Niggers leaving babies

How come black males always leave their children? As a father of a 10 month old son I could never leave my kid and live on. It really breaks my heart seening these getting treated this way. They can grow up to be wonderful people yet parents foster them to animals. My son is already an amazing person when I ask him to give me something he is holding that he shouldn't be holding he will crawl to me and give it. Fucking wonderful, he loves me and I love him. How can niggers just walk out on their babies or treat them like a job.

And don't get me wrong I hate niggers more than anything but I can't understand why they can't take care of their own. A son needs a father to look up to.

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Setting up franchises


The baby mama’s chase them away. The “I don’t need no man,” mantra has been drilled into them so at the first disagreement an argument occurs, the cops get called and “he done attacked me!”

After about two brushes with the cops the baby daddy leaves to avoid jail.

Or it is a calculated decisions to get more welfare. The democrats have used the US welfare system to destroy the black family.

But no matter what the fucking goverment says or do I would fight to the death, or spend 30 years in jail just to keep in touch with my son. These apes leaves them like nothing and just move on to breed more an repeat. Don't fucking blame the white man or the system for this, they have no fucking feelings.

If you let the goverment control you and then you blame them for their actions you are just as dumb as the sub-human niggers in Africa. Everyone does what they want but if you do not do the right things to get there you have noone to blame but yourself.

>The baby mama’s chase them away. The “I don’t need no man,” mantra has been drilled into them so at the first disagreement an argument occurs, the cops get called and “he done attacked me!”
Salty niggcel detected. The simple fact is that male niggers are useless wastes of space and black girls would rather abort your babies thanks to Planned Parenthood even if you manage to rape a black girl.
When smart black women wants a baby they get a white donor, they are deeply happy with a baby fathered by a white man and will not even press for alimony because her baby has good hair and beautiful green eyes.

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If you had the guts to call me a nigger to my face I would bash your head into the pavement until you started convulsing, little bitch.

I usually call her a nigger when I cum inside her.

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to be honest, user, that's what red pulled me on blacks. When I had my son I realized I never knew what true love was. I would easily die or kill for him. The sun rises and sets on his smile. And to think that 71% of American negroes completely abandon their own kids: well, that's all you need to know to realize that niggers just aren't human.

r/K selection

Come to Sweden and I'll call you a nigger over and over again you little sub-human with 80 IQ. You think every Swede is some weak fuck? I would punch you until you make that gurgle sound from swalloing your own tounge, and after this you will call me a psycho and call the police but I won't let you, I will make you my fucking slave you fucking nigger. I live in Malmö, please visit here.

Niggers are not human simple as

that was funny when I read it with a faggy British accent


Attached: Nigs wif chilldin.webm (264x480, 2.69M)


Same reason chimps leave babies, nignogs are so primitive socially that mom is all thats needed to ensure a subhuman savage can reach age 13 and rape a teen sheboon or adult before it dies.

Same here man, I hate the world before I got my son. Now I can't even think of doing something crazy like NZ. I will never in my life lose my son for something I've done. I would hands down die for him in a second no matter what. And yes niggers are so fucking awful but I just don't understand the logic behind it, I want to know what mindset they have when they decide these things and how they can live with themself.

This pisses me off so much. Anyone hurting children should be fucking executed.

You are an nigger though. Why confront reality with anger?

Not your fault you are a nigger, it just be like it do.

Have sex

Make sure he has correct tongue posture (mewing) and does a sport so he can turn into a high t beast to mog niggers and arabs

I can't watch this. I hope that person dies. Skinned alive.

Based and fatherpilled. The world needs more fathers and less niggers. Who knows what the fuck goes on in the simple mind of a nigger, probably not capable of emphaty.

FUCKING SUB-HUMANS what the fuck have these kids ever done to deserve this.

I’ve got your back brother
>nice trips

Nogs dont feel familial love they literally see women are dick pleasers and nothing more, a niglet spawned from the vagina is not their concern.

I’ve got your back brother
>nice trips

why? It's a nigger baby let it rot

Trips of truth

Sorry to break it to yeah but niggers are rabbits.

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They have no empathy. which is why they do this.

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I have a kid, obviously I've had sex. And before I became a father I was a partying idiot who slept with tons of girls. Stupid virgin thinking sex will solve any problem. Ape jew.

Nothing in the world makes me more angry than these kind of videos.

Are you sure it's your kid?

I wish I could find a woman worth making into a mother. American women are all whores, not fit to look after a cactus. Let alone a human child.

>it is a calculated decisions to get more welfare. The democrats have used the US welfare system to destroy the black family.
And to push feminism and the destruction of the nuclear family on top of how race mixed individuals are easier to control.

Please please make sure he mews

Nigguh i just needud get it wet wit Stank


It is a wide variety of issues, I think the three most common reasons are:
>The father died
>The father is in jail
>The mother is such a skank that she legitimately has no idea who the father is

You dont say a thing when a dog bites its pup so shut up you empathetic cuck.

Don't be a nigger, that child is innocent.

my white trash cousin had 2 kids he would not acknowledge for over 20 years then for some odd reason once they were over 18 he started calling them his kids and acting like a half ass dad. i guess since he didn't have to pay child support it was ok.

it's not just blacks and you know it.

Because the nigglets are better off without them.

>we hate niggers for acting like nigger.
>proceeds to show us why we hate them.

I have a friends in Malmö, I would love to pay you a visit. I've been practicing BJJ for 5 years and I'm 6'2, I would probably kill you with one single punch. You don't stand a chance, little bitch.

Niggers are cursed

Great post user, Niggers don't deserve shit within our nation.

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My father left me.

Niggers have no nuclear family naturally to begin with, single moms are off the charts in Apefrica.

Because they are savages unironically. The father abandoning his kids is what happens in nature, that's why Africa is matriarchical since women are sort of the anchors of the family and everybody is raised by women. It's such a paradox too because nogs have a strong racial identity but no family cohesion whatsoever.

Thanks for the baby-whitepill btw. Make more of them.

Have sex

White boy like them sistuhs

This is what they are. This is a small glance into their lives. Every time someone says "all one race" or "socioeconomic factors" or "whites are racist" remember this webm. Remember this nigger did this and loved it so fucking much they uploaded it to the internet. Let the truth right here in front of you destroy any illusions you may have.

Never let them take care of your kids.

Attached: Black child care.webm (640x480, 1.37M)

Based, redpilled and gets.

>have friends
Typical jungle savage cant fight fairly for shit, this is why people need to shoot you things when you get violent.

No nigger is innocent, no matter if it's a child

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The psycho smiles niggers have on their face when they hit their children show also clue you in something is wrong with them mentally.

Wow you have been practicing a sport for 5 years? I had to change schools 11 times before college because I was in too many fights with students and teachers, I've played rugby for 11 years and been a boxer for 7 years. I don't care if you are 6'2 I am 5'11 and I would break your face in places you didn't think were possible. Act like an animal get beaten like one, also name your friends and I'll give them a lesson they can pass forward to you.

Get gassed, jude.

Thanks my Swebros

Nah lmao, you'd need the balls to say it to the apes face irl or you're just a low T keyboard warrior. Just like you should punch nogs when they insult you for whitey or cracker

Family values are non-existent in niggerland USA.

Plus, niggs leave cause they're mostly lazy motherfuckers who likely came from a broken home themselves, never met, or don't even know who their father is, were raised by women, and therefore are just repeating the behaviors they have been raised with since they were children.

Not all black men are like this though, I know a few that are good guys, married, good fathers, and so on. By they are not the majority.

Even if you treat niggers like the animals they are, animal cruelty is reserved for the Chinese. It's beneath us!

IQ correlates with empathy. Low IQ whites are hardly different than niggers - we just have lower percentages of them. Make no mistake - the entire human race needs to be purposefully improved. Whites are better than blacks... but the margin is not nearly comfortable enough friend.

Domestic abuse is common in nogs brothers beating up sisters, older sisters abusing their younger sibllings, mammy abusing her kids, and of course the rare daddy beating the shit out of mommy. I think even the grandparents get in on the bloodshed.

Whats wrong with treating animals like animals. They don't have any value anyways accept of their women getting raped and being used as slaves

I would never let a nigger take care of my son, I am very worried about kindergarden because there are so many arab kids who love to pick on white kids. In my head I am already beating up their parents..

holy shit BASED sweed with trips attached
this post was as refreshing as swimming in Nestea

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The good black dudes get cuckolded by nogs who abandon their kids, nigs are simply a subhuman race to the point even their intelligent women will choose wild beast over civilized men to breed with.

“If you say I’m a violent animal - I’ll attack you like a violent animal.” -t. Violent Animal Jr.

That's a shame user, I hope you do well.

Based Arab

The difference between niggers and most animals is because niggers get pleasure from hurting others they are literally evil savages so torturing them is perfectly fine.

thats not even her baby. She'd be leaking out of her other tit if she was actually feeding him

meet and jack off together. you know you want to


why would you get mad over how niggers handle their niggerspawn? those little shits are not human, they will grow up to be niggers, just laugh and work on saving your poor country bro

Lmao you think you are though because you have been beating swedcucks in high school? Dont make me laugh you delusional manlet, you would be dead before your head hits the pavement. And I'll be coming for your parents and your siblings next.

>stooping to their level
user I...

This makes my blood fucking boil.

Dogs are retarded and can be trained to not bite.

Black men associate being an “alpha” male as someone who is rude and disrespectful to others.

This one race also cant see what wrong with a culture based on impulsive violent crime, blacks are evil beast that shouldnt be shown any mercy or empathy they should be killed or beaten over anything even looking at you.
Canids get no pleasure from violence dumbass they have very different brains from primates you fucking retard.

>how do you know God is a black man?
10 trillion kids and ain’t none of them knows what he looks like.

Based and satanpilled

>it's not just blacks and you know it.
K/r selection is still a thing fag, regardless of race.
Doesnt make the "hashtag not all" thing correct at all.

There's no reason to have empathy with niggers whatsoever, no matter if that comes over primal or not. LOL like certain primal things aren't good like being protective or asserting dominance

Ur son is gonna be proud of his racist father

I hope those people are tortured by prisioners during their incarceration.

Dogs have more restraint than niggers, a corrective nip or swat is natural for an animal. Dropping a baby on purpose onto a hard floor and punching it is just filthy sub-human sadism you sick freak.

Found the nigger

Why are you fighting with your Muslim brother?

>He made this thread just so he could brag about having a child

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Nigger Ill have you strung up upside down and have your own balls served to you raw.

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Niggers do it more often than whites.