this line of inquiry further: We will argue that if the development of the technological world-system is allowed to proceed to its logical conclusion, then in all probability the Earth will be left a dead planet-a planet on which nothing will remain alive except, maybe, some of the simplest organisms-certain bacteria, algae, etc.-that are capable of surviving under extreme conditions.
The theory we've outlined here provides a plausible explanation for the so-called Fermi Paradox. It is believed that there should be numerous planets on which technologically advanced civilizations have evolved, and which are not so remote from us that we could not by this time have detected their radio transmissions. The Fermi Paradox consists in the fact that our astronomers have never yet been able to detect any radio signals that seem to have originated from an intelligent extraterrestrial source.
According to Ray Kurzweil, one common explanation of the Fermi Paradox is "that a civilization may obliterate itself once it reaches radio capability." Kurzweil continues: "This explanation might be acceptable if we were talking about only a few such civilizations, but [if such civilizations have been numerous], it is not credible to believe that every one of them destroyed itself" Kurzweil would be right if the self-destruction of a civilization were merely a matter of chance. But there is nothing implausible about the foregoing explanation of the Fermi Paradox if there is a process common to all technologically advanced civilizations that consistently leads them to self-destruction. Here we've been arguing that there is such a process.
Last time I saw facism was in Berkeley.
Wasn't Milo's speech in Berkeley?
more like eco fagism
Techno-Fascism is the future you retard
If you think that you can stem the tide of technological innovation and progress, you will end up like every single primitive 3rd world culture that was violently crushed by the white man
And Ted Kaczynski was a schizophrenic retard who thought living in a shack mailing bombs to random people would save the world from ebil technology
Based and TED pilled.
Maybe he didn’t think it would work. Maybe he knew that, no matter what he could’ve said, resistance against the rest of America striving forward in technology would’ve been pointless.
Eco-Fascism isn't about the total rejection of technology, it's about restoring, securing, expanding, and protecting the balanced connection between a people and nature, be it their nature as a group, or the nature that is the environment they come from.
His whole ideology (along with every single luddite ever) is predicated on the belief that human society will simply throw away 12000 years of civilization so that we can live a """happier"""" simple life of hunting and gathering, which would also require the death of 99.9% of Earths population to die and the complete dismantlement of every single piece of potentially hazardous infrastructure that could pollute the Earth or blow up if not maintained.
And all of this requires that this batshit retarded idea could ever even have the ingredients to get started, let alone work.
>stem the tide of technological innovation and progress
No we don't think we can. However, because a thing is inevitable doesn't mean it's good. Your delusions of being the enlightened civilized man of invention and big brains is foolish, because all you truly are is another bugman consumer that is paralyzed. Your support for the system stems from your dependence of the system. You would die in a few days if things went down. As would most if not all 'civilized' humans.
Will the technological system need you in the future? You should hope it does. Realize your role as an expendable cog in a larger machinery and admit that there will come a day when you and people you love are no longer needed.
>every single primitive 3rd world culture that was violently crushed by the white man
Primitive tribes still exist all around the world. They will survive almost anything. Even the Sentinelese survived the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004.
I’m saying that he didn’t believe that mankind WOULD throw away 1200 years of evolution. This is probably why he hid out in the woods sending bombs to people.
This is overly reductionist nonsense. "You want to throw away 12000 years of civilization" is a strawman to avoid addressing the considerations of unsustainable modern life and technology that necessitate a position like ecofascism to survive. Plenty of technologically inferior cultures continue to survive and even thrive in the present world. Furthermore, ecofascism is not even advocating dismantling of all technology. No one can escape the eventual negative consequences of environmentally destructive capitalism except through death. Preserving what's left is a superior choice to letting the destruction continue for the benefit of those destroying.
oh no
Exactly this. The counter-arguments are extremely poor. We have serious problems, and those problems are at the very foundation of our tech-industrial system.
Maybe if we ignore the problems they will go away. Or maybe the magic science priests will at the last minute come up with a solution and everyone will live happy ever after.
Sounds like it has little to do with fascism or anything that is a major problem with modern society.
Our fundamental disassociation from nature and our natural communities is what is wrong with modern society, and that disassociation is the deliberate product of technology and industry.
I just finished Jacque Ellul's The Technological Society and I'm not sure if it is on the reading list or whatever but I highly recommend this book. It isn't necessarily primitivist and it has nothing to do with ecology, but it does speak at length to the rise of technique and technology. Central to his thesis is the notion that more and more areas of our lives are becoming exponentially treated by technique, made more consonant with the technical whole of our civilization.
This is to say, the technification of the workplace and economy necessitated the rise of techniques of persuasion and social control. Consider the mass of advertisement and propaganda in entertainment media whose sole purpose is to habituate us to and normalize the absurdities, crudities and discomforts of modern life. The sum is a deterritorialized, deracinated people, a mass of empty vessels into whom work can be poured and capital extracted.
I am still in the process of incorporating his thought into my greater system of ideas and maybe my summary is insufficient. Also he was a Christian anarchist. Still a good read, connected some previously disparate dots for me.
>transcendental truth and strict purpose for society have little to do with fascism
>Our fundamental disassociation from nature and our natural communities is what is wrong
I am actually working on a treatise elaborating this argument. It is slow going. I want to be as sharp and convincing as possible. I am trying to anticipate fully the amount of nihilism most people hold within them faced with essential questions. Been doing a lot of reading.
Great post fren.
Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo. Maybe.
Also are you aware of the meaning of that Rune? The double Hagal, Veneris..
>Philosopher's Stone
Thanks man, I am glad of these threads. I've been pretty engrossed in questions regarding technology and mass society etc for a while now. Been trying to work out a more complete philosophy around these questions. I've read Linkola and Devi and Ted (as well as several seemingly unrelated theorists who I think are also important) and I really appreciate them but I feel like something is missing or sometimes their arguments fall flat with me.
I was curious as to why you would use it.
The Veneris Rune is the Rune of Venus, Venu-ris. The Rune of Completion.
It is also the the Rune of Aquarius.
Whereas the Haegl-Rune represents the union of HE/SHE, this one goes beyond, through the 'Black Hole' (Void) where is seen the burst of the Green Ray. 'Pierced' through with this Green Ray this rune is the Rune of Completion where the Initiate is 'reborn' with the Absolute I, just as his SHE is reborn the same. They are united but separated.