Why did the "Ricky Vaughn" strategy for right-wing politics fail so badly, Jow Forums...

Why did the "Ricky Vaughn" strategy for right-wing politics fail so badly, Jow Forums? His basic idea was for people on the far-right to keep quiet about their beliefs and slowly infiltrate institutions like the Republican Party, and for right-wing groups to look like normie-friendly patriots.

The people who tried this strategy have gotten nowhere. The Trump administration has fired people merely for attending Mencken Club meetings in the past, which is something we'd expect from SJWs. Any HINT of being far-right is met with panic by "mainstream" Republicans, and the right-wingers are immediately cut off and expelled.

Why was Ricky Vaughn so wrong about the chances for change "within the system"?

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>right wing
>qualified for positions of power
Pick one. Rural retards can barely read. Lmao

it hasn't failed you nigger, it's working

get Trump elected RV wanted...
ugh hello 50k in a stadium to Clinton's crickets

lol urban retard
btw Trump is a kike

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Dude, you are here a LOT.

Racists fail at everything. Lol. When will you learn?

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Because he never did the dabstika

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This. based

How so? Even his supporters agree that Trump's administration is way more cucked and way less nationalistic now than it was during the 2015/2016 campaign. Read his 2015 policy statements on things like immigration. It's clear that nationalists have been PURGED from power since then.

Because he never took into account the power of demoralization.

How are you supposed to sneak anywhere when the kikes put a target on every white males back?

>Why haven't I heard about your guys that were supposed to infiltrate positions of strategic advantage?

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Aman can only take so much hate. Can only pretend for so long.

The point of the infiltration was to enact policy from the inside. If such people existed, we would see evidence of them in the form of policy (among other things). But, we're not. So to the extent that "deep cover" agents have infiltrated the GOP, their cover is so deep that they haven't gotten anything done, which kind of makes the whole thing rather pointless.

That's like an informant who successfully infiltrates a criminal conspiracy and simply acts as a bystander, watching the conspiracy unfold and doing nothing about it, ever. There's no point to infiltration if that is the ultimate outcome.

Because right wingers these days are freaks and weirdos. No one wants them in their organization. Can you imagine an unshowered Matt Heimbach or booger eating Nick Fuentes showing up to a meeting? It doesn't matter what their beliefs are, they're going to be asked to leave anyone. And if they do get a chance to open their mouths, they'll say something about how they only eat sticks and rocks because that's what their ancestors did and how they don't vaccinate their kids. The alt right is a freakshow. It was easy to pretend everyone was normal when it was all online, but after Charlottesville when we got to see what everyone looked like behind the pepe avatars it's clear to everyone just how much of a freak show the alt right is

It's because the left has the media. They control public opinion and far right wingers get a spotlight on them and constant attacks from the media, while far leftists are praised as heroes.

Can you give example of what sort of policy you would expect to see? Abortion rights being restricted and elevated to the Supreme Court, for example? Putting the onus on public institutions to provide protection for unpopular speech rather than restricting it? An expansion of state’s rights?

Because the system itself is the problem. Democracy is a bad, unjustifiable idea and should be abolished by force.

>The Trump administration has fired people merely for attending Mencken Club meetings in the past
ONE speechwriter was fired, you fucking kike. Your spin is shameless.

Mackey didn't know shit about anything and had no original ideas of any kind. The people he wanted to infiltrate the GOP would have done exactly what it's doing now: fuck-all.

And the only mainstream news that leans conservative (Fox) was pushed as a fringe right wing conspiracy channel by the rest of the mainstream media, making it even harder for right wingers to get a positive public opinion.

it didn't fail. it was so effective they banned everyone right of bernie sanders off of social media

>Right wing
>Infiltrate Republican party
Why wouldn't they infiltrate adversaries strongholds instead? Academia, entertainment...

Right-wingers aren't going to get a positive public opinion until the Jews are discredited and then, killed. Stop wishing it would happen.

>If I quietly suck dick I can infiltrate this gay bathhouse and slowly turn it into a church.


While you fags are arguing with other neckbeards who are also sitting on their ass in their own disgust, I’m redpilling and hardcore fucking beautiful Germanic women with my Euro Cock.

Trump's not a right winger to begin with. The neo-con right will always discredit the nationalist right bc that's how they hold on to their power.

They are slowly changing their tune to include nationalist talking points. But that's all they are, talking points.

Because the only people who talk openly about it have the time preference of a drunk nigger. Look at Paul Nehlen: an open path to a congressional seat, and what does he do? Post Jew killing memes for gab.ai upvotes. Or Patrick Little: quits a 6 figure job because he read a book, goes around yelling about Jews and throwing people into hot dog carts.

/ourguys/ may or may not be infiltrating but the smart ones aren't going to expend their careers bragging about it.

It's been 2 years, nigger. It took 100 years to sell the country out, do you thing it's going to get fixed in 2?

These low IQ mouth breathers don't have the patience for a Long March.

>Abortion rights being restricted and elevated to the Supreme Court, for example?

Fuck no; that's an irrelevant evangelical goal that has nothing to do with actual modern social concerns on the far right, like demographics. How about something simple like reducing all categories of guest workers and visas?

What exactly were you expecting, someone from Jow Forums to just magically waltz into the highest echelons of political power? That this would happen overnight?

Jow Forums's understanding of politics is retarded. There are no "happenings", everything happens gradually over time, usually culminating in some capstone event that retards think came out of nowhere. Every single major policy development in the US came about as a result of years of persistent and dedicated political organizing and activism, people starting at the grassroots and slowly working their way up. And make no mistake, these movements always start at the grassroots level, even if it's decades or even a century before things come to fruition. It took over a hundred years for the abolitionist movement to win, it took decades for the gay rights movement to win, and the civil rights movement of the 60's lasted years and actually began in the 50's. People are mad as fuck that they can't magically wave a wand and get an ethnostate in a year or two, and when they're told that they'll have to put in actual work they get mad, take their ball, and go back to the trailer park.

You're also forgetting that every normal, well-adjusted member of the alt-right tends to get sabotaged and attacked by the freakshow. Ricky Vaughn was doxed and handed over to the left by perpetual losers Paul Nehlen and Chris Cantwell. A lot of the seigeposter/ecofascist crew spend more time trying to sabotage righties like Patrick Casey than they do actually going after the left. There's too many wannabe-fuhrers who fetishize the Night of the Long Knives as if they're the SS and not the SA malcontents Hitler wanted to get rid of in the first place.

Plus, these institutions do have defense mechanisms. McCarthyism DECIMATED the left, and in the aftermath of that the left adapted and worked around it so that by the 60's and 70's they already had a good bit of institutional power. So not only do they not have the patience for a long march, they don't have the intellect to treat setbacks like learning experiences.

The Ricky Vaughn strategy is working in every country except the US and Germany because these countries are filled with retarded Nazi Larpers. See France, UK, Italy, Belgium, etc yesterday.

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>Because the only people who talk openly about it have the time preference of a drunk nigger
Oh fuck off. You can't sneak up on the Jews and beat them at their own game. They have ZERO tolerance for any hint of racism or antisemitism so you can play silly games until the cows come home but the moment you actually try to do or say anything you will be kicked out.

The whole idea that you can infiltrate your own infiltrated system by being sneaky is incredibly gay and Jewish. Either we openly seize power or we don't.

Wrong. Look how Stephen Miller feels about Immigration. he's one of Trumps most trusted advisors.

Though if Miller is gone, then yes, there's really nobody left in the Trump admit that's outspokenly anti immigration.

>See France, UK, Italy, Belgium, etc yesterday.
Yeah a whole bunch of Zionist asslickers masquerading as nationalists are getting elected. Fantastic.

>Jew Steven Miller is based.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Right wingers should be lined up against a wall and shot. Period

The far right and the left are the same type of people with different beliefs and enemies. The fact that they are being treated the same shows that meritocracy is working.

>that's an irrelevant evangelical goal that has nothing to do with actual modern social concerns on the far right

Evangelicals have more influence and power than the far right though. So their concerns are going to matter a hell of a lot more than yours. That's a problem that you're going to have to tackle if you want results.

This is also true. I have some acquaintances who like Corbyn a lot and they're perpetually dismayed that guys like Nigel Farage are doing the exact sort of thing that their party should be doing. I'm told it's the same in France, where the FN has superb outreach in terms of mobilizing the rural poor that the left and center have largely neglected.

>Either we openly seize power or we don't.

You are never going to openly seize power. It is fundamentally impossible without a single realistic or feasible option.

The kike media is complaining so you know it's working. We are opening the door for increased nationalism and moving the Overton window in our direction. The only thing stopping that is retards (Richard Spencer and company) dressing up and LARPing as Nazis. The kikes know this and that is why they give all the attention to Nazi larpers in the media.

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See, this sort of thing kills the Wignat, because how do you defend that sort of behavior in the photo? How do you insist that this is good, healthy, productive praxis?

You could not be more wrong. The only thing that is happening is the right wing is turning into a Jew-safe civic-nationalist anti-Islam movement.

In other words they advocate business as usual minus those pesky Muzzies.

I think you will find that most of the people in that photo are on the government payroll.

So in other words, they're moving further to the right. Thesis (ethnic nationalism) and Antithesis (globalism) are merging to create synthesis (civic nationalism). The overton window has moved slightly to the right for once, thus proving that those methods have produced success.

Can you prove it to the general public? If not, what difference does it make?

The problem was that the far-right assumed that the center-right was full of rightwingers. The center-right doesn't like the far-right because it upsets their liberal friends.

>it's all hopeless
With glowies like Spencer and Cantwell, yeah it's hopeless. That's the point of their whole existence, to nullify effective opposition.

>openly seize power
You'd be shot dead and the populace would cheer. Go back to huffing petrol you drunk abbo.

You see that sabotage right ITT. Ricky Vaughn served as a warning to anyone wanting to bridge online and IRL - spergs will take you down for gab.ai upvotes, so ensure you're bulletproof. Plausible deniability is job one.

Nationalism being perverted into a anti-racist and pro-Israel thing is not a positive development. Ironically multiculturalism is better for the European peope as it keeps different races contained in their own separate communities. Civic nationalism is true genocide because it will totally mix people together under one shitty Jewish culture.

>Look how Stephen Miller feels about Immigration.

I don't care how he FEELS; I care about how effectively he or anyone else can enact POLICY. Thus far, they haven't done much.

quite the false equivalency you made there, but ok.

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>Can you prove it to the general public? If not, what difference does it make?

Leftists have pretty bad optics too, but that doesn't stop leftism from being the dominate ideology in every institution.

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Ricky Vaughn simply declared himself to be a subject expert on next to everything and people took him at his word because he had Twitter followers. Doxxing him was the dumbest thing Nehlen did because RV was only two weeks away from getting perma BTFO by people with actual domain experience on topics he claimed mastery of with how many media appearnces he was making. The second RV got set up for a debate and not a softball interview he would have been exposed as in over his head. Instead Nehlen martyred him and destroyed his own credibility in doing so. Fucking xoomers, no patience, no tact.

he was secretly jewish

>these movements always start at the grassroots level, even if it's decades or even a century before things come to fruition. It took over a hundred years for the abolitionist movement to win, it took decades for the gay rights movement to win, and the civil rights movement of the 60's lasted years and actually began in the 50's.
None of those things were grassroots. They were imposed from the top down by international money and power.

I mean, I don't think shadowy powers are at work putting this stuff out, I think some people are just bugfuck retarded. Spencer is a narcissist grifter and Cantwell is a spaz, no one is pulling their strings. That's probably the most important part of politics IMO, understanding that there is no man behind the curtain controlling everything. Power is increasingly decentralized and spread out among interchangeable actors. There are many good criticisims of Moldbug but his model of The Cathedral is spot-on.

So then why even do politics? If multiculturalism is fine, why not just let it happen?

Protip: the people in that pic do not have institutional power, nor are they ever likely to obtain institutional power without a significant makeover.

>RV was only two weeks away from getting perma BTFO by people with actual domain experience on topics he claimed mastery of

And who would that be?

Stephen Miller is the only reason anything positive has happened on immigration. He's good at manipulating bureaucracies.


there is no such thing as "jew-safe" nationalism (nor is there any such thing as arab or christian safe zionism) of any kind, that's why the jews want to destroy it to begin with and replace it with corporate globalism (except in Israel of course). Currently much of Europe is moving away from corporate globalism which is a positive step.

Meanwhile the Nazi LARPers have accomplished nothing in the US.

No they weren't, and you're honestly retarded if you think that's the case.

Ricky Vaughn failed because he was brought down and sabotaged by jealous, powerless wignats. If you want a successful grassroots movement, you need to stay the hell away from toxic defective people.

This. If you allow in anyone because you're desperate for members you'll end up with human garbage.

This isn't a difficult concept to understand. You won't go anywhere if you have the standards of a $20 hooker.

>Ricky Vaughn failed because he was brought down
The only thing they did was expose his real identity and then he ran away like the pathetic little bitch he is. That just goes to show RV was never serious to begin with.

>still believing media lies from 60 years ago
Nigga u dumb

Aren't they doing what you advocate? LARPing in public to show how serious you are instead of trying to actually push nationalism without playing dress up?


He was a decent guy destroyed by LARPing retards who doxxed him. The solution is to never associate with Nazi LARPers or Wignats.

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It apparently is a difficult concept because every far-right movement since the Paul Reveres seems to fall for it.

Nothing has ever been grassroots. Peasants want what they're told to want.

He was trying to have a serious political career instead of being a LARPing comical Wignat. There was no point after he was doxxed, which btw is an antifa tactic. You are basically defending antifa if you defend doxxing Ricky Vaughn.

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>Willingly give someone's dox to a bloodthirsty leftist media outlet
>All because someone criticized your LARPing antics

Firstly they are wearing symbols and uniforms they have no claim to, secondly they are playing the role of the scary scary Nazi bogey man the Jewish media loves so much. They are just idiots and have nothing to do with nationalism or anything.

This isn't "media lies from 60 years ago", this is the end result of reading literature written by lefties for other lefties on how to replicate the success of the past and avoid repeating the failures. The success of the left lies in their application of the scientific method.

If that was the case feudalism never would have collapsed.

LMAO, we right-wingers literally are the top students in your ivy league schools. HAHAHA

Why did he quit when he was doxxed? Why can't he stand by his ideas?

And yet Mike Enoch thought it was a great idea to associate with the NSM.

>Mencken Club
No one has ever said that. Trump is MORE based than he said he would be. He claimed he would be a noninterventionist cuck but he's fucking up Iran and veneswala and all those other fuckers.

I take it you've never been doxed, have you?

No shit. They are doomed to fail because inbreeding is against well evolution.

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Feudalism was popular among the peasants. It was ended by the enclosure movement. The landowners realized that fences reduced the amount of labor they needed so they kicked the peasants off their land. These "liberated" serfs were known as villeins and formed the slum population of the towns at the times. Their reputation for criminality is why we use the term villains today. These villeins were so upset by this shift that they formed groups of levelers and diggers to destroy the fences that made them redundant.

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>hurr they aren't serious

Then why did Dickie Spencer and co. do all that exact same shit for a full year?

>Why can't he stand by his ideas?

And do what? His whole plan to to subversively push nationalism and the Wignats doxxed him ruining his career.

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So in other words, the villeins exercised agency and impacted social change.

No. They lost. Nothing they did mattered.

Holy shit this is severe brainletism
The Left lies to itself and to you in order to give itself moral legitimacy. Of course they don't tell you that international capital and its media pushed their moral crusades on people who wanted none of it. The low level organizing is real, but it is not originating at a low level but from big money. The story of the power of protest and grassroots organizing is theater designed to sell the mythology of Leftism as democratic. Lenin and Trotsky didn't organize workers first, they organized finance.
>The success of the left lies in their application of the scientific method.
>If that was the case feudalism never would have collapsed.
Of course you are a historylet as well. Feudalism was ended by the power of merchants to move markets and therefore control nobility, not by some imaginary peasant uprising.

[citation needed]

Citation granted.

It would be more effective if we infiltrated the left. The left are allowed to change society, the conservatives are only allowed to slow the change down. A job they are utterly failing at.

>[citation needed]
The eternal cry of the pseudo-intellect

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because mainstream Republicans are still reflexively hostile to racism and fascism

that said, their minds will change as things progress

Baked Alaska even could have BTFO RV. RV claimed to be an expert on social media, traditional media, alternative media, marketing, campaign management, US politics in general, and whatever else he had a mercurial interest in at the moment. The second he stepped into hostile territory, and he had already lost the 404um, which was ostensibly friendly ground for him, he would have been scorched and exposed as delusionally grandiose. Given his appetite for appearing in media this was two weeks away from happening at most. The only upside to that whole fiasco is weev, anglin, and their utterly useless sycophants mostly lost influence when RV ghosted everything.

lol imagine if Hitler was a giant pussy like that.

>Oh shit the Jewish press found out my name is Adolf! Better cancel that whole Third Rich thing and hide under my bed till it all blows over.

leftism has the best asthetics in history

is this supposed to be the natsoc salute? uhhh

Reminder that the "southerners are inbred" meme was invented by jews to distract from the fact that JEWS are very inbred.

In actual fact, american whites are the least inbred of all whites

Anglin and Rabbi Weev are pure cancer. I can't believe they are taken seriously by anybody.

you can't infiltrate it people have been trying for years now. Listen to what actual altright/third position commentators have said about this.

> every country except
no it isn't stop lying fuckhead.

is RV still on twitter? link pls. haven't thought about him since the election

Afaik they basically aren't anymore now that the dust has cleared.

You are a liar, those countries are becoming fascist

Actual altrightists have already inflitrated the system, it's easy.

>infiltrate a big data company and their institutions
Top loller.

no they haven't they never will. again let me tell you again PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO THIS SINCE FOREVER (THE LAST WHAT 50YRS? OR MORE). It just will not WORK.
no they are not. You dont even know what the fuck fascist even means.