We're the Confederate States of America traitors? What was the real reason for the civil war?
The Civil War
That was a long time ago.
>Because you're down here!
The north was literally in violation of the constitution. The south said, "Fine, we are leaving your corrupt union." The north replied, "You can't leave; we will kill you if you don't stay under our dictatorship."
the next one will make the first look like a paintball match
>What was the real reason for the civil war?
A federal power grab and the feds won.
No. The federal government was overstepping the rights of the states. Then they came in and burned our towns. Not every southern fought for the right to own slaves. They faught the federal government who were coming in on our land.
Sound like a good time to me!
It was about states rights. In some ways we have the beginning of the next one with either abortion or pot.
Imagine if the federal government cracked down on pot and started destroying the pot industry in all these states that have legalized it. At what point would the states that wanted pot to be legal say peace out we are leaving?
worthless post.
Public reason according to the South: The Federal government wasn't abiding by the constitution.
Public reason according to the North: ???
Real reason: protectionist trade tariffs for Northern Industry's benefits were hurting the South, America's largest exporters.
Slavery wasn't an issue.
The War of Northern Aggression!
Freeing niggers from the evil white man, obviously
Yes. They betrayed the Senate. It was for cheap slave labor. Americans died for freedom though. Some things never change
The next one will be fought by an army of John Wilkes Boothes.
Preservers of the Union beware.
This. A (((strong central government))) was the direct opposite of what the framework of the constitution directed. Lincoln was a tyrant that caused massive black unemployment , and white deaths.
It was totally about slavery but not in the way you think, the North generally viewed slaves as property and not human beings and opposed it mainly because it gave the Southern states voting power with the 3/5th compromise. It was never about freeing them from ebil white men in the name of justice and muh freedom.
Funny you bring this up. It's always the south who had slaves and never the north. But I'm pretty sure slaves was still active in the north and I'm confident the White House had some. Abraham Lincoln didn't want black people to vote.
The 3/5 compromise was limit on southern voting power. Imagine the number of electoral votes the South would have had if every nigger slave counted as a full man.
>off by one
You had one fuckin job user.
Exactly. The South was not making war on the federal government.
Lincoln, damn his black heart, was trying to thwart Rothschild's plan to split America into two.
Correct. Lincoln was redpilled on negroes.
Sadly, the apportionment of the EC is by population and includes non-citizens.
The Rothschilds had a change of plan after Gettysburg.
The "victors" sold them the entire country after they bankrupted themselves fighting the war.
Things get really confusing from the time of Andrew Jackson’s Presidency to the end of reconstruction.
The Union was very authoritarian from 1825 to 1865, they were very pro-tariff and anti-national bank while the south was really just near anarchy/libertarian. A lot of the congressmen from S. Carolina were kikes who wanted to split the Union. I think things would’ve been very different had Lincoln not been assassinated. When he died the Republican Party became ultra-kikes who let the niggers run rampant in the south, even encouraging them to rape and murder. The south’s reaction during reconstruction was only natural. Lincoln wanted to send the slaves out of America. His main concern over slavery was that the niggers would ruin manifest destiny.
In any way, the south has the right to secede and i support it
People change their minds about shit all the time. Are you going to base his beliefs off of a speech made in 1858 or right before his death in 1865?
For the first time in a public setting, Lincoln expressed his support for black suffrage. This statement incensed John Wilkes Booth, a member of the audience, who vowed, "That is the last speech he will make." A white supremacist and Confederate activist, Booth made good on his threat three days later.
Northern trade and industry subverting the southern economy and development. We got tired of the government protecting their blatantly exploitative bullshit so we seceded and the army fags at Fort Sumter gkt blasted on for refusing to leave after being asked multiple times for months on land they had no business being on. Fuck yankees and fuck (((federalists))).
You can’t be a traitor if you literally secede from your old country. I guess by that standard, George Washington was a “traitor” to the British crown. Winning is the only moral justification.
Lincoln burns in Hell.
North were the traitors. See SC's declaration of secession.
Any source for this? Google is not cooperating
>We're instead of were
>Confederate flag
Checks out. Carry on.
>What was the real reason for the civil war?
The southern states came to the conclusion that the federal government wasn't acting in their best interests so the fuck off. The feds were pissed because of their loss of the tariffs on cotton exports was one of the largest revenue streams for the government. So to resolve this the government forced a draft to make men fight and die in a war that only the government stood to benefit from.
I don't see how it is "treason" to want to leave and have your own nation. It was the united STATES after all. So if sovereign states want to leave and form a different Union that should be their right. I don't see the motivation or justification to stop them aside from selfish drives for power and the maintenance of it on the side of the federal government.
So many fellow Southerners.
I love you all so much.
Except you Kentucky.
You faggots half assed it.
The South was bankrolling the non-productive north. All motivations for the North to behave unconstitutionally, effectively killing the United States thenceforth, were wholly pecuniary. The South will rise again.
Because the north shit the bed by violating the Constitution, as well as attempted to gut the South's economy and force industrialization for the sake of big businesses who were given a pass to do whatever the fuck they wanted.
The south promptly told them to kiss their collective ass because they were seceding from the corrupt union, and the union chimped out.
Revisionist history bullshit. Thanks for answering the question though. Civil war was fought by traitors from the south who are so ashamed of their ancestors they make up ridiculous lies about the civil wars causes to this day.
>What was the real reason for the civil war?
Money. Just like every other war.
>t. brainwashed yankee
Slavery was at most a propaganda banner Lincoln used to demonize the south and rally the common man behind the union, as the common man was too stupid to grasp the real reason, as outlined by these two posts.
But that's all true. The federal government overstepped its limits by trying to exert power over state government, the south told them to fuck off, and fort Sumter was fired upon after the soldiers there were told multiple times to leave or be fired upon.
Lincoln sent a fleet to resupply Fort Sumpter. That was an act of war.
>trying to thwart Rothschild's plan to split America into two
The Alaska Purchase - famously known as "Seward's Folly" - was the way the US paid off Russia for Russia's agreement to keep England and France out of the war (by Russia making clear through channels it would enter the war on the side of the US if England or France entered).
Within 60 years the Rothschilds had killed both Lincoln and Romanov for daring to oppose (((them))).
>reality is too hard to cope with my braindead world view so heres more bullshit.
Stay buttmad you nigger loving yankee. You had to get millions of Irish potato niggers to fight your (((war))) for you.
Here's an article on the origins and meaning of the Republican Party.
It was about Imperialism . Stealing other peoples assets . Same as the Revolutionary war was about stealing British assets
(((German))) emigres had a bigger influence in making Lincoln president in the first place. See Django Unchained to watch one of these proto-Bolshevik communist subverters at work.
The civil war marked a turning point in American history, when we definitively ceased to be a voluntary union of states, and instead became a collection of territories subjugated under the rule of the iron fist of the federal government.
London vs rest of England.
>London = North
>South = Rest of England
>Flouts laws, serves its own interests, discards the rest of the country, throws the rest of the country under a bus when shit goes wrong, demonises the rest of the country, slanders them, milks the wealth, concentration of politics that are out of touch with the rest
I can go on and on and on.
But the Revolutionary war ended with us stealing French interests and bankrupting them, leaving their Bourbon monarch to the mercy of Parisians that were starving due to no money.
Snowniggers wanted ice, but didnt want to build railroads themselves so they freed up the labor force in the South to help...the brits just wanted cotton wigs.
Idk if its true but I heard a little "fun fact" Lincoln's favorite penpal was Karl Marx.