Nigger Kids

How do I keep them out of my yard without going to jail since I'm about to sick a German Shepherd on them.

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Put landmines and booby traps in your yard and have a "WARNING" sign up. That way if they come into your yard and get killed, technically you're fine from a legal standpoint.

fence. sage.

8 acres...

The best way to keep niggers out of your back yard is to hang one in the front.

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I put a line of Acacia shrubs. They have 1/2" super sharp thorns. You can get species that'll produce 1"-1 1/2" thorns that are hypodermic sharp. The drawback is they catch trash. If something blows by, it's gonna get stuck.

This is the old time southern way and I can attest that it works wonderfully

scatter job application forms on the front lawn, nothing scares niggers more than responsibility and steady employment

A little background.
The driveway is 100 yards long and the little shits ran off and left trash in the yard yesterday. Came back today and I told them to stay the fuck off of my property and take their trash with them. They responded in typical nigger kid fashion "this everybody property then ran off".

The good old days

He asked for something to repel trash not attract it.

A fence/ spikes shrubs are the only thing that might work.

Sprinklers with stagnant water in them

the short thorn shrubs don't attract it, it's just the more effective and able to maim long thorns that catch trash. I should have made that clear. The short thorn species will still tear you the fuck up, but they aren't long enough to hit arteries.

I have some poncirus trifoliata under the windows. I'll have to see if I can root some cuttings and start lining the bottom of the driveway.


Aim this at them, hopefully it'll fry their phones so no evidence. Honkhonk

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Booby traps are definitely illegal in all 50 states.

what do you do if nigger kids walking or riding bikes down your street and won't get out of the road when a car is coming?

your goal really should just be to move away from them

I slow down just enough that I won't kill them if they get hit. They usually get the point. If not, I run their basketball over the next time its in the street.

take care of the source

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What if you didn't put them there loololoolll.
Wonder how that would play out.. Place bear traps in random "neighborhood" yards. Watch chaos & finger pointing next day.

Answer back, "I guess these are everyone's bullets then" as you hold a shotgun.

$500k house on 8 acres in white boomer retirement neighborhood (not a boomer bit that is what lives here). Nigger kids move in 3 blocks away and do nigger things. I should move? Fucking where user.

Can't you just shoot them for trespassing?

Juuuustt MICROWAVE THEM from a distance. Don't ever give clue/notion that it's you

Acacia's grow well into zone 5, which is why i chose them. Thorn bushes are underrated. They used to be a lot more popular, and then I guess people got used to living next to civilized white people. They're better than fences. Ideally, you'd want a fence, and then a 3 foot space, and then thorny bushes. Fencing a 100 yards in shitty fence would be an easy $30k

leave a burning cross on it

I wish. Europeans really have strange notions about the US legal system.


Aim your speakers at the yard and play classical music. Well known nigger repellent.

My old man had nigger kids picking all the fruit form his orchard before it was ripe. He put up an electric fence with a NASTY charger on it.

>8 acres
Okay, build walls in the areas most often used to come in.

I fenced a 100ft x 100ft garden with 8 foot cedar planks and pressure treated 4x4 posts for $3,000. Where are buying your fencing materials?

You could always just make your kids stay inside. That will keep the little niggers out of the yard!

Fencing, thorned plants (roses), dogs, alarms, and security lights. When criminals criminal you have to fight smarter, not harder.

Plant cactus around. Cholla is fun. Teddy bear cholla is fun to. Once upon a time I was a parking lot attendant on horseback for a cowboy bar. Girl got drunk and was trying to stand on the side of the road for her Uber. She needed to pee and she had an unfortunate luck to squat on a baby cholla. It’s known as a jumping cactus. Her Uber has to be cancelled and it turned into an ambulance instead. Some doctor had to pull barbed cactus thorns out of her twat that night.

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dogs tend to work

Post the property with No Trepassing signs. Install trail cams and a good camera system on the house. Gate the driveway and install a fence along the road frontage. Call the cops every signle time the niglets are trespassing. Present video evidence. Or get a zoning variance for your land and raise chickens. Harassing/stealing livestock is a serious deal. My parents live in Upstate NY and they raise chickens and Golden Retrievers. Dad has shot the nigger dogs going after the chickens twice now.

The fuck is the reason to live in the US then? I can have guns too, just not kill people

He isn't far off
600 linear ft (assuming I only did both sides of my driveway) comes out to 15-27k

I have chickens. They stay in their run through because of the hawks and foxes.
Nigger dog, I'd shoot with my suppressed 300blk and no one would even notice (especially on a firework holiday) but I'm not about to shoot nigger kids and go to jail.

add a suppressor. hide in the bushes. take one's head off. go back inside and dispose of it.

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I was assuming 100 yards x 2, cause it's a driveway, wood posts, impacted soil instead of quikrete, and cedar planks with knots and worms

AS hilarious as that is, it is still illegal to brandish a firearm like that. A dog would be a good legal and safe option for you. You can try calling the police for trespassers, but most likely they will egg your house or leave more trash. I would suggest installing cameras and good lighting if you have not already done so. Call the police to start a paper trail, good luck OP

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>I'm about to sick a German Shepherd on them
keep your own doggo safe and find a free pit bull that you dont care about or get attached to, keep the fucker away from your senpai, get a electric invisible fence/ shock collar,use low voltage, it will keep him in the yard until the nogs get too close, and when it kills one give no fucks when they want to euthanize it for killing the nog,

landmines ?

uhh open carry states you can absolutely brandish on your own land

The problems start when you aim it at at a couple of nigger kids and start making threats.

First, what state so we know what laws pertain. If in a Castle Doctrine/SYG state you could possibly do something but if they're just nigging on the sidewalk or just on the very edge then your best bet would be some sort of razor or electric fencing. Also, I think in some places it's illegal for neighbors to dump trash on your property. Perhaps set up cameras and record them being chimplets to show that they are at the very least doing so, and if they extend the niggering range further and cause damage or trespass further to the house then you have a better case.

Hello Mr. CIA

Just wait until their pig mother rolls up after you threaten them and you get a slew of, "Dis some Bu'sheet. Dey gud boz"

plant a bunch of holly trees around your property line.
Protip just buy a fuckload of seeds unless you want to spend a fortune.
Seeds are cheap on the net.
Also cypress is a good choice.

Throw books in the yard, do like shopping malls and play classical music

Sounds like when I was a kid and the nigger neighbor Tyrone stole our sled and so my brother and I beat the shit out of him and took it back. His mom came and bitched at my dad about it.
We did NOT get in trouble for it even though we would get our asses beat for just looking at each other wrong.

>8 acres
Fence. Way cheaper.

Send them home with this. Welfare ho mama will severely beat them for ever going in your yard, now and in the future.

Buy dogs, kangals, Spanish mastins, etc, make sure they are work dogs and not competition dogs tho.

buy a hipoint and kill them outside their house

that way the cops will think it's just gang warfare

Well, don't sick a dog on them, that will land you in prison and get the dog euthanized.

Can you erect a fence? You could try talking to whoever is responsible for them, but they are likely to behave worse than the kids.

Moat, surround the property.

when you see them in your yard, turn your sprinklers on.
if that doesn't work put up a fence.

put up scarecrows dressed as klansmen

If they're old enough to credibly sell drugs call the cops on them. Say you think one of them has a gun.

have you tried politely asking them not to go on your yard?

Burning crosses. Strychnine watermelon. Air drop job applications. Our just build a fence and call the cops

Tell the niglets that ghosts are haunting your property. Niggers have a severe fear of ghosts mainly due to the grandmammies going to nog church.


Just yell out, "Oh my God he's got a gun!" before you blast them.

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No, they don't. If you have a sign up that says "No trespassing" and that "trespassers will be shot" then you are in the clear, legally, in many states.

Plant a cash crop and then capture the niglets and have them work the land.

My side's. user that was a good joke. Like a nigger would listen.

Scarecrow with a MAGA hat

Buy pigs OP. Then kill the niggers and feed them to the pigs.

Lot of Jow Forums responses here, but here is some real advice.
>Gating/fencing. Make it harder for niggers to fuck your shit up.They won't bother (to do work) so they'll nigger up some other place.
>If you have a fear for your life, you can use deadly force. 6 niggers on one person is legit.
>Check your State laws. If someone hurts themselves on your property you may be liable for their healthcare cost. Even if they break into your house to steal shit.
>Urine. I bought a gallon of coyote piss and spread it everywhere. Fucking rank. Keeps predatory animals away and most niggers.
*Does not work on crack heads. I tried.

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This. But wrap the scarecrow's core with barbwire and then cover it with hay. That way, if the kids try to knock it over, pick it up, whatever, they will regret it.

Niggers recoil from heavy metal music like vampires from sunlight. The more musicianship the better.

Keep the dog inside until the niggers jump the fence.

How do you live on 8 acres while also being around nogs?

This is real advice that works.

This is true. Death metal/goth/etc. They don't understand it and will think you are crazy. Will more than likely leave you alone.

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Those nostrils were built for running from the cops.

look like it's time for someone to leave

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The road terminates at my property. The southern property line has a neighbor with 60 acres. The road that becomes my driveway has boomer houses with half ish acre yards. 2 blocks away from that is smaller shittier houses that have been getting niggers and indians in them lately. You can't escape niggers man.

i have the solution for you, OPanon
>go to a Lowe's or Home Depot
>buy some rope (12'), 2 signs, 1 black sharpie, 2 wood posts
>attach rope to post
>attach sign to post
>write on 1 sign "all trespassers get hanged"
>write on other sign "even children"
>put posts on 2 sides with most nigglet traffic

This is literally the only option that will work. If you only have fence and sharp bushes they will eventually break through it. Get a shitbull you don't mind having to put down, get the strongest electric fence you can afford and leave it at that. You could spend several thousands of dollars on physical fortifications and it will mean all of jack shit if they just hop the fence when you aren't there. I guess you could just fence your whole property off and then get some shitbulls but that'll probably be much more expensive.

please tell me you have the pic of the guy with a DIY DeathRay in his van, who open-sourced his funding

>Have you tried asking the little nigger kids to not throw trash into your yard and stop coming back after you told them to leave the last time.
Fucking Leaf. Have you ever even met a nigger?

A fence and No Trespassing signs.
Now when they trespass you can call the cops and have them arrested for a day.


Build a wall trump would be proud of.

It's in the genes. WE

>8 acres
Then just put up the No Trespassing signs.

Someone help out

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And then you can bet your dollar that they'll come back mad and aching to chimp, which then gives permission to shoot because they're likely going to be violent then. It solves itself.

Sprinkle cayenne pepper around the yard