Mt. Dumbass

People are dying on Mt. Everest standing in line, like a fucking Disney ride, to get to the summit. Is Everest now the ultimate stupid game?

Another one died today.

>Christopher Kulish, a 62-year-old Boulder attorney, died Monday at a camp below the summit during his descent.

>About half a dozen climbers died on Everest last week.

Hundreds of dumb fucks are paying sherpas to basically carry thier fat asses up the mountain, and some of them are winning the stupidest of prizes.

Pic related, Mt Everest summit last week.

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People stupid enough to do this deserve death

But leaf user just imagine all the upvotes?

Fuck off we're full

Just imagine all the insta likes tho

well there you go another boomer faggot sitting on a couple million bucks gets bored and thinks he's still 40. another house just went on the market.

Could you imagine if you were the first person to cut you dick off on Mt Everest?

Everest has become a joke - an amusement park ride for the rich.

Annapurna is a real test of mountaineering and utterly deadly.

This is the risk you run when you go mountaineering.
Lots of risks and AMS is a bitch.

How do we get boomers up K2?

It's literally the world tallest toilet:

Supposedly, the summit of Mount McKinley is so crowded, no matter which direction you face, you can always see someone shitting into a bag.

People wouldn't dare because K2 is 400x more difficult and 1000 times less famous. Also not "the tallest" so less bragging from dumb shits

>psst Everest is soo passe, but these other peaks...

I'm surpised I haven't seen a Jow Forums conspiracy thread start about how it is obviously a satanic supernatural etc etc shindig and people get sacrificed there

Rare flag

It's still not a "my first climbing" mountain

McKinley isnt that crowded. Everest has this problem because the Everest climbing season only lasts may 15-may 30

kek, reminds me of this

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dude you could post it on gaybook
Nice VPN faggot

This is the only job you guys have lol

Has /pol ever met or does know an Everest tourist? What's wrong with their brain?

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>How do we get boomers up K2?
accelerationist spotted.

I really don't see a problem. They want to do it. They do it. Not all do it for attention or facebook likes, some just want to experience climbing and standing on the peak of the world. If they die, they are well prepared; you have to pass a lot of corpses on your way there.


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back in the day I would say it was your usual crop of people that enjoy doing crazy shit for kicks, but nowadays I couldn't tell you why anyone bothers with Everest. I know a lot of boomers that want/have went, but every time their answer boils down to "Well, it's Everest!" it's the only mountain people really know or care about and these days the most deadly thing about it is getting a disease from the poo-infested drinking water or standing in line at the top so long you fucking die to something stupid. If you want to climb it you can, but like most things the challenge has been annulled by technology and population.

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Give it time

Ok, I'm listening.

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Why anyone climbs this thing is fucking stupid.

Might as well just build a fucking walkway all the way to the top with pressurized oxygen tents.

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>That one company that's been pushing to install a ladder at the Hillary Step
It's honestly a clownworld simulator at this point. The world's tallest peak is now a McDonald's experience. Nice fucking meme.

>When your ego is that bad, that you need to actually facilitate validation by climbing a mountain to post on social media, to feel good about yourself because you've actually never have achieved happiness and will probably never grasp anymore because climbing a mountain is the last serotonin dump you will ever feel, causing a never ending chase to prove to yourself and others that you are are worthy of validation.
Guys just do dark room meditation for a whole day. You'll learn to wipe cluttered thoughts out of the way, and most importantly learn about yourself.

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one frozen boomer at a time

quiet fool.

I wanna do it, but wtf 11k? Can't I just sneak around

This. K2 looks like a godamn spike. Unimaginable technical even discounting the altitude. It’s only barely shorter than Everest too. Everest is just “the tallestl but it’s not a crazy technical climb. I’d say if you take the altitude out of the equation, things like the Eiger are more difficult.

That picture disgusts me deeply. I mean it physically repulses me.

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It’s a steep motherfucker.

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I have flown higher than these people on a plane, imagine spending all that money for something I have done better than for only a couple hundred.

K2 is proper scale. Even mountaineers would say its too far to take on.

Plz make "the Chad" 35,000 foot plane flyer vs "virgin" frozen Everest corpse

But how many likes did you get?

This....somebody do this.

1 out of 20 people die who attempt Everest. Imagine paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for the equivalent of a 20 sided dice roll, only to criti a 1 and freeze to death.

Most deaths are on the way back. Just don't be a retard and don't relax too soon.

I think you kind of missed the point, they are dying because so many people are doing it. They are standing in line like it's an amusement park ride and are running out of oxygen on thier way up or down. It's not the mountain that is killing them, it's all the boomer fucks clogging the path for the other boomers.

That's the problem with totally inexperienced hikers. They're obsessing about the summit, completely ignoring that they have to come back down. Most of these motherfuckers are dying because they get exhausted standing in line and then collapse on the way down and freeze to death.

climbing kino

Sure bud, just go up the north side from Tibet.

Fuck Hillary step.

boomers are a funny bunch

why even bother these days.

even going to remote fiordland in my country is like going to a theme park, fucking people everywhere.

drive for hours to the middle of no where and be surrounded by people. its shit

>he thinks it will be only 11k

He missed it by one zero.

Take a look at this faggot if you want a kek.

K2 still hasn't been climbed in winter yet.

it is cheaper from Chinese side.

You should do that.

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>a 62-year-old Boulder attorney
And nothing of value was lost.

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That's because it's impossible

Pic heavily, literally, related.

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It supposedly costs around 50k usd++.

That's 8 years of my salary without taxes.

Only two people in my country have done so and they were funded by television companies.

Best part is, these people then can't accept the fate of their retarded loved ones and send other people to risk their lives to get their idiot corpses back.


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Everest needs to be nuked

Did a good job.

someone should write a book about a serial killer on mt. everest.

Based Gurkha

>3br 1ba 1200sqft
>remodeled in 1982
>on 0.25 acres with detached one car garage
>$500,000 + closing costs and tip

thank you sir

why would any body ever climb a mountaine? retarted.

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It's a challenge and if you're a pro it's usually an enjoyable experience
>See cool shit nobody else sees
>Peaceful meditation
>Be in nature with your bros

The problem is these losers who just want to check off their "climbed Everest" card and so end up in a line dying of exposure

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Most people won't even remember being up on top, and they're paying to go there.
Oh well.

>why would I do anything manly

Even this sheboon nigger climbed Everest last week. This should tell you what a commercialized joke it has become. Being the highest does not make it the most difficult to climb. Annapurna is barely over 8000m, but 1 in 3 climbers die climbing it.

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Tell them everyone has done Everest.

Some of those people don’t even know how to use crampons. It’s fucking pathetic.

>but it’s not a crazy technical climb
This is only because people take a helicopter that skips the hard part and puts them on a soft slope up one of the sides, and they just walk uphill the remaining 5000 or so feet. Actually climbing Everest is still hard as fuck, even if it is a little easier than K2 overall.

boomers BTFO
Everest is my favorite mountain because it kills self important faggots

>people take a helicopter
On Everest?
Not at all.

The mountain is winning I guess

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Mt. Everest is the perfect way of disposing of social security guzzling, property pinching, immigrant inviting, planned obsolecense shilling Boomers.

free boomer K2 tours during winter

>See cool shit nobody else sees
Look, a mountain peak and clouds below us.
And my toes are blue.
Look, that's the body of a hiker frozen into the snow pack.
Look, there is a rations tin from 90 years ago, frozen fresh!

because it's there

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So is the Moon.
So is Mars.
So is Mercury.

This is why you don't go up Everest-chan unless you're an already semi-dead boomer having an existential crisis.

Also, officially requesting some drawfag make boomer killing Everest-chan

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Tell us more about the satanic everest sacrafices.

But muh social media points. I HAVE to climb it or I won't get internet respects.

>So is Mars
Fuck it, I'd die on Mars. Only retarded boomers die on Everest.

Why is your government so fucking stupid Nepalbro?

I see....

its a fucking joke anyway,
theres is no fucking reason to climb a mountain
the only reason they have is muh ego and muh social media likes

Read the thread there is a satanic cult on top of the summit.

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This is like everything in life now. Why couldnt I have been born 50 years earlier when there were less people around?

Just go climb any other mountain. There's no reason to follow the Boomers up to the slaughter against unchallengeable Everest-chan

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Its not just the mountains tho. Its fucking everything. No matter where you go theres millions of people everywhere shitting up the places

>theres is no fucking reason to climb a mountain
there's 'no reason' to do anything, you doofus
you climb the mountain because the mountain is there

The little known east side of Everest

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Hey user there're gay dicks over there, you should climb one.

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Rich white guys go to Nepalese mountain to commit suicide. There’s something Satanic here.