Now that the dust has settled

Can we all agree Carl fulfilled an important role in the political landscape and prevented the Overton window from shifting further left?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No he is just a beta male who read a few philosophy Wikipedia articles inbetween masturbations and vidya games, got pissed that a woman more attractive than he’d ever fuck talked shit about muh games, made a few videos, and now things he is god king liberalist with a few pounds to spare.

yeah, he fulfilled an important role alright. I got my hearty laughs out of his shitshow


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If anything he only made the Overton Window shift further left in Britain. Everyone will now know him as the guy who said pedophilia was “okay”

Yes and anyone claiming otherwise is a pro establishment shill or a discord tranny. Or Thunderf00t / Jim trying to make yet another video on Sargon to save their dying "Internet Bloodsports" type videos. People are getting tired of the infighting within the alternative media. Our common enemy is the mainstream media and yet some of these cucks will gladly shit on each other for views. No one actually cared about a rape joke. The mainstream media are smear merchants and Sargon exposed them. He didn't need to win the election and his youtube views have exploded thanks to constant mainstream attention.

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Nice, this is exactly my point, and THIS IS the role of the "far right" - otherwise leftists label centrists and conservacucks as "far right", and attack them, and the whole overton window shifts left (which is exactly what happened over the past what 20? 30? 50 years?).

The Overton window has been firmly in the right for decades, at least in the Anglosphere. The only difference is that the elites who control our nations can get some good PR by waving a rainbow flag while they continue to drain the wealth of our nations like the parasites they are with even greater impunity than ever before.

>memeflags and us proxies

It's funny how unaware you faggots are of the free attention you're giving him. Little mainstream media bots doing what mainstream media is good at : giving free attention to people they are trying to smear.

That is some of the faggiest shit I've ever seen.
All according to plan

Fuck u

Sargon may be a fat fuck with some pretty damn small brain ideas, but all things considered he's a million times better than 99% of the politicians and reporters out there. I support Sargon in his quest against the dirty smear merchants

Glad I could help

PS: As if I would listen to a fucking leaf.

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He got closer than anyone here.
Mocking him for not being elected to the European Parliament is like mocking an Olympic runner for coming in last place. He still made it to the Olympics.

>sargon haters when they realize his YouTube channel is doing better than ever thanks to the free mainstream media attention

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Stop defending the racist. It's funny here but most of us are just laughing at the guys downfall at this point. Watch Jim's video

Sargon is gay

He never did shit he’s a fucking fat grease ball

He does more in a day than you will in your entire life, neetlet.

Not the N word!!!!!

Lmao stfu kike

>failed politician
>can't make money on youtube
>banned from patreon

its over for sarcuck

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A literal Communist Jew.
Talks shit about Islam.
Says Jews are genetically superior and thats why they run your country.
>Preventing the Left's agenda

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>demonitized youtube channel


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>Watch Jim's video
Jim is a copefagg has to debase himself by pushing the lowest down instead of rising to the occasion.

>what is subscribestar
>what are donations

Yes because obviously youtube ad revenue is how most independent content creators make money these days... Clearly having more viewers cannot have a positive impact on his revenue all because his channel is demonetized. It's insane how you lefties actually think it works that way. Must be why you guys always resort to modern day letter writing campaigns. Sadly for you, we don't need your little politically correct advertisers to make a living.

Stay mad cuck. Sargon isn't going away any time soon lol.

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farage is farther right than soigon though

I stand with Jess Phillips.
Sargon needs to be in prison.

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I think if they stay serious, and don't take the easy money bait, they'll have a good chance at being solid leaders. This is their first go-round, it's rarely a first run victory, seriously. Every nation needs people who are learning how to be in the public eye and speaking for the public. They got 6% if I saw correctly, and I'd venture many more are sympathetic, but Brexit Party with Farage is simply the experience and a hell of a great name. What will Brexit Party do when Brexit is finished?
UKIP is still about the UK. You do need some branding help.

He will be banned from all of those and paypal and credit card processors and banks soon enough.

>thinking that subscribstar will still have him on by the end of the year.
Subscribestar already got sho'ad when he jumped in. The only reason right now why he still has subscribestar is because they don't know the payment processor.

And if they found it, I hope that he apologize to Dick to allow him on Newproject2

Yes of course because when the left loses the argument all they can really do is hope to silence you by removing your funding. What a genuine and respectable way of making someone you disagree with stop talking.

The absolute state of this onions filled fuck. Destroys himself and an entire party. What a retard.

No. He’s a nigger faggot kike cuck sperg who destroys everything he touches.

Centrism is a disease you degenerate maplenigger.


when did Sargon became a rightie? last year, he was claiming to be quarter black and wishes for white genocide and "grooming gangs" to overrun UK. he was in-line with the SJWs

>The only reason right now why he still has subscribestar is because they don't know the payment processor.

Who is (((they))) and why do they care so much about removing the ability for right wingers to make money on the internet? If (((they))) didn't fake outrage and got retarded shareholders to force companies to pull out, we wouldn't even need to be having this discussion. (((They))) are fighting the monster (((they))) created. And at one point, the payment processors will wake up and realize what's going on. This fake mainstream media outrage won't stand for much longer. People will realize that you can still make money even when you disagree with the professional victims. People will stop believing the outrage. You've played that card one time too many now.

Alternative platforms are just the beginning. They're here to scare off the big platforms, which will either fold or lose millions of dollars in potential revenue. At some point they'll realize that the left is good at nothing beside driving fake outrage. At some point they'll wake up and the smear merchants will go hungry. They know this and that's why they are fighting desperately right now. It's pathetic really.

Nope, he's a smug annoying libtard kekistani homo

>lol thinking Sargon is a right-winger
>the man going to sauna to get happy ending from male masseuses and flirting with trannies
>the man who claim to be quarterblack and wishes for white genocide
>the man who wish for grooming gangs to overrun uk

Nah, Sargon is just an ambulance-chasing crypto-rightwing cuck. he's just in it for the money. which unironically, the stupid stunt just made him poorer

Hasn't he filled his Brexit party with fuzzie wuzzies, chinamen and wogs?...I'm a bit out of the loop


There you go, you are now on a watchlist for having your IP tied to a reply containing banned words. Enjoy your interrogation faggot.

>baseless bullshit
>ambulance-chasing crypto-rightwing cuck

What the fuck does that even mean? You lefties are the fucking worst lmfao inserting buzzword in front of other buzzwords and thinking this somehow means something is not how we're supposed to have a conversation.

>country full of cucks
>calling other people lefties....

do we have to put up the screenshots? even his wife is tired of his bullshit

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>circling the important part of his faked screenshot

Why do lefty memes always assume the person looking at the image is a 0 IQ brainlet?

>It was our plan all along to be made to look like retards
Its almost prophetic

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The UK mainstream media looked like the bigger retards here. No one cares about a rape joke.

Because they themselves are retarded and would need that kind of assistance

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I never said it was his plan, just that he fulfilled a role in taking all the heat from the media and making Nigel Farage look "moderate" by comparison.

wew lad

You got eight, twice

>implying the screenshot was faked

The levels of cope kekistanis are having right now. Don't you people have mothers to strangle right now?

Why is the guys intro longer than the actual story?

Oh, by the way, this is the original video, ON HIS FUCKING OWN CHANNEL


Um, I don't care, I was just making out the comment that you are retarded, Carl has always been into traps

i agree. He also figured out how to keep women out of politics: make rape jokes.

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>complimenting someone
>"haha he's fucking trannies lololol sargon btfo"

Only in the mind of a sad virgin incel, a jealous wife or a discord tranny trying to smear someone would giving a compliment amount to flirting. And let's assume for a second that he was flirting... who cares? Is that really what you're going off on now? So now that I'm not outraged about Sargon for his rape joke you're trying to make me hate him for theoretical stuff he does in private? Suuure.....

cope more kekistani faggots!!!!

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>leaf cucks calling other people incels
>when they papa Sargoy is a tranny chasing cuck. and he's actually a literal cuck.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! How embarrasing. His son is so embarrased of his father that he aborted himself. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a cuck

>non argument
>using cuck twice in the same insult

Are you okay discord tranny?


Are you stupid? If anything, by making attacks against moderate liberals like Sarpussy, Tommy Yaxley and Farage acceptable, the Overton window has shifted even far more to the left.

Nice projection there

>willfully ignored quotation marks around "far right"

Evidently the leftists, and the media, think he's far right - and that's my whole fucking point you nonce.

Then that reiterates my point, when liberals are called "far-right" and a vast majority of the population agrees then it's all fucked.

And what happens if Sargon doesn't run and stays quiet in his home? Then the left will misconstrue anything controversial Nigel Farage might have said and label HIM as far right (just like the BBC tried to) except with Sargon out of the picture it might actually work and the whole overton window shifts left.

But we don't have to imagine and speculate, because that's exactly whats been happening in politics ALL over the western world for the last 20 or 30 years until the recent rise in the "alt-right".

>And what happens if Sargon doesn't run and stays quiet in his home? Then the left will misconstrue anything controversial Nigel Farage might have said and label HIM as far right (just like the BBC tried to) except with Sargon out of the picture it might actually work and the whole overton window shifts left.
Wrong. They have been attacking Farage for YEARS, the difference is that nothing works because Farage isn't retarded enough to make rape jokes and call people niggers IN PUBLIC in a shit country where it's literally illegal.

Alright lads, I held off from leaking this during the election (fuck carl, but didn't want to hurt brexit/UKIP), going to make it available to cow, amounts to undeniable proof of Sargon playing secondlife with Vee, roleplaying furry characters. It's bad, real fucking bad.
Will be up tomorrow afternoon. Have fun XD

Sup, Carl

It does work, many brainwashed Brits hate him with a passion because they think he's "racist" and "fascist" and this, that and the other.
That's why he god milkshaked, that's why some people cheered at him getting milkshaked.

You haven't been paying attention.

if he acted like a huge fucking retard on purpose to take all negativity and press away from an actually decent right wing party, good on him. Unfortunately though he did not do it on purpose, he's just that stupid.

Maybe his failure will bear fruit however and brexit will finally fucking happen. Hell maybe even Nigel will be PM.

It wasn't him "acting like a huge fucking retard" that garnered him all that negative press - it was his refusal to back down and apologize over old tweets which garnered the media attention (you can argue the tweets are retarded, I don't care, they're old).
His refusal to back down and bow to the "dirty dirty smear merchants" was deliberate, and that's exactly what sheltered "less radical" people like Nigel Farage.

The whole modern political landscape has been shaped by the (((media))) "exposing" people and shaming them into changing their political views, if you've got someone standing out on the "far right" openly saying "I'm not going to apologize, I'm not going to back down" then that gives everyone to the left of him a sense of security that "well at least they're targeting him not me".
He played an important role, whether he wanted to take on that role or not is up for debate, but he still willingly took it on.

necessary evil ( mainstream media boogeyman )

His rape joke interview was incredibly based.

Have sex

Carl is the epitome of a midwit.

ITT: pathological contrarians fail to show solidarity with someone who represents their interests

Well, these brainlets think they can steal radical centrists' popularity, but the more and more they try their gayops, people will start noticing just how absolutely gay they really are.

Vox you are not as smart as you think

I'm just amazed at all the spergs that sided with the lying media simply to spurn a single retard they didn't like....
>Mister Metokur
he is fucking obsessed with Carl of Swindon. It's embarassing at this point. He's even siding with corporate media simply out of spite.
>Imagine Being That Faggy

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>Carl literally accused Jim of being a pedophile and fell for the James O'Shaunessy shit.
Nice job Carl! How ya doing Mr. I was just pretending to be retarded?

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you should stop worshiping white trash retards whose only accomplishments are race-mixing with lesser-chinks of the turd-level orient.

Jim already warned Sargon what will happen, because Jim knows politics, you know, since he has experience in it.

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All while you couldn't fuck nothing more than your hand

Sargoy "My wife was raped and my son is brown, I get free milkshakes when I go to town" of Cuckad is a literal embarrassment to his own side of the argument

the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I rather watch both implode on themselves.

and Sargon is a glorious trashfire right now

i don't like Carl of Swindon, but I sure as hell am not going to side with the media, and cherry-pick headlines to spite him like some jilted lover

>Jim obsessed with Sargon
>when Sargon actually admitted to Jim that he wears his wig and masturbate, then have gay sex with Milo
>also Sargon is crying to Jim that he should have been the leader of gamergate

Sargon actually acts like a crazy ex-girlfriend

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>risking his ass in public to stop things sliding further into leftist hellhole
>starting to figure out how to use leftist and yellow journalism's own outrage tactics against the left

>funny guy, and mostly based, but hides in the shadows and just being a meme lord as an adult still

I have a lot of respect for Sargon trying to put a thumb in the ever shrinking dam comprised of sensible normal people barely holding back the leftist sewer flood.