Jow Forums Humour Thread WebM Edition

I need to fill out my collection, anything goes. Ill start

Attached: Average Brazilian.webm (198x360, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex you cringey incel

Attached: BannerMaker_27052019_001307-400x300.png (400x300, 150K)

Damn, we going to see alot like him after the zika outbreak...

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it lose

What's with this latest tragic attempt to subvert Jow Forums?

Is it a sort of meta-meme or is it another raid by tumblrites and/or leftypol?

The have sex thing looks like a raid.

the "lmao you pathetic..." is a copy pasta
usually posted by a leaf, but recently other countries have tried to emulate it.
There's also a Jow Forums humour thread already up from an hour before this one was posted

wash yo ass nigger

Attached: beer.webm (360x640, 233K)

Go back to Tumblr if you can't handle Jow Forums, NPC nigger

Attached: index.jpg (203x249, 13K)

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

there it is
mods delet this imposter

Attached: 1558998982326.png (887x1000, 356K)

Attached: 1558728299877.jpg (767x737, 488K)

Attached: Success_by_DT.jpg (988x544, 63K)

Attached: hash_1.jpg (1024x548, 93K)

Kek and saved

Hello nigger. Are done being a Jew tool yet?

How does it feel being schmuck, nigger? PS: Schmuck is an insult

>calling people "racists"
Your autistic name calling has no power here, nigot

Attached: 4e33594dc09ba2dbc6c85f8b55f6515796a97560cfb0b964e87e9cace3a533d3.jpg (403x598, 64K)

Attached: christchurch mosque1.webm (648x360, 2.91M)

go back t_d new retard

Weak weapon skills, takes 2 damn seconds to fix a jam.

Stale af.
Might as well post "triggered" lady or that cuck dude. Step your game up ya fash it ain't 2016.
Also kill yourselves. I know you wanna

Attached: FB_IMG_1558497517813.jpg (720x686, 43K)

ЛMAO ви пaтeтични pacиcти мe yвeк нacмeјeтe ca вaшим "pol humor" тpeдoвимa
Cyoчитe ce ca тим, вeћинa тaмнoпyтих ћe бити бecкpaјнo ycпeшнији нeгo билo кoји oд вac јaдних дeвaцa. Ha пoгpeшнoј cтe cтpaни иcтopијe, пpихвaтитe тo лyзepи

Attached: 1557540735100.png (645x773, 49K)

Attached: 0000 AA 1 muslim-arab-man-looking-back-at-a-goat-his-wife-not-happy-about-it.jpg (735x450, 108K)

Attached: 1549935087154.jpg (750x923, 99K)

Attached: 1548547764674.jpg (1470x1116, 331K)

Attached: 1558495427314.jpg (1024x683, 127K)

2019 and the left still can't meme.

Attached: 1555193812551.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Attached: 1508839295258.png (900x1273, 607K)

I've got a few...

Attached: dirtydancing.webm (320x400, 1.66M)


aren't black people fun, guys?

Attached: dirtydancing2.webm (202x360, 2.17M)

Is this not an animal, user?

Attached: giant-hernia.webm (960x540, 1.82M)

I don't know why, but this gets me every time.

Attached: 1548315326074.webm (260x480, 2.93M)

Have children.

Attached: 1556873866173.png (600x630, 54K)

America in a nutshell.

New to weapons, does anyone know what he used?


that's a lil' bit sadistic, user.

Attached: squatting.webm (480x360, 2.63M)

No, it's a giant hernia, like the filename says. His intestines fell through his pelvic floor, or so I was told.

Attached: uhhh.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

I was barely gone a week and you guys come up with this. Goddammit, i miss all the good stuff

Coming to a neighborhood near you!


Attached: SCHIZOPOSTERS.png (1656x912, 478K)

I'll do the same to you if you like you faggot

The complete loss of hope in her eyes is my favorite part

bahahha what are the odds?

I fucking hate niggers but this is a bit extreme

this got quints on the post i downloaded it from

Attached: quints.webm (500x280, 1.77M)

Attached: vice-venezuela-trans-ketamine.webm (640x360, 2.54M)

Don't be such a butt hurt bitch.

Attached: 1546610709066.gif (315x309, 2M)


Attached: theNewHinduism.webm (720x720, 2.49M)

Hello newfag


Attached: kkkasino.webm (540x360, 1.79M)

what the fuck is that?


Attached: fatslide.webm (400x400, 421K)


Attached: ((((you)))).webm (640x360, 1.53M)

Me on election night 2016

Cunt punt!!


Attached: itsATrap.webm (480x270, 1.03M)

i don't get it. Which explains why the left can't meme
>"Right wangerz r nazis" *drops mic*, "that's your cue to laugh"

Attached: The left can't meme.png (591x587, 542K)

fucking nightmare fuel

Attached: jooz.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

Stupid jap cartoons have nothing to do with politics other than being gay.

Attached: japan israel lgbt.png (1200x799, 2.25M)

fuck off

Attached: Jorge Pimentoso-.jpg (1263x630, 321K)

oh well :)

Attached: No.webm (640x800, 2.55M)

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Attached: isaidno.webm (640x640, 1.34M)

Attached: 98A64D0C-B1DA-496A-A0DB-2A6166505937.gif (298x224, 3.59M)

It’s just a nigger

i was hoping for ied's still cool though

Cant condone any child beating even if nigger

This might be a little more up your alley...

Attached: electric.webm (640x352, 1.32M)

How embarrassing. Lol

Attached: 13AE596C-9BEF-4410-9378-43BFDA006A35.gif (374x276, 1.92M)

Attached: 1554740171737.jpg (618x537, 109K)


Attached: pokeball.gif (288x288, 2.17M)

Attached: ruins your meal.webm (406x720, 2.6M)

Gibs me muh lights on.

Attached: D5CDFA84-1474-4789-AB11-42AAE9E3B287.gif (234x154, 1.09M)

You like child abuse? Pretty messed up user.

Yep, that's a rape charge incoming.

Attached: riding cows.webm (372x526, 1.28M)

Tar baby =/= child

nothing out of the ordinary going on at pita pit

Who is this buy, desu?

Indeed. Violence is a meme of sorts, more prevalent in darker skinned populations.

Attached: lit3.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

I far as child abuse webms on Jow Forums go that’s not that bad. I mean I’m desensitized. But some of the shit I’ve seen here has made me report it to any alphabet agency I can think of, in any country I suspect it’s from. I don’t click on anything with kids anymore. Because it’s like cancer, you would kill whoever is hurting the kid if you could get your hands on them, but you can’t and they know it. And there’s no point in making internet threats unless you’re a damn good hacker maybe.

Attached: B926BC54-5F82-4662-B070-A42A7D9B569F.gif (300x300, 1.88M)

I mean I guess it’s funny but you know he is fucking her. That’s how he got her to do that. Look at him limping along on one foot. I wonder what exactly he said to get her to do that? Actually.....never mind. I thought about it and it’s terrible. I need to go to the gym. Gross.

Attached: BCE41B2A-DFDC-440C-AAD0-01AA90095DCE.gif (181x292, 1.98M)

It almost hurts knowing you can't do anything. It's also kinda sad that these rekt posts don't phase me anymore, it shouldn't be normal.

This can only be posted by Canadians.

Thank you leaf.
My autism is satisfied

Attached: Screenshot_20190527-192411.jpg (559x653, 61K)

The creativity of kids today is astounding


Attached: 1555385451056.jpg (800x583, 74K)

I remember that one. Stepfather filmed himself abusing girlfriends kid, got caught and senteced to xx years in prison if my memory serves me right.

lmao what a cuck

You can still find some of them in the rainforests of Brazil.

honestly suicide is the best option for it at this point, it's too far gone

>>we're in desperate need of a genocide

fucking jannies captcha fucked me, complete them with no issues and says please try again, has done this multiple times