Western """"Civilization""""

>Western """"Civilization""""


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I agree.

I can smell it

me on the left

Girl in the middle is kinda cute

The girl in the middle could have been decent were she not associated with such degenerate freaks.

>tfw trannies have a bigger pee pee than you

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Look at the nose user, it knows.

Looks like a literal fucking turd

Look at her thighs, she's a cutter.

Attached: A394A31C-8581-4F7B-A12D-FB97BB27E19A.jpg (415x544, 26K)

>Western """"Civilization""""
ffs man! Then stop raping it and also stop watching this messed up shit, i thought you guys were supposed to be hetero or goatero or something.

Why does that woman have a penis

Jews have really outdone themselves. La Chaim!

Attached: 4DCC9D22-3350-43EB-8944-7BBDC594429F.jpg (720x568, 33K)

>dick looks like a turd

Attached: 514132131.jpg (725x483, 100K)

>We need to save western civilization!

Attached: ang125.jpg (785x731, 101K)

Can’t blame the Jews for this one.

even the chick has a bigger dick than me wtf

where's the other guy

you sure bud?

And then one day for no reason at all...

Attached: 1520727674537.jpg (283x263, 11K)

Yep, I saw that too. She’s got major mental issues.

>leaf belives he has a civilization

My dick is bigger than than both of theirs, & I'm white

because her penis is feminine

Godamn what is this monstrosity

she cuts
either she gets sterilized or gassed

cant wait till jesus comes back to end this horror

Attached: translated-by-memri-tv-this-is-not-a-happy-reality-3736084.png (500x303, 77K)

Oh yes we can. Gender reassigment therapy and surgery were pioneered by Magnus Hirschfeld. He was also heavily involved in gay liberation along with many other Jews.