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Move it along
Liam Nelson
Jacob Reed
Juan Brooks
I ain't let this nigga be free
Austin Brown
Luke Myers
Trans "people"
Josiah Barnes
God laughs at dead trannies
Jonathan Morales
No, you're in MY way. Move nigger.
Samuel Gray
I don't respect mentally ill child groomers, sorry.
Noah Campbell
>respect mental illness
we may have gone too far in a few places
Juan Martinez
Ryan Sanchez
And he cries about the living.
Aaron Lopez
Andrew Martinez
Remember, if your son plays with dolls in public democrats will cut his dick off.
Nathaniel Powell
>We're victims, we're opressed, we have no power
>yeah lets taunt and tease all the dominant groups
Brody Bailey
>trannies think they pass for the other gender
>everybody stares at them because they're freaks
>they are upset
like pottery
Chase Torres
make me
Lucas Taylor
Alexander Thompson
all fucking trannies must fucking hang
Jaxon Myers
Cute af
Austin Diaz
Hudson Ward
Gabriel Wright
Yes ( Im brown btw, so my statement is absolute)
Eli Garcia
I laugh with him
Liam Bennett
Angel Thomas
Camden Taylor
Andrew Cruz
its gonna happen
Jeremiah Cruz
trigger warning
Evan Walker
Why always with the golems, rabbi? Everytime it turns on you.
Ayden Rodriguez
ka boom
Jaxson Wilson
Jeremiah Perry
I always point and laugh at train wrecks.
Aiden Williams
yes sir
Nathaniel Jenkins
Nice (You) farm, no bump for you.
Jonathan Roberts
Either made by an extreme autistic, or low quality troll bait.
Camden Wilson
keep scrolling
Brody Lopez
Bentley Thomas
Colton Barnes
keep this demon away from the children's playground
Connor Martin
Yeah I support trans rights
The rights of transsexuals to separate from tumblr special snowflakes
Connor Anderson
>assuming that trans beings are in fact people
Joseph Sanders
3 years HRT
Do I pass anons?
Jordan Morales
fuck trannies. die in a fire.
Ryan Jenkins
this is why israel is trying to take your money
Nathan Torres
The WHO just.took gender disphoria off the list of mental illneses . So insurance.companies can now stop paying for this "elective surgeries and hormone treatments.
Christopher Parker
Charles Fisher
well looks like im not gonna have any sleep today
Easton Rodriguez
Jacob Edwards
Logan Perez
Have gay sex
Easton Johnson
In the name of the God Emperor die heretic! PORN MAKE TRANNIES FROM PEOPLE. STOP PORN!
Wyatt Cooper
some dude who wishes he was a girl and actually is realistic about how he can make himself feel better (dress androgynous, loose some weight, etc) has all the rights anyone else has
some freak who dresses like a whore yet has a facial hair and claims he should be let into the female washrooms has a right to be put out of his misery
Brandon Adams
Happy memorial day to all our fallen trans soldiers! Real americans
Nolan Clark
Jaxon Anderson
Anyone have posts from doctors and nurses treating post-op trannies? I forgot to save them from the last thread.
Michael Diaz
why would you respect liars?
Joshua Nguyen
Eli Powell
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
Samuel Nelson
Bentley Thompson
Hmm... Don't tell me what to do.