How long until Asia becomes more powerful than western countries?

How long until Asia becomes more powerful than western countries?

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powerful in what way?

that way


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Nobody in Asia owes 22 trillion

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less than 10 years

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>Swastika is used in a negative context
Dumb shit even if the critique of weebs as faggots is true, but the conservatives can only blame themselves, they literally didn't eve try to create culture for their children, they just left leftists and foreigners do it. I'm sorry but thinking you can just hide your kid in the mountains and read him the bible won't stop media from getting to him. You gotta put out your own shit to make a real difference.

Based Hoppe. Please let it be true.

China kind of has us by the sack, user.

Us Korean demand White men breed us out of existence do it now or your racist.

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As soon as we start stealing their IP

Maybe a couple of decades? America becomes majority non-White in 2045, and who knows what will happen in Europe.

What do you mean how long, it's already happened.

china is collapsing

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Asians, Indians, and Africans don't deserve to reproduce in such overwhelming numbers. They didn't earn civilization and don't deserve it.

canada is fucked if that's true

Europe has actual roots and real identities to defend, I can foresee real uprisings their, especially once the US loses it's superpower status.

Those arent asians those are koreans. The mongoloid jews

i love it when somebody who's literally done literally nothing of importance starts spouting off about which people deserve things

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it already is

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First of all, there are no Western countries since 1945, only a Jewish economic zone populated by mystery-meat helots. Second of all, Asia is completely dependent of exports to said Jewish economic zone, and so will be pressured to open their borders, install a kike central bank and hand over control of their media, under threat of sanctions. Asia is only 30-50 years behind us.

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I hate all this plasic pandering to men. I'd rather see more happy young couples but I guess that's not profitable enough in an age where hypergamy and low birth rates exist. Nothing wholesome, only the perverse and ideal.

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In less than 5 fucking years

Trade war would be the turning point
And east Asia being the dominant power is the natural order throughout the history

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KYS chink shill

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Do you people trust OP if he said he has a life?

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Bro cringe.... I like japs but wtf is this cringe

go ahead and ask me, child


To the western pinkoid crackers we're all chinks
Nice self divide and conquer shill netouyo subhuman

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Civilizations in Chinese sphere also known as East Asia obviously are the most superior you Mutt pink
Learn some history and educate yourself shithead

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50-100 years, unless the united states millitary is somehow suddenly weakened, china simply lacks the volume of millitary hardware and they cut too many corners.

Sometime after the PRC stops being a corrupt shit hole. Xi is driving the economy into the toilet while starting a new arms race with all of China's neighbors.

A better question is how are you going to duck when it all hits the fan?

He's been doing the same thing on /a/ and /v/ for years too.

Gee I wonder why you chose that cut off date

The sad part is that China had all these advancements and did nothing with them. China could have easily dominated the world a thousand years ago.

actually Song dynasty was so developed and advanced in science, technology and culture that it was about to enter the industrial revolutions 700 fucking years ago, which is something even western pinkoid historians admit

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This is a comparison of Chinese ship during Ming dynasty and Spanish ship during Age of Discovery (Chinese one was about 100 years earlier)
The middle kingdom always has been the dominant power throughout the history

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The middle East was once mostly white. Do you actually believe Arabs invented those things?

babylon and ur had some of the most amazing mathematics

>tfw you will never have a regal, modern looking qt asian wife like the one on the left.
Fucking hell, I mean I'm sure there's absolute asian whores as well, but the way they can lift themselves already make them far superior to white women.

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They already are economically and socially. Our militaries are stronger though, maybe for a while, but but not forever.

Chinks are an irrelevant slave race which has spent most of its history being ruled by foreign warrior races. Our main problem is a parasitic merchant clan which has conquered our nations and will soon do the same to you.

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haha you know nothing about the history of East Asia

Nice Yellow Peril Mutt

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>chink posting with jap proxy

you guys showed up in massive numbers a couple weeks ago, nice to see you learned about proxies

nice flag change
namefag some more

East Asia only has economic activity because the alien merchants that rule us have deconstructed our industrial base and transported it to Asia, because they fear the Aryan worker. If nationalists ruled our nations we wouldn't even trade with Asia or share our technology with you. You yellow rice helots would never have progressed beyond the feudal era if our evil Semitic elites hadn't handed all of our knowledge to you in order to spite us. Your race is corrupt, simple-minded and autistic, the Jews will destroy you without any effort.

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As soon as they start growing longer dicks than we do.

hopefully soon. their women are nice and fit and slim.

bla bla bla... bla...

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It will only become more powerful because the West has fallen.

Asia lacks the ingenuity and adventuring spirit that characterizes the West and allowed the West to lead humanity into the future.

When the West falls humanity will enter a new dark ages.

Of course the only thing that comes out of a WN is ''muh dick''

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>muh weebs
This place has really gone to shit because of newfags like you. Its just a sewer where everybody dumps their shit. There is so much shit we are all drowning in shit and every fucking nigger in the world is looking to install plumbing in their house to dump shit here too.

they can stab me anytime

Fuck off faggot, you're not Japanese.

And you think that your race was only recently surpassed by the jews?
You are dead wrong, jews could always fool you because you are the most naive race on earth and you deserve to be enslaved for your idiocy.

Now go and google "Alexander and the jews" and see for how long your race have been cuckolds.

hello chinko


Its an r/hapas user with a proxy. Ignore him.

obviously, lol

How long until Jews influence Asian Country's

the west cannot win how it wants to win against the target it wants to defeat. these conditions cannot be met by any outsider. you are prohibited from fighting east asia. they are under the protection of a higher power

so no amount of bad behavior with attempting to spread diseases in jap public bathrooms or ethnic cleansing in america will ever provide you with a path to victory only your own ruin. elon cant hit a asian country with a nuke. he cant even hit one that has a decent asian population. even given 4 million attempts. ahahaAHaHAhahaa. inside joke if you dont know what it means its above your pay grade

your existential crisis is pathetic. and allows for a punishment phase practically ever year. i almost putty the others who joined your faggy little coalition. liberals in hollywood, the music industry, jews who run companies thats more than enough for the pit. india, south africa, russia, western europe, 3/4 middle eastern countries, all of south america at a point i can write off the collateral damage since its less than 3% of the total. brother against brother, father against son

what they have that you do not or at some point lost is social strength. they dont fear another group being better than them. it doesnt cause them pain. they lose no sleep over the idea. they dont make plans to destroy any one because they think that group may out run them. you weakness is so pronounced and easy to spot this isnt even a fair fight. even when i was a child i had already won

Our race is the only one that put up a fight before going down. No one else can even put a scratch on the Ashkenazi merchant clan.

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Like 130% of the ops on Jow Forums op is a bot and a faggot.