The Ultimate Truth with Religion

I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, that which is, that which was, and that which is to come. Revelations 1:8

That quote describes "life", not an old man in the sky, or a god that looks human.

You are destroying the word of God through your traditions that you have handed down. Mark 7:13

In other words; the Bible says traditional religions destroy the truth of God.

The Bible is central to the Christian religion, but they don't see what it says.

What if the Bible and other religious books are being misinterpreted?

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What if the truth is in the Bible and many other religious books, but no one can see what it is?
Using science, philosophy, religion, art and inspiration the truth can now be revealed. The truth shows that most of the great prophets, philosophers, and poets are saying the same thing, but almost no one knows what it is.

Jesus is saying something completely different than what Christians think.

Religious books are not just filled with myths and morality tales as many people believe. The truth is in them; they are just being misinterpreted by
religions. The new interpretation will be the best thing that ever happened to religion.

Religions will make sense, and people will be able to understand them for the first time. This will make religions much more popular than they have ever been. Traditional religions will not change; people will just see the truth in them.

Religion without the truth is like a light bulb without electricity. With the truth, religions will be reborn, and there will be an explosion in spiritual
growth. Religions will no longer be based just on blind faith.

Just the truth: The truth about life and death can be explained without any reference to religion, and some people may prefer that, but more than half of the human race is involved in a religion. Thus, to be the ultimate explanation of the truth, it must include religion, all religions. This is the only way to unite us all.

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Newton, Einstein, and Tesla were the greatest scientists and were mystics. Science and religion have different pieces to the puzzle of life, and people need both to learn the ultimate truth of life.

Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.
Albert Einstein

You do not have to be smart to know the truth, but you do have to be rational, be honest, and know a few things that could not be known until now.

The word “apocalypse” means to unveil, not the end of the world. The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think.
It does not mean the end of the world; it means the revealing of hidden secrets and the beginning of a heaven on earth. The apocalypse is starting now.

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Many things are the opposite, the mirror image, of what people think. For example, people think it is the context surrounding a statement that
reveals the meaning of the statement, and that is true with normal books. With the Bible, the opposite is true. The context hides the meaning. You have to dig through a lot of rock before you find the nuggets of gold that the rock contains.

Jesus said, "When the outer has become as the inner, and the lower as the upper, then will this world find peace."

"Unless ye make the things of the right hand as those of the left, and those of the left as those of the right, and those that are above as those below, and those that are behind as those that are before, ye shall not have knowledge of the kingdom." Acts of Peter XXXVIII

Peter was given the keys to the kingdom; the quote above is the key.

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New and different revelations are not easy to accept. Do not let the things you disagree with stop you from reading further. Many of the things you do not agree with or understand when you first read them will make sense later.

Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence
cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important
to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief. Frantz Fanon

Cognitive dissonance: Get to know these two words. It is the unseen enemy of mankind. It does more to cause war, crime and suffering than
anything else, because it prevents people from learning and changing. If you are ready to overcome your cognitive dissonance and learn the truth of life, keep reading.

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The word “sin” means to “miss the mark.” It has nothing to do with breaking religious or moral rules. The only thing you can do against God/life is shut the truth and the life out, and just about everyone is currently doing that. Shutting out the truth and the life is the only way you can miss the mark, the only way you can sin.

The worst sin has to be not learning the truth of life while you can. The truth and the life has to be God, so people that ignore the truth or give other things priority are saying by their actions and their desires that they do not want to know God. That has to be the greatest sin. True or false?

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The accepted, but false interpretation of the Bible in a nutshell is the following:

A God that looks like a man created the earth and the rest of the universe in six days, less than ten thousand years ago. He rested on the seventh.
He then created man and woman (Adam and Eve), and they lived happily in the Garden of Eden. The problem was that he also created an angel that turned on him. The angel, disguised as a snake, talked Eve into talking Adam into eating some fruit that God told them not to eat. Adam took a bite, so God kicked them out of paradise and cursed them and all of their descendants, including US.

About forty-five hundred years ago, God got fed up with mankind and drowned all land animals, except for one family and two of all land animals on earth (what about the plants?) by loading them all on one boat they built. Their descendents repopulated the planet, but mankind was still damned.

The new testament of the Bible says that God sent his only begotten son(Jesus) who was also God to earth to make an appearance and to show
people the way. After doing some miracles and preaching for three years, he found twelve people. He then sacrificed himself to his father in order to save us from the curse he put on us for what Adam and Eve did, but we were still cursed.

>God sacrificed himself, to himself, to remove the curse he put on us.

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Three days later, Jesus came out of his grave, had something to eat, told a few followers he was going to heaven, and then left.

Though the Bible says Jesus died for our sins, we somehow still have them. The only way we can escape this curse (original sin) is to believe the
story above is true and worship this God. If we do not, we spend an eternity burning in a fire.

Metaphorical: Some people say the Bible is metaphorical and not literal truth. They are right about parts of it, but they do not know what the
metaphors mean.

The truth is in the Bible; most of the story above is not true and not what the Bible is about. The Bible reveals the truth and makes complete sense when interpreted correctly.

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In the past, prophets and seers of the truth tried to tell people what the truth was, but the people they told did not understand them. This resulted in the creation of religions that hide the truth that they are supposed to reveal. What the prophets said was misunderstood, distorted, and turned into myths.

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth when I say that even those who follow the prophets do not understand them, for they speak of the things of
the Spirit, which cannot be apprehended by the physical mind."

A few things the prophets said survived their followers and reveal the truth. The problem is, almost no one knows what the truth is. People believe in the myths and do not see the truth they contain.

Now we can know what the prophets were really saying, and we owe it to the prophets of the past and ourselves to correct the misinterpretations. For the first time, we can know what they really said and meant.

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Most of the Bible and other old religious books are the interpretations, opinions, and the bias of many different uninspired people, and not what
Jesus and other inspired prophets actually said or meant.

The brutal emperors of Rome and the corrupt councils they controlled created the official Bible. It was created to serve their political agenda, which began in 325 AD with Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. It was created by the enemies of Christianity, the people who killed Jesus and tried to destroy the religion. Billions of people believe in a book created by corrupt people. It was not created to enlighten people; it was created to control people. This is when Christianity sold its soul. The truth has been hidden.

Know the truth: Most of the misinterpretations and distortions of what a prophet said in ancient times happened before it was written down. What they said was passed down by word of mouth from one person to another. This way of passing down sayings and stories will always change them,
sometimes completely. This is especially true with primitive people in ancient times. Back then, people could not understand the truth, so what a
prophet said was turned into myths as it was passed down. Even after they were written down, they continued to be misinterpreted and distorted
during translations from one language to another.

Most of what Jesus said was never even written down in the language he spoke.

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The early interpreters did not know the truth. To interpret what a prophet says, you have to know the truth. In the past, almost no one could know the truth. Now, almost everyone can. Mankind has finally progressed enough to see it clearly.

Jesus said, “Whoever finds the correct interpretation of what I am saying will find eternal life.”

When people see what Jesus is really saying, they will also be able to see what all other enlightened philosophers, prophets and poets are really saying.

2 + 2 = 4: It does not equal anything else. The truth is, there is only one truth. Believing 2 + 2 = 5 or 6 or anything else does not make it true. There
are an infinite amount of wrong answers, but only one true answer.

Truth is what stands the test of experience.
Albert Einstein

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have a friendly bump

what shld i say i guess ill let my brain speak how wouldnt they be thats whayi said rekn im a half profit also the wind will blowand the skys willrain no1 will ever be the same

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to me that means we need more people ur thoughts?

Bump I need more.

chkem or not interesting subject its like theese people dip a toe into the pool who wants to speak more i guess its just me the iddiot u c

The Rorschach inkblot test is that inkblot that psychologists show to people, asking them what they see. Everyone will see something different
depending on what their imagination comes up with. The truth is, it is an inkblot; that is the only true answer.

A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein

Make believe: I do not play make believe in real life, but billions of grown people do and say it is the truth. I no longer believe in Santa Claus and the other myths, legends, and fairy tales the known evidence says are not true.

Common denominator: The truth is the only thing that can unite all human beings. It is what we all have in common, and that will never change. There is only one sky for all of us. Everyone eats, breathes, is born and dies, etc. The ultimate truth is universal truth; it is the same for everyone, everywhere, and it always has been and always will be. We have to see the big picture of life.
If everyone looked at the big picture of life, we would see the same thing. This simple thing would unite human beings, and we would live
in paradise.

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1st time i ever thought einsteain was dumb guessing thats not a quote

You seem to have a misconception when you say things like "Jesus is saying something completely different than what Christians think."

If you actually delve into Christianity any deeper than the absolute surface, you'll quickly find that NO ONE knows for sure what ANYTHING in the Bible means--and most true Christians are quick to acknowledge that fact.

Radical new interpretations of the Bible are actually so common they're practically dime-a-dozen. That's kind of the fun thing about it. There are so many perspectives you can take at it, so many different lenses, all remarkably internally consistent.

At the end of the day, what's important is to meditate on the words of Christ as a way of familiarizing yourself with His voice, so that when He speaks to you, you will then be able to recognize His voice.

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we woild not we are human but maybe there is a trith

The difference between knowing and not knowing is checking. Nothing could be more simple. If you care enough about the truth to check what it is, you will know the truth of life. The sad truth is, most people do not care, and mankind and our world are being destroyed as a result. If you care, now is the time to prove it.

Only the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.

Reason: We can now use our ability to reason, deductive logic, and extrapolation of the known evidence to know and understand things that
the evidence does not reveal directly, such as life after death. We have progressed enough to know and understand the fundamental truth of life. It
will transform us and our world.

Scholarly: I am not a good writer or a scholar, as you no doubt have noticed, but most prophets were not good writers or scholars. This will not be sophisticated enough for many intellectuals, but most people are not intellectuals. The truth has to be explained in a simple, unsophisticated way, or else kids and most people will not understand it.
The truth is for everyone, not just intellectuals.

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yes, my friend.
that's why psilocybin is not legal. they don't want this. harmony doesn't fit the jew's schemes.

>Jesus said, “Whoever finds the correct interpretation of what I am saying will find eternal life.”

It's disingenuous of you to declare that as an established fact. No-one knows whether Jesus really said that (believe me, I would kill to know whether or not that's a legitimate saying of Christ!!)

For those who are unfamiliar, KDLj0I7G is posting snippets from Gnostic literature. Most scholars generally believe these sayings were written in the 2nd century AD, i.e., long after Jesus died. But no-one knows for absolute certain. Proceed with caution. For we absolutely do know for certain that Jesus did say:

Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many." (Matthew 24:4-5)

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you miss the point. Idgaf who said it. I will read it and decide for myself if there's value behind it.

Jesus said, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don't enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.”

The scribes were the writers and scholars in ancient times. The Pharisees were the religious leaders. They believed in a dogma that made them closed-minded.

Most religious and philosophical scholars are not inspired people. They just take other people’s inspirations and write about them in a scholarly
way. What they do not understand, they distort or misinterpret. All the big words, footnotes and perfect grammar make them look like real authorities on a subject. The opposite is true when it comes to religious truth. Scholars have not known what they have been talking about;
thus, they have been and are now a force against the truth.

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Most religious leaders are well intentioned. They toe the line and fight any change in the status quo, but in doing, they perpetuate the misinterpretations.

Scholars are of the mind. Prophets and other inspired people are dealing with something beyond the mind, which means they see life in completely different ways. Scholars are not bad people, but they do not see the world a prophet sees.

Jesus said, "Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That stone is the cornerstone."

In other words, the rejected or unseen truth is the actual truth.

Great spirits are always opposed by mediocre minds. Albert Einstein

All great truths begin as blasphemies. George Bernard Shaw

Anyone that says anything different from the accepted myths of religion is labeled a blasphemer. Jesus was a blasphemer in his time and executed for being one.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer

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Yes, it's probably fine to read the Gnostic writings. Just don't go around telling people they're the genuine sayings of Christ, when you don't actually know whether or not that's true.

The very first line of the Gospel of Thomas describes it as the *secret* sayings of Christ. So there's a catch-22: if it is legitimate, then you are supposed to keep it a secret (and not post it on Jow Forums). If it's illegitimate, then that's also a reason not to post it on Jow Forums. In either case, you shouldn't post it on Jow Forums.

"Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

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I am giving it to you the same way it was given to me. The ultimate truth is like a combination to a lock; it has to be in a certain order, and you need all of it to open the gate to true life.

The truth is just what it looks like it is; the problem is, people can't see clearly.

Jesus said, “The hour is coming when I will not speak to you in dark sayings, but will tell you plainly about God.”

Jesus said, “He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am and I will become he and the hidden things will be revealed to him.”

Hidden things: Following are the correct interpretations and the hidden things:

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so some people seem fun lets talk to eachother instead of pretending we are a minister

These sayings are attributed to Jesus by the Gnostics, a sect considered heretical. The Gnostics have recently been popularized by (((Hollywood))) and by (((New York Times Best-sellers))) like "The Da Vinci Code", and should be viewed with corresponding caution.

"Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)

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ill go 1st 1 of u is hopeing for some shit that might not exost the other is pretending something exists that dosent who?

Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.”

Abundant life: You get a little taste of it when you see a beautiful waterfall, a sunset, make a great golf shot, ride a roller-coaster, a first kiss, etc. Peak moments in your life feel good, because you get a larger percentage of what each moment of life actually contains.

Abundant life = true life.

True religion is real living. Albert Einstein

People in the past did not know what Jesus meant by “abundant life,” so they turned around its literal meaning, interpreting it to mean “a life of abundance.” Many preachers use this to justify getting rich and having an abundance of possessions. Misinterpretation leads people in the wrong direction.

Your mind is the gatekeeper of life. Sometimes it lets a little true life in, but most of the time it doesn't. You can only see the truth when it lets all of life in.

Figure 1 shows how mankind currently perceives life. Figure 2 shows true life.

The arrows represent life coming to you from all directions. The dotted linesshows your mind blocks most of the life coming to you. Without the mind blocking life, you receive all of life, abundant life, true life, and reflect it all back out.

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I hope I'm not giving the mis-impression that I'm just knee-jerk opposed to gnosticism because >muh pastor told me it's heresy.

I've laid awake many nights losing sleep about how one can tell what scripture can be trusted. I would literally cut off my own hand and throw it away if I could get a straight unambiguous answer from God about whether or not Gospel of Thomas is Christ's genuine sayings!

One should exercise considerable caution. The evil one likes to come to us in tempting disguises. Gnosticism seems really tempting because it's like an Initiation which sets you apart from others due to your superior intellect etc. But if you actually follow it to its logical ends, it would lead to a world of hedonism and degeneracy.

But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Did you not agree with me on one denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give this last [who did not spend a lifetime pondering esoteric riddles] man the same as I gave you." (Matthew 20:13-14, modified)

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Halos: This is why the saints and prophets in paintings are shown with a halo.

It illustrates their radiance; they radiated life as shown in fig. 2 of the drawing.

Seeing Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon for the first time is a peak moment for most people. Why does it make you feel so alive? Nothing really happens to you. Why doesn’t it feel as good the second time you see it? The reason is, your mind opens up when something is new or special.

It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see. Thoreau

The truth is, every moment of life is special, and you can be completely open to life most of the time. You have to see the truth to see true life.

This is the truth...

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can i inmodify the last sentance for me od love to argue with u but u seem so agreeable and ur the guy i like dosent mean ur right we are all left "if i was the devil and the bible was true the 1st thing i would do is change it"

There is a lot of truth in the quotes attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas. The sayings intuitively sound like they come from Jesus, if you know the truth you know know the truth that is revealed in the Gospel of Thomas.

Here's the unmodified version:

But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Did you not agree with me on one denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give this last man the same as I gave you." (Matthew 20:13-14)

It's the conclusion of the so-called "Parable of the Workers", one of Jesus's most profound parables but unfortunately too long to put in a single post without being wall-of-text. Read the full parable here:

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The Bible says: “The gift of God is eternal life.”

Immortality: “It’s impossible to be conscious of being unconscious.”

You are reading this, so you are conscious (alive). This means you have always been conscious and always will be, because it is not possible for you to be aware of being dead (unconscious). You cannot be aware of not being aware, you cannot be conscious of being unconscious. You can be less conscious (sleep/coma), but not completely unconscious, because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not
know it. You cannot be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never ending from your own point of view.

You are immortal, because it is impossible for you not to be.

No cognizance is taken of the lapse of time after a person becomes unconscious in death. (Eccl. 9:5; Ps. 146:4)

Have you ever experienced anything other than life? You haven’t, because you cannot experience anything else; anything you experience is life. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and consciousness cannot be created or destroyed for the same reason. It changes form. You cannot make nothing out of something. If you are conscious of life now, you are something. Your body is just a very temporary mortal container for your immortal consciousness.

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But also when the tempter came to Jesus in the wilderness, he used scripture to tempt Jesus.

Then the devil took Him to the holy city and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple. “If You are the Son of God,” he said, “throw Yourself down. For it is written: ‘He will command His angels concerning You, and they will lift You up in their hands, so that You will not strike Your foot against a stone.’” (Matthew 4:5-6, quoting Psalm 91:11-12)

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i read it and i thought i was not smart i dont understand it im not ashamed to say it

The deductive logic above reveals that we are not our bodies. We know our bodies die,and we know consciousness cannot, thus our consciousness (what we are) cannot be our bodies. The Bible calls it our spirit or soul.

You will die physically, but you will be born again; being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens for certain to everyone living. There is no evidence anything else happens.

Why would we think anything else happens or even can happen? People are playing make believe. We are dealing with time and space that never ends. If we were born once, it will happen again; things repeat in nature. The only question is where, when, and what you will be reborn as, and we can know that too.

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but u can never know me and i can never know u if everything u are saying is true am i wrong?

TL/DR: Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a land-owner who trolled some day-laborers by hiring them to work hard all day for a pre-agreed pay, and then gave that same pay to some other day-laborers who barely did any work.

The parable is interesting because it reveals a kind of "glitch" in our brain's programming: we resent being paid the same amount for doing more work, even if we agreed beforehand on that pay. If we didn't know the other man got the same pay, we'd be perfectly happy. Why does the fact another man got paid the same thing for less work make us unhappy, if we would have been happy by default?

I applied it here because the gnostics believe you have to work hard at studying riddles and figuring out their meaning, and that by doing so you'll get more rewards than the more casual Christian. But that's not how the kingdom works, according to Matthew 20.

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so what u said differs to me i thought they would all work equally as hard

Consciousness: People are trying to understand the universe independent of consciousness (life), and it is the most important factor in the equation.

Physics has been dead since Einstein. Even if the people that are involved in the science of physics could understand the universe independent of
life, it would not matter, because it will not change mankind in a fundamental way, and that is the only thing that will make a real difference.

People are spending billions of dollars on theoretic physics, and it is not going to change anything in a fundamental way for mankind. They have high hopes for a new multi-billion dollar particle collider. They may learn something, but it will not change mankind. Life has to be in the equation to know the ultimate truth.

The universe as it relates to conscious life can be understood now. It is the ultimate truth, the truth that will transform mankind and the world.

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You can know its true what doesn't make sense now will make more sense later. This is truth you can and should check for yourself.

The workers at the beginning of the day agreed on denarius to work all day. Later, the master hired other workers, to work for less time, including some workers near the end who only worked for one hour. Then the master gave the latter workers 1 denarius, but also gave 1 denarius to the guys who worked hard all day. The guys who worked all day got pissed because they had the same pay as the guys who worked only one hour. But they had agreed on 1 denarius beforehand, and would have been happy if they weren't aware someone else got a better deal.

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i shld but i wont i cldd retort but i didnt will u reply ?

of i had 1 hour in my day left and needed a denarus i would work asif 24 hours was a fantasy

Animals are conscious/alive with or without a rational, thinking mind.

Many people think human beings are the only animal that is conscious. Is a dog or cat conscious? Where do you draw the line? Is a bird conscious? The truth is that all animal life is conscious and alive just like us. The only thing that makes humans different from other animals is that we have a mind that can think and reason at a high enough level to know the truth of life, and those that know rise above animals.

Intelligent design and evolution both happened.

Our true history: The hard evidence says we human beings (Homo Sapiens) evolved from other animals. There is very little physical difference between us and other animals. We have blood, bones, hearts, brains, skin and DNA in common. We behaved like them until just recently, and some people still do.

In addition to the evidence we have been digging up all over the world, our new understanding of the genetic code allows us to see where every
animal came from and is now on the evolutionary ladder. There is no missing link now.

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sum1 pout me in my place im sick of steering im a man good convo ish we polititions?

Why not Jansenism?

based chav

imo u missed the biggest link any idea what i think it is im wrong but i just wonder

Are you retorted?

just an iddiot u?

lol are you on drugs right now?
that's a good point though, i'd never thought about the guys hired at the last minute working extra hard. Though, it's hard to imagine them working 10 times harder, while avoiding the scorching heat of mid-day...

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u said it urself and ur samrt enuf for me not to keep chattin shit any wojaks?

Crown of creation: Evolution is no longer just a theory; it has been proven true beyond a reasonable doubt. The problem is, even people who believe evolution is true disassociate themselves from the process. They somehow
skipped all the lower forms of animal life and just started out as the “crown of creation” at the top of the evolutionary ladder. The evidence says that
we evolved as life evolved.

In other words, you were a microbe, an insect, a fish, a dinosaur, an ape... You had to be lower animals to be a human now, just as you had to
be a baby to be an adult now.

Someone has to be all the other types of animals. A consciousness(spirit) is in other animals. Other animals are alive just as you are, and you know it.

The "you only live once" theory: Many people say that they do not believe in reincarnation; they believe when you die, you're dead. What about fish, clams, horses, bears, flies? People that say you only live once are saying some souls get to live just one life as a worm, and that is it for all of eternity. Other people believe you are judged by a god after you die. Is the worm judged?

It is time to see and accept the truth the evidence supports.

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i wanted to say elaborate i will go on

There is no point in denying the truth; it does not go away. The truth is the truth. When there is overwhelming evidence that something happened or did not happen, it is the truth beyond a reasonable doubt to honest and rational people.

Truth will have no gods before it. Friedrich Nietzsche

If our courts of law ignored the evidence the way religions do, we would still be living in a jungle. If doctors and hospitals did it, we would not go to
the hospital.

The evidence = the truth. Religions say the truth is the way, but ignore it.

We convict people of crimes, sentence them to life in prison, and even execute them based on the evidence. We acknowledge that the evidence
reveals the truth in every area of life except religion. The apocalypse is going to change that.

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God created humans in his glory and as images of himself, but then they got kicked out of Eden.

Now a few thousands years later imagine God looking at those faggots bugchasing and shoving 10-inch dildos in their ass, I wonder why second coming didn't happen yet.