How viable is EMJ's idea of a triple melting pot theory?
How viable is EMJ's idea of a triple melting pot theory?
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muh e michael jewns
He is controlled opposition.
Let's take a step back here.
Yeah, Everyone knows he's technically a civnat. Doesn't automatically discount the theory. I just was to hear everyone's thoughts on it.
Fuck off shill. EMJ has done more to expose then then you ever will, tho that is mostly because you are trying to DNC due to your fear of him and his message
EMJ is a very smart man with good books. He is bluepilled on racial differences and he's also a catholic. On roosh's interview he said you should go to the local catholic church and say you want to be baptised... I think to get saved? He said nothing about accepting Christ just "get baptized at your local catholic church". What does that even mean?
Remember when the Catholics invaded South America, race mixed with the native Mongoloids, taught them Catholicism and then South America became a race mixed utopia?
Yeah me neither. Race mixing is retarded.
He would probably say something about how baptism is the official sign of accepting Christ. It's part of tradition, so we do it.
Holy fuck, did anyone even read the original post? This isn't supposed to be about EMJ specifically.
Was going to say that. You have to accept it.
>triple melting pot theory?
I assume that's some catholic demand for even more race mixing in the US. Then we can be a Latin American utopia.
>The triple melting pot is a metaphor that describes a pattern of assimilation in which various nationality groups merge through intermarriage, but with a strong tendency to do so within the three major religious groupings: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish
ok here's a problem with that theory, jews were only a very small portion of the population 2-3% at most yet they still ruined the country after the mass jewish immigration from Eastern Europe from 1890-1910. Meanwhile Catholics and Protestants were in the country for well over a century in large numbers and never ruined. I don't think jews ever really assimilated anyway, if anything they "assimilated" the US and transformed it from a decent white nation into their mixed race zionist golem.
No, it's a theory of ethnic identity that says that after three or so generations everyone falls into one of three groups. Because of the multitude of races in america no one quite manages to hold on to any specific heritage due to race mixing, so the take a step back to religious identity. After three generations in america you are either a Catholic, a protestant, or a jew culturally.
I just watched this:
What the hell? Nothing about accepting Christ, infant baptism, and emergency baptisms?
What comes first, the baptism or Christ? because it seems it's baptism if you're dunking infants.
Total works salvation nonsense. explain yourselves catholics!
Wrong thread buddy. Go make your own.
it makes a lot of sense
you literally cannot understand american politics without it
For example. The Republican party freed the slaves because the slaves were protestants.
Today we have two political parties. Republican (Protestant demi-jew and its jew overlords) and Democrat (pure jew and their feminist/black/gay minions)
Catholics in America wanted to keep the US out of WW2 and have been decimated since that time
Isn't the point that they didn't assimilate? To be the third group they necessarily have to be a distinct group from the other two.
Where can I read more?
Tfw my dad is Catholic and my mom is Protestant (and I wan't raised as either)
Yikes, might want to check how long your nose is compared to the average.
> no one quite manages to hold on to any specific heritage due to race mixing
Lol what total nonsense first off we are flooded with so many migrants that there's no reason to assume that Islam, Hinduism, and African/Chinese folk religions aren't on the rise because they obviously are.
Secondly White Americans (Americans of European Heritage) aren't mixed, every study shows they are 98-99%+ European. Latinos don't become white, nor do they identify with whites, even if they are catholic. They know they are mixed (Mestizos). There are not "three identities, they are many ethnicities, and none of them lead to any cross-ethnic co-identity. In the US the most important identity has always been race, and because of the one drop rule races have always been well delineated unlike in Latin America where the one drop rule was abandoned.
Pelosi and Biden are Catholics. Many northern Democrats are Catholic from the Midwest to New England. In New England many protestants are also Catholic.
>be "protestant"
>pretend Martin Luther didn't tell us exactly why Jews are evil motherfuckers
Any real Protestant would treat Jews the exact way that Muslims do.
Consider: thr concept of being "white" as opposed to Anglo, slav, etc. Is itself a sign of the breakdown of races.
>Anglo, Slav
Those are ethnicities, not races. Race is biology, ethnicity is culture/language/religion. All Europeans are closely biologically/genetically related, the European race is called the white race that has been the case since the Iberians first invaded the Americas and had to distinguish themselves from the negroids (blacks) and mongoloids (asians/indios).
Race mixing with non-whites just creates a terrible shithole like Latin America, which is what EMJ seems to want.
>m-muh bible sola scriptura
>b-but you only need to accept Christ to be saved
In the Bible doesn't it say you need to be cleansed of original sin in order to be saved? Kek prods aren't even listening to their retarded mantras.
How viable is any theory proposed by an insane old man?
that situation will never happen.
ps - he says later down in that conversation that the reason whites are going extinct is because they are having abortions and using contraception. And he's right. 2 things the Catholic church could fix.
The white race needs to plug the wholes in the ship so they don't sink. That is the first step, and the catholic church is the answer.