I spent 3 months on this website as a liberal trying to troll or own you people and I can’t believe the things I’ve seen. This article is the final straw. I’m sick and tired of what’s happening to this country. They are actively and proudly stating that they are discriminating against white CHILDREN, while virtue signaling about their own self righteousness. They are literally advocating for treating children based on the way they are born and are absolutely shameless about it . How can anyone let this happen, how does he even have the position that he has? This is evil and I know this is what they want for the whole country and they’ll just use PC rhetoric to get it. I was a conservative for a short while but I’ve realized now exactly how impotent and cowardly they really are. They aren’t going to protect us. I’ve seen people on here thinking that by voting for Trump they can save us from the anti white stuff but all I see is them strengthen under him. It’s not enough that they advocate for discriminating against white men but treating a innocent child that way. I’m disgusted beyond words. I didn’t know how bad things really were, I don’t see how anything other than right wing extremism will protect us. This is horrific
That’s it, you win Jow Forums. I’m joining the far right
We aren't racists. We are simply not anti-white.
Remember. You’re here forever.
Nothing turns you away from the far right like the imbeciles here. The caved in head takes will quickly start to get irritating.
Its truly amazing the effect the truth can have on people when they actually get enough doses for it to be noticed. Its no wonder the left need to control the media to uphold their crumbly narrative. Improve yourself at every opportunity and have many white children.
good one
Take off the meme flag, jew.
>“I was traumatized,” the Jewish educator said. “ It was like 1939 all over again. I couldn’t believe this could happen to me in NYC!”
Stop it
My sides
We are living in a satire
Trump would do something if they were jewish.
Um actually, as a black intellectual, all this training is for, is for making sure black and brown POC get the same if not MORE attention than they get because they have NEVER been GIVEN a chance BEFORE. It also requires not ONLY WHITES but POC as well to look at their own prejudices. It's a painful, but healing process that will lead to true equality.
You can only beat a dog so many times before it bites back. We’re biting back.
Nothing wrong with disrupting and dismantling white privilege. Ever notice that only WHITES are against this?
>At the break, I stood up and, to my surprise, I was verbally attacked by a black superintendent in front of my colleagues. She said ‘This is not about being Jewish! It’s about black and brown boys of color only. You better check yourself.’
Um actually, niggers hate whites just for being born with white skin and whites need to go back to never trusting niggers because you are all pieces of shit.
>black intellectual
You're a dirty nigger that will never amount to anything, even if you win the entire world will be a perpetually poor shithole run by likes.
I've seen you run this shtick in multiple threads and must say i'm starting to enjoy it even though you're obviously an obese white man in a filthy basement room
Now we /know/ you troll.
Unironically, you're better off investing in the more talented, the better workers, than in the less. Source, "The Hive Mind" by Garrett Jones.
Good on you, user. Now you're fighting the good fight.
memeflaggot still hasn't lurked long enough to be posting obviously.
When you first realize how horrible the left is, especially as a leftist and not a centrist, it's demoralizing but once you get past that, you'll find out that you're better off. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and it's a shock to the system to grow out of it, or to wake up from it. Did Jow Forums make me turn to the right? No, Obama did. Racist Democrats did. But, Jow Forums encouraged me to think for myself, and to accept the truth about things like race realism, media subversion and the like. Anyway, good for you, OP. Opening your eyes is hard at first, but you're much better off being able to see.
>black intellectual
Found the kike
Honk honk
this poster is from Israel
Hi, yeah, me in the back, I'm actually racist though.
welcome to the ___ side of the retarded artificial jew paradigm memeflag bro! MAGA WINNING BASED
Kind of makes sense though. Even if it is an upper class black he is still more likely to need the intervention and support over his poor white peer. The white kid will be fine. Black genetics is a serious burden that the black kid may not be able to overcome even if he has an economic advantage.
This is 'white privilege'.
>Three weeks
Digits dont lie
Fuck off jew faggot