I'm converting to Islam. Muslims are the only ones willing to fight Jews, feminists, trannies, cucks...

I'm converting to Islam. Muslims are the only ones willing to fight Jews, feminists, trannies, cucks, and all other degenerates. Christianity is dead, and white people are a disgrace.
Islam will set the world straight. Muslims will stone degenerates to death in the street and make it legal for an average man own several teenage wives/sex slaves, which is what we all want. Mohammed was the greatest man who ever lived, and showed the normies of his time that they fucked with the wrong guy.

I forgive Brenton Tarrant though, his heart was in the right place.

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just make sure and go shia. sunnis are actual homosexuals and are pals with jews/israel.

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Seriously, why does Jow Forums have any problem with Muslims, given that Islam is basically like if Jow Forums created it's own religion?

yeah, but i would wager that many of us drink alcohol and enjoy pork from time to time.

>lol let's all be Muslim guys
>posts a picture of Muhammad
In a Muslim country you would be beheaded for this post.

Literally just the pedophilia angle.
>muslims rape kids!
And yet the sooner you get and keep a young girl, the better your married life will be. Age of consent is the greatest Jewish trick.

Lol Muslims never kill any jews, it's a oh they gassed 6 million of us for no reason routine

I just won't tell anyone.

I don't live in a Muslim country.

Age of consent is a feminist/Jewish conspiracy. No culture in history gave a shit about the age of anyone's sex partners. A person's opinion on "pedophilia" is a good litmus test to see how retarded and bluepilled they are.

You seem to wish to turn your own into one. You should probably brush up on the things that will get you beheaded or flogged in Islam before converting.

>Let's all regress to the stone age and fuck children!
No thanks, my friend

I understand the whole issue about "images of Mohammed". I just don't care. I don't actually follow rules, I only create the appearance of following them. Mohammed himself wouldn't give a shit and probably created the whole religion as a ruse to get sex slaves and kill people he disliked, which is precisely why I respect him.

Oh yeah, that's right, we should "progress" into some better age, right? That's the progressive religious teaching.

>No culture in history gave a shit about the age of anyone's sex partners
They did, but it was more of a "if there's grass on the field, play ball" thing. There's still something wrong with you if you're going after the prepubescent, and that's biological fact talking, since it's impossible to reproduce with them.

Everyone having more than one wife is almost impossible

You're obviously pretty shit at creating that appearance then, aren't you

I used to be a Trumper Now I'm a cruz Missile

I think "progressing" enough not to rape children like an ape is enough. If you want to be a pedo that's on you.

Not if it's just for cuddling. Even that is illegal now in the west.

No, I could pass for a Muslim quite easily.

We'll find a way.

You don't need to worry then, you sand nigger wannabe

because it's abrahamic jewish bullshit?

because it's not the religion of our ancestors?

because muslims hate white people?

because muslims are retarded pedophiles and sex-addicts and aren't "anti-degenerate"?

Expect a harsher judgement from God then, faggot. Islam came 600 years after Christ

Oh look, a right-winged religious terrorist amerimutt who wants to fight against "degeneracy" despite the fact Islam allows you to fuck children. Neck yourself degenerate.
>Inb4 hurr durr, y u allow homosexuals u communist prick reee
I don't, and I don't any degeneracy to thrive in, not including your filthy nationalism.

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It's anti-Jew Abrahamic bullshit. It will suffice for now.

You know nothing of the religion of your ancestors. White people were cucked by Jews before recorded history. All you have are fables about "Odin" made up by some guy in Iceland.

White people deserve to be hated. They are failures, degenerates, cucks, and require discipline.

"Pedophilia" is not real. Only someone brainwashed by the media even recognizes the concept of pedophilia. Sex is good. Sex addiction is not real.

Jesus was a Jew, and wasn't even real.

How can you justify using a Capitalist made phone?
>inb4 the workers made it
They were hired and paid for their services

Anyone who thinks I shouldn't be allowed to fuck these smooth-legged teenage girls running around in short-shorts, who thinks that is "pedophilia", that is someone I'd gladly gift some hollowpoints.

Sure thing, whatever, however do tell me isn't an individual supposed to think for himself and works for himself only? For me personally, a state should only be there for regulation of your work, not to control your work, because the ammount of your that you have put in measures the value of your income, now do tell me what does a burgeoise, or specifically in this case, a racist jewish burgeoaise do in order to take away more than you are supposed to earn?

So you support Capitalism? Communism is entirely Authoritarian and has no need for currency since goods are exchanged and redistributed without them

Fake news.

Most Muslims are fully on board with the Jewish Globo-Homo feminist anti-white project. The average Muslim kid in the West is interested in rap, doing drugs, going to clubs, getting laid, ect. Muslim girls are all sluts on Instagram and tinder looking for nigger dick or they are in college and have become lgbt sjw feminists who have turned their hijabs into feminist symbols. Even in the Middle East, nobody over the age of 30 supports a conservative interpretation of Islam. All the kids in Iran and Saudi Arabia consume Western media and are totally on board with it.

Islam is the most Globo-Homo converged religion, outside of a small minority of extremists.


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Imagine being this of a wild animal. Fucking hell, should've ended Islam when we had a fucking chance.

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Actually, no, I do not support Capitalism, and Stalinism is actually a fucking meme that is not based on Marx's teachings. You see, Marx said that anyone can be a burgeoise as long as they are the ones holding property of what the worker was supposed to hold. In what fucking sense was a Stalin a prolet if I may ask? None, he was one of the people behind Holodomor and not to mention a man made femine in USSR. To hell with him.

Good to see you aren't completely delusional like most Commies. Although Communism will never be achieved because Socialism fails every time it's tried

Why exist if you cannot enjoy existing? If you cannot have the things you desire?

Why don't I see white people honor-killing their own daughters and sisters?

Then you aren't muslim, poser. You're even insulting their religion straight to their face by falsely practicing it. Enjoy going missing and found in the basement of a Mosque, Infidel.

> Although Communism will never be achieved because Socialism fails every time it's tried
That might be because of this paragraph in Marx's manifesto about Communism. To be completely frank here, this paragraph is what keeps Socialism failing if you think about it, because classes here "must be abolished in a revolutionary Holocaust". That's already a contradiction to my duty to protect worker's rights, not to end them through violence.

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Well enjoy being shot up by everyone of your friends including your own countrymen and maybe your own community for the sake of political power in revolutions funded by powerful esternal nations with various interests all of which revolve around resources, and your group mentality all to eager to fall for the bait unlike Christians.

FYI: You'll be using western defense and war technologies. AUTOMATIC KALASHNIKOVS.

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Oh and btw, quick note, Holocaust was a made up genocide in order to trick world in eternal conflict in a near future. That conflict is nearing, and we must stop it by any means necessary.

My countrymen are fat, stupid, lazy, clueless white people who think of Jerry Seinfeld when they hear the word "Jew". America is ripe for conquest right now.

mashallah user

I’ve literally never met a Muslim who did not drink alcohol lmao.

At best some of them won’t drink around other Muslims.

This is at least mostly true. Though some of the first gen immigrants from like the 80s-90s vote Republican. The new dumb ones who are moving in vote where their bread is buttered.

Yeah eradicating the lower class would cause a rift between the state and the workers, which would likely lead to another revolution. On the other hand, there some fucks who are completely useless to society and are better off with a bullet in their heads.

Yeah what exactly would Nazis gain from burning Jews when they were already in a two front war? POWs would have been much for useful for labor

if you kys for god you go straight to heaven fyi. good luck user

ive never met a muslim women who wasnt a feminist

A stupid brown religion for stupid brown people, the Jews' good little goyim to sic on Christians and provide them safe harbor whenever they got thrown out of Europe.

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When you get your head cut off or shot for being a terrorist just remember you chose that.

Nah, kill yourself nigger.

Go to bed, achmed

Nothing absolutely, Nazis wouldn't gain shit. You should read more in depth about class relations in Communist Manifesto. That is where I realized that anyone (including the so called communist "leaders") can be a burgoise.

Also, for the rest of the nu/pol/: I do not honestly have an actual negative opinion for a Hitler other than a fact that he made some terrible shit strategies in a war.

These people marry their first cousins at a rate of like 40% dude. Its not good.
I had converted like 15 years ago. I met some good people, but really you will just find more alienation. These people have fucked things up just as badly as the Christians. We have to go our own way for now.

jew lived in mudslims country for century and mudslims never killed them

Thats the joke brainlet

You’re going to be disappointed going into it with that mindset

Mohammed actually realized they were going to betray him and had a bunch of them slaughtered lol.

Muhammad was a tranny. Try again, Abdul.

>I'm converting to Islam. Muslims are the only ones...

Yeah I'm gonna have to stop you right there Mohammad. You see the problem is nobody cares what you think or what you do with your pointless life. Your opinion is totally irrelevant to us, you will never be white so might as well stop trying, and if you never posted here again that would be a plus. Thanks for understanding.

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Believe it or not Islam is historically the tolerant one. You can still find Christians in Sharia law countries. Christians used to be the ones going around burning people who had slightly different ideas. Jews are an anomaly in the Christian world. They kept them around because they were allowed to lend money and they could kick them out any time the debts got too high.

it's antiscience, an Arab religion (that's why you must read the Koran in arabic and babble arabic shit even if it's not your language) and they are degenerate in their own ways and hypocrites

.>make it legal for an average man own several teenage wives/sex slaves

only for rich guys and if everybody gets forced to converts, you can't have sex slaves because they will be muslim then.
Islam has tons of Incels because of Polygamy.

Then you fit well into that religion. Muslims also say, Allah doesn't know when they drink Wodka because it looks like water.

You have to read the Quran in its original because it is poetry that cannot be translated. Also because they wanted to avoid what has happened in the US with Protestants reading from grug brain ZOG translations of the Bible.

wow this is propaganda

All before they started fighting each other and the religion fell into civil war, with the Sunni-Shia split originating with Mohammed's very companions and family members. It's because it's a meme religion. The ones at the top knew that the Koran was a stupid, self-contradictory book.

The splits within Christianity are minimal next to Islam. They can't agree on who the current imam is, what an imam is, how many there are, who Mohammed wanted to succeed him, which holidays are good holidays or times to lash oneself. It's an evil, rancid, horrific religion. It's been one nonstop bloodbath.

I know how you have to really be at rock bottom to think of converting to Islam, but you incels would fare even worse in a polygamous Islamic society in getting laid. You'll just be jihadi cannon fodder.

Also, no drinks, barbaric halal slaughter of animals, praying to "god" five times a day like a slave, circumcision. It's not an Aryan compatible religion in the slightest. If not Christianity or Euro paganism, I'd suggest Buddhism or Hinduism.

opposite way retard.

look up the Iran-Iraq war with Saddam Hussein. The shias are in bed with jews and everyone ganged up on Saddam when he wanted to unite all arabs, expel the jews, and bring national socialist policies to his people

>because it is poetry that cannot be translated.
and that makes it pretty useless. Nobody understands classic Arabic. So you'll always have to rely on what the Imam tells you and can't study it yourself. if you need another human to get i contact with god it's bad. Because humans are manipulative.

That's not even Mohammad, it's Ali. Dumb fuck retard shill

>You have to read the Quran in its original because it is poetry that cannot be translated

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Gee, this is not bait, whatsoever. I take your plight seriously and your argument has made so poignantly fantatsic that i too will join the leagues of Islam.

Aloha Snackbar

>Choosing a religion based on its so-called effectiveness in stopping degeneracy on earth , and not seeking instead the one true religion.
Hope you like hell, user

>Christianity is dead and white people are a disgrace.

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woman in trash bags, raping woman that arent in trash bags, kid fucking, killing everyone who dont believe in your flying spaghetti monster. yeah user, sounds like a good alternative. have fun with out drinking, smoking, dancing, painting, arts in general and post pics of your wife goat for the lulz plz

Not at all. For a thousand years the catholic church killed millions of people that had different ideas. Heresy after heresy. A Christian in a Muslim country is a pay pig. A Muslim in a Christian country is an ungodly heretic.

The only reason it became different is because of the protestant reform.

Poetry is forbidden in islam. die sinner!!!

And you need the footnotes because the time and place context for these verses actually matters a lot.

lol I'm pretty sure thats one of the few things that is not.

>millions of people

If you're going to make a claim like that, please back it up withatleast some instances in history

That picture is haram; pictures of Mohammad are forbidden. And Islam promotes its own form of degeneracy: incest

There really a lot of heresies and purgings during the medieval and renaissance era. Lots of pre- reformation style movements. Some of them were proto shitlib and needed purging. Others not so much.

Well we can start here.


What would you say is a good source for the numbers?


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Why does Mohammed look like Tim Curry wearing a diaper on his head?

but almost everything else is. arts, science, music, dancing. okay faggy poetry not. yeah I wonder why this religion is still set in a medieval mind set

Muslim women are the worst and very Anti white

Kys you fucking sad faggot traitor KYS low IQ subhumans join that dumb shit


retard half the muslims are trannies cucks and feminists. enjoy being raped by jihad mo. btw op mohammad was a red head

That's Ali the founder of Shia Islam. Mohammad is not allowed to be drawn in Islam.

>fight jews

90% of Mudslimes are Jews you idiot.

Muhammad was White also

Hagee says that the Antichrist will allow the Jewish people to rebuild the Jerusalem temple and tear down the Dome of the Rock (3rd most holiest place for Muslims) since the Bible states that "he (AntiChrist) takes his seat in the Temple of God, declaring himself to be God"

>Implying there was something wrong with medieval times.
Yeah they went too far in some places. The whole thing was in part a reaction to the missteps of Christianity and the Molech cults they defeated so there is a paranoid mindset against certain things. (Like drawing people)

>look up the Iran-Iraq war with Saddam Hussein. The shias are in bed with jews and everyone ganged up on Saddam

um no, everyone from both sides of the aisle (1st and second world) sided with Iraq during the Iran Iraq war due to Iran bombing Iraqi oil supplies and shipments.

You should read it, hardly anything of worth was there

so if you cant beat em join em is that it