What's your stance on legalizing prostitution?

What's your stance on legalizing prostitution?

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btw prostitution is legal in islam and in muslim countries you can rent a woman online

Here it's LEGAL to sell sex for women, but illegal for men to buy


Anyone who thinks that prostitutes enjoy what they do is fucking deluded.
Most of them do it because of drug addiction or because the economy is shit and they're trying to get money to feed their children.
Prostitution is a symptom of a dying society.

I assume it's because of pimps owning some of them. If they are forced to sell themselves they won't be punished by government.

Spend almost my last money to cum inside of a mid 20 thai hooker. I'm addicted and can't wait until I get my money and visit her again. I paid 20€ extra to fuck her without a condom. She wanted 50€ extra which was way too expensive. Also licked her asshole.

Good. They'll pay taxes and stop living life on easy mode.

legal to fuck non-muslims.

Noice. No pee play?

Get in the volcano

When whores, drug addicts and pimps start to come out of the shadows of the back alley, this destroys society. Thankfully, people are allowed to form groups based on their common culture and morality and pass legislation to outlaw these things and enforce these laws at penalty of freedom.

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No. She looked at me in disgust after I came deep inside of her. I also licked her armpit in missionary position. Maybe that's one of the reasons.

I am against it, we have it and there are 400,000 prostitutes (full and part time) in Germany now. Most of them from Eastern Europe. It is mostly low class foreigners who use the brothels and the areas with them attract criminals, drug addicts and are generally filthy and dirty and smell.

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It should be legal as I would like to call the cops when there is a pay dispute.
>she wouldn't get out of my car unless I pay her extra.
>I paid as I didn't dig a grave before

It's actually an overall good thing for the morals of society, because putting a pricetag on pussy prevents women from acting like it's priceless. This forces holes to behave themselves knowing that if they act shitty enough men would prefer just paying a whore over dealing with their bullshit.

This is why prostitution was legal in many medieval christian times.

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I support it. People are always scolding me to "have sex," so it's either gonna be prostitutes or rape.

It already is legal and all women are whores.

>prostitution illegal
>porn legal
They really don’t want anyone having fun, huh?
I bet most of our congressmen have had their fair share of $10 blowies tho.

where the fuck do you get those old style bills? so much more aesthetic than the nonsense we have now. i understand its due to illegal bill printing, but they oculd at least make the bills look good

it should be legal

In western Europe almost all girls do it of their own free will (to make money).
In Norway the average price for 1 hour is 200 euros (do the math) - in this hour maybe only 15 minutes will be actual sex. Not a bad pay for 15 minutes.

The law is because they say women are being exploited yes.... but who is really being exploited? Lonely, horny men. But who cares about them? No one.

who the fuck cares if prostitutes enjoy what they do or not?

There's sure no hypocrisy in your laws. Look up who pushed for it, I'm 100% it was a womyn

I hate my job too

think about this. the difference legally between those is the presence of a camera. you don't ask a prostitute to fuck for money, you ask them to perform on camera with you. have em sign a thing giving you full rights to the footage. if they say no, it's a cop in a sting.

I guarantee you most of our congressmen have literal hypnotized MkUltra sex slaves.

so ""she"" had a dick?

you could say that about about 40% of the employed.
>and then for no reason at all the socialists won.

>I guarantee you most of our congressmen ARE literal hypnotized MkUltra sex slaves.

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She was legit female. I've fucked enough ladyboys to spot the difference.

>I've fucked enough ladyboys to spot the difference.

It's already legal. They call it dating. You trade goods and services for access to pussy.

I fuck girls like that for free and basically all of you are hairy palmed faggots click here to find out more

That’s a man isn’t it

>I've fucked enough ladyboys to spot the difference

I don't even doubt it Günther

Death penalty. Same for people who fuck outside of marriage. Whores don't exist in a vacuum.

Dolls should be a constitutional right and artificial wombs need to be developed. It's the Final Solution to the WQ.

It's only gay if you're a faggot that doesn't have the guts to fuck them irl. I only fuck feminine ones though.

Tell me that you wouldn't fuck pic related. Visited her twice. 50€ bareback fuck. Came deep in her ass both times.

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Wish it were legal so I can lose my v.

I support the twerking class.

>I paid 20€ extra to fuck her without a condom. She wanted 50€ extra which was way too expensive. Also licked her asshole.


But I want to do it too ;-;

it is legal
it's called marriage

I got bad news for you hans...

you're alright, kraut

Well it seems that throughout time some level of prostitution as been present in all societies, so although it shouldn't be celebrated or nomal or in the daylight for everyone to see it does serve some function in society

legal prostitution will finally put an overt cost on pussy, redpilling at least some men of the true value of their slavery

make it legal and tax the shit out of it. Gender pay gap is real except its in other direction with women making way more than men for same jobs. Show me a single dude charging $2k for one hour of sex on video. How about on webcam sites. These whores easily bring in $1000 per day while men no where near that amount. #CLOSEpayGAPnow

Nailed it.

Fuck yes it should be legal because I am old and sick of dealing with women, but not sick of fucking them.

Thinking about just making an arrangement with some schoolteacher or the girl who works at the coffee shop.

Prussian scum.

Seeking Arrangement dot com.

you licked a prostitute's asshole?

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What's your stance on shutting the fuck up faggot ?

Most P4P-legalization plans are bullshit since they outlaw pimping and trafficking and most worthwhile types of venues. I support keeping it untaxed and unregulated.

Sauce on this whore

If you've read that post all your loved ones will die unless you reply and say "ORANGE MAN BAD"

All unmarried Women should be available for sale for marriage.

>Also licked her asshole.
>She was legit female. I've fucked enough ladyboys to spot the difference.

I used to like germany and culture all that jazz, but do it again bomber harris.

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Her body, her choice

prostitution is already legal via porn

I bet you're also fantasising about eating her poop.

We need street walkers in vegas there all gone now

It's the Lesser evil argument, but it os true.

I tongue punched around 40 hooker assholes. It's my fetish.

I'm not even a bit into scat. I'm lucky that not a single one had poop on her asshole.

Did his butt taste like sweaty ballsack?

I still see them on the strip and in the casinos. Just don't see them on Fremont St anymore. Not much of a loss, was never that great of a scene to begin with. As far as gaming towns go, Macau does it a lot better, saunas/spas like Sanado, Rio, 18, etc are fucking amazing. Wish something like that could be built in LV.
I've licked a few asses in termas like 4x4, Monte Carlo, Centaurus, etc in your country. Good times. Would do again.

You should go here. Can knock out like 10 hookers per day. Best street in the world.

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I listened to some NPR podcast or something snippet. They asked a panel of hookers decriminalization or legalization, they all said decriminalization because they were afraid taxes,health checks, licences, etc would cut too much into what they could make. The next question was what can governments do to help hookers and all their suggestions involved using tax dollars.

Should be licensed, health inspected and legal. You should demand to see her whore permit before conducting transactions.

A fuck is 1000 baht iirc. That's 20€. Add flight, hotel, food etc. and it's not cheaper than fucking a hooker every other week here for 50€. I did the math.

Yeah if your budget is only 100€/mo, then you are prolly better off staying put. I just find my experiences are much more fulfilling in LOS. Have only ever tried FKK's in Germany, wasn't a fan honestly. Any recommendations?

Don't care, mandatory checkups.


>Anyone who thinks that prostitutes enjoy what they do is fucking deluded.

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I know a few dudes who are excellent examples of why prostitution should be legal

I fuck for around 200 a month. Once a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Acts between two consenting adults in their own private domicile that don't infringe on the rights of others should not be criminalized. Making prostitution illegal just makes things more dangerous for everyone involved including the prostitute, the john, and even police. If prostitution is legal and licensed then it is easier to know if a prostitute is being trafficked. If prostitution is legalized it is more difficult for a prostitute to rip off a john, causing potential retaliation. If prostitution is legalized then prostitutes and johns can be required to perform screenings to ensure they do not have sexually transmitted diseases, preventing the spread.

personal i think that we as a society have this thread entirely too often.

Nice, Wish prices were so cheap everywhere. Payed $500 this weekend.

You should only be able to buy women as owned property. Rentals l am against.

I guess every society has been dying then since the dawn of man.

It IS legal. Retard

It isn't legal in most of the world. Even in the places where it is legal it's often only legal to sell and not to buy. Even in Australia brothels aren't legal everywhere.

America is of course fucking retarded and a rip-off where strippers are expensive and actual whores that are better looking in TJ are cheaper.

I feel America wants people to be frustrated by making porn ubiquitous, and there are dozens of monetization schemes for women teasing you, but paying for the real deal is a no go.

And of course all these politicians fuck escorts while promoting “family values”. This country is basically a scam from top to bottom.


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>I also licked her armpit in missionary position.

are you japanese?
And why don't you fuck romanian cuties?

legalize it. only feminists who want to divorce rape men want it illegal. don't give me the tradcuck degeneracy whining either.


>A fuck is 1000 baht iirc. That's 20€. Add flight, hotel, food etc. and it's not cheaper than fucking a hooker every other week here for 50€. I did the math.

Guruji!! This. I believe you are actually a serious hobbyist.

Any tips for newbies like me. You should checkout Bogota Santa Fe if you are into Latin women. Its the best with Venezuelan refugee girls.

>Payed $500 this weekend.

cuck! After visiting LatAm, I am always amazed by the fact that Evangelical men have successfully managed to cut their own balls.

legalize it but make it so if anyone is a prostitute is MUST be known to their future wife/husband if they're to get married and mandatory prenups

Marriage is a form of longterm legalized prostitution that involves a contract and sex

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>carrying about what women want


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Where did you go? Nevada?

>This forces holes to behave themselves knowing that if they act shitty enough men would prefer just paying a whore over dealing with their bullshit.

I would like to see some proof on this. Germany and LatAm has legal prostitution. Does that mean their women act better?

With all of my experience all I can say is that WGs behave better where its legalized.

>implying marriage isn't prostitution as well

Legal prostitution is fine. It's the woman's free choice to do that.

Illegal prostitution, like through working for a pimp as a hoe, is bad.

Having more sexual partners decreases your chance for a successful marriage.

Unironically genocide chads and stacys.