This is the face of the man who single handedly dismantlement stonetoss

this is the face of the man who single handedly dismantlement stonetoss.

Jow Forums absolutely btfo bu reddit bugman

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>single handedly dismantlement stonetoss
It's not hard.

Every single comic is just "I'll use a logically fallacy in the last panel so no one can argue against it"

t. thought slime

Reminder that if they look like that, there is a 99% change their opinion is worthless and they should be ridiculed.

Don't care, virgin.

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Stop plugging your video OP, you hideous faggot.

You're right, some of them are "I'm going to make a straw man say this thing, and then I'm going to make them say this contradictory thing. Boy, this straw man sure is dumb"

lmao what are you even trying to say. fucking retard

Anarchist are as cringe as not socialist. Both will get the wall.

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its been a while since ive seen something this pathetic. thanks for the chuckle mr selfshill

It's okay, we know leafs are too low IQ to understand logic and reasoning.

you replied to me saying "t. thought slime" with some shit about strawmanning.

incase youre new , "t" means "by" so im saying your defense of the video means that you are thought slime (the dude in the vid)

Your reply to me makes no sense, and the irony to say i dont understand logic. Nice use of the leaf meme tho, you really must lurk more if you want to blend in

>ermagerd he's a Nazi!
Not an argument.

>reading comics takes a toll on you
What type of homo pussy has to take a break from reading funny comics because its "racist?"
and what the fuck he does not understand what a fucking dog whistle is? Hint it is a whistle only dogs can hear, not a whistle used by dogs.

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this. there are so many issues with this vid but the worst is his absolutly horrendous strawmans of stonetoss's comics. He says he doesnt want to debate fascists, but its not out of his fear theyll spread their ideas, but because he's a fucking retard who would lose to literally anyone.

Stonetoss is based. Deal with it!

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He totally misunderstood the joke about anti-fa and the kike. It is supposed to demonstrate the hypocrisy of kikes getting a homeland but Europeans being denied the right to keep their homeland pure. It is not about haha someone punched a kike.
Fuck what ab obnoxious tool

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Literally who

Isn't that all political comics ever?

>thinking you can invalidate a person's arguments by attacking them as an individual
kike tricks everyone

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this. as soon as i heard his explanation i couldnt stop laughing. what a brainlet.

Ok, finally finished the video. Does this idiot think I can't explain why blacks commit more crime? Or does he think I wont just come out and say trannys are degenerate faggots that deserve death and their suicide amuses me?
Not everyone is looking to virtue signal their way to the top and suck Jewish cock for a living.
Oh no, I won't have social acceptance, I better say and believe what the new priest class tells me because they would never lie for their own benefit.
What a disgusting women of a creature, he man have been born a man, but spiritually and mentally he is a weak willed women.

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>so ass hurt they make videos about stonetoss
holy fuck they are fucking comics doesnt he get that? hoyl fuck they are retarded.

Imagine being such a beta faggot that u watch some other beta faggot manlet sperg out over cartoons for 25 minutes

>a humoristic set of comics is so wrong I need to spend half an hour debunking it
Peak first world problems.

>>"I'll just be an open fascist! That'll show 'em!"

My political beliefs are clear from the books that I read and I carry one just about everywhere. Do you hide your beliefs? My point is that like all on the left they try to control people by way of social pressure. It is a common female tactic and annoying especially when they can't debate on the ideas and just try to shame people into compliance.

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i wouldnt have as much an issue with this dude if he wasnt such an idiot. I found myself writing notes on every dumb shit he said as if i was gonna make a video on the stupidity of all his comments, but i dont have the time for it. But I hope someone does because someone this dumb doesnt deserve to not get completely btfo (sadly stonetoss doesnt make vids so someone else has to)
I like how the end he advocates violence against right wing people by doxxing them and throwing milkshakes but fails to register that its easy to find out he lives in toronto. (my city)

22:15, OP is a literal faggot

Also, 34 minute video of debunking 'red panels' and only 3 minutes of which pertains to 'stonetoss', which he admits has no proof the author of each is the same. Guy literally says 'stonetoss' denied being 'redpanels' and fills his video full of the latter.


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lmao im OP and hate this dude, just wrote my post as bait to get attention to this shit.

Im done with reddit, its for cucks
I wanna switch to VOAT but they are invite only
Can some autist please send me a voat invite?
My email is [email protected]
Thanks in advance

g-guys wthat the fuck is this?

i thought it was baked beans before i opened it