Red pill me on the Russian Oligarchs

Red pill me on the Russian Oligarchs

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>redpill me on X
Read the rules

100% Jews from the USSR.

Look how defensive Russians get when their people are called out ITT

The timing of this post is uncanny. Keep yourself in the dark my cowardice friend.

Mafia state and continuation of USSR policy. Too bad they kiss Israel's ass.

There aren't any "oligarchs" per se anymore, just billionaires that play ball with the government. The actual oligarchs were expelled or jailed after the 90s.

Attached: 240px-Gaidar_in_2008_-_crop.jpe.jpg (2252x1540, 1016K)

If they’re Jews/Neo-Soviet’s. Then why does the American Left hate them? Since the American Left is puppeted by the Jews?

I don’t get it.

They aren't neo-soviets, Putin is a civnat cuck like Trump, but even a civnat is considered a threat to the bloodthristy neoliberals/globalists that run our finance and media.

Russia isn't a real threat to the US, in fact they are a natural ally against the mongs, but the west today is run by insane neocons ( ex-Troskyites) that want to bathe the world in death.

Attached: 578px-Trotsky_on_a_Polish_poster_of_1920.jpg (578x768, 139K)

Yet another memeflag thread

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Russia and China are allies, and Neocons are based.

Neocons want to turn Russia into a smoking crater, retard.

Russia is a natural ally against the mongoloid menace.

new jews replace old jews

Russia is an evil empire you idiot, fuck Russia, neoconservatism is based.

Also we don't want to hurt Russia, we want to make them a Liberal Democracy. Russia is a MONGOLOID country and most Russians are mongols.

based neocon poster

I really liked it when the gazprom/browder/magnitsky act shitshow started making it into the news and it got shut down. Now they only refer to it as The Trump Tower meeting

Jew without any technical knowledge of any industry they stole from the Russian people.

Oligarchs in USA are evil too. You dumb fuck. America isn't that great yet because dumb fucks at the top don't get it like Trump himself alone.

>Red pill me on the Russian Oligarchs
Mostly jews.

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>Also we don't want to hurt Russia, we want to make them a Liberal Democracy.

Russia already tried neoliberalism and it ruined the country worse than communism

>Russia is a MONGOLOID country

Wrong, ethnic Russians and Slavs are white, Russia is about as white as America was in the 1980s about ~80%

Attached: Soviet_Union_GDP_per_capita.gif (952x565, 38K)

Donald Trump won't look that great in US history. This is enough.

You're fucking retarded. The American elite are the most generous and good people on earth. The Russian elite are scum

>ethnic Russians and Slavs are white
They all have Genghis Khan Mongol and Tatar blood, they are mutts.

nope, Slavs cluster around ancient European cultures like Corded Ware.

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>The Russian elite are scum
How do you figure? Any proof or reasoning to your claim? Or are you a parrot?

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Russians are not one people. Your momma is defensive

dear mr abramovich, please sign ngubu

I actually do my own research, im not an NPC like you.

Russian elite Vagit Alekporov literally funds Assad.

Oh no imagine funding the secular ruler or Syria that protects religious minorities and who is fighting Jihadists

how awful

Instead we should be funding "le based freedom loving wahhabists/jihadists like ISIS" as Clinton and Obama were.

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #561 - 'Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U_S_ allies Saudi Arabia and (680x970, 131K)

Plunderers of a great country and good people.

Assad is preventing America from buying the oil, he's a socialist and won't share Syria's resources. TOTALLY acceptable amirite?

why does man on left have hitler mustache

Manlets never learn

Putin's friends + jewish ussr party elites

They're Jews, you know what the deal is.