My life is complete shit and there is no chance of it getting better...

My life is complete shit and there is no chance of it getting better. I work my ass off and things just keep getting bleaker. Give me one reason not to start drinking and become a welfare leech.

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whatever faggot

You only get 1 life this isn’t a video game.

Because that would make you a nigger

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The system was not built to benefit you or your situation. Best to start leeching off of the system than bother toiling to fuel the system that perpetuates the problems for the next person who will end up in your situation

Is this my sister?

I'm 30, its too late to reinvent myself. Am I going to start a coding career in my 30s?
And? Am I suppose to toil away so my taxes can feed niggers instead?

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If you have to reach out to Anons you already fucked up. Get off your ass, find a good paying job doing stuff that won't make you hate your life. Get in the fucking gym too.

>find a good paying job doing stuff that won't make you hate your life
>Get in the fucking gym too
I work out every day. I have my own weights.

I drunk beer last 10 hours ago. This is the last time I drink again.
Don't do that user.

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Well if that makes you hate life, go find worthwhile hobbies, go travel, see some new shit.

Go storm chasing

i dont have time or energy for that. i'd have more freedom if i was on welfare.

Self-improvement, so try

Storm Chasing would be dope. I live in Chiraq and never seen a Tornado.

Crook county had tornado warnings earlier today.

I'm 30 and the coding industry is pozzed. Wish I did something else. Turn back it's stuffed with faggots who still can't code.

I'm a 28yo frenless virgin. I quit cigs, drugs, and alcohol with the power of the redpill. Stop being a faggot and bootstraps bucko.

You're still a 28yr old friendless virgin though. Things are not going to get better. There is something wrong deep inside of you that can't be fixed. You will realize this soon enough, take it from me.

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take a dick right up your arse make you feel better

Oh for sure. There's no release except death at this point. But I'm not a drinking whiny faggot about it either.

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But I'm not drinking, yet. I have realized the only solution to this problem is to not accept a shitty life and just tap out. If I'm not achieving any degree of self-actualization and don't care if I live or die, why should I contribute to society? I am not benefiting from it at all. I don't owe anyone anything.

stop eating grains

You know I have plenty of wine.
Come to my apartment.

Just try dmt before you give up. You'll thank me later.

You shouldn't support this society. It is complete garbage and worth nothing. That's only if you're capable of surviving without it. Go innawoods for a month and evaluate your life and future. Remember having nothing to live for is something to live for. Don't fall for the alcohol jew though.

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Because your life will still be shit even if you are drunk and a leech.

>thinking that the only two options are work or become alcoholic

You fell for the materialism meme. Society has conditioned you since birth to think about your work life being the only thing of major significance. That is a capitalist decoy to keep you enslaved and in turn consuming useless shit you never needed.

What you need to do is realize that Consumerism doesn't make people happier, that chasing more money so you can buy more shit that you don't need doesn't make people happier. You want a better life? Compete with your 'other self'. The other self that you could be, the alcoholic, the failure. Self improvement is the highest goal one can set for their personal life. Become fit, become healthy, become well read. When you can measure improvement in the one thing that matters individually to yourself (your own physical existence) then your life will get better. You just fell for the social conditioning, that doesn't mean you have to stay doing that.

Welfare is the only ethical choice. By working and paying taxes, you are supporting a model of debt slavery, nigger breeding programs and subhuman immigration programs. There is no ethical or material gain for you to be working.

I grew up innawoods.
I am already well read and Jow Forums.
Yeah but I can spend most of my time being drunk and not thinking about it.

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Fine go be a drunken bum. Is that what you want to hear?


>I am already well read and Jow Forums.
You can always be more well read, you can continue to learn skills and condition yourself indefinitely.
Though if you are both of those things, then your issue is not with your physical existence, but lack of purpose in your life. Drinking will not help this issue.