This loser killed himself yet Jow Forums worships him. Why? Suicide is bluepilled as hell

This loser killed himself yet Jow Forums worships him. Why? Suicide is bluepilled as hell.

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prove he killed himself

thinking hitler killed himself is bluepilled as hell.

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It’s pretty well documented.

Rothschilds never die

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Just do it OP, don’t just jew it.

that's just a story, not proof.
where is the photo of the body?
what kind of gun was it?
Post proof he shot himself or you're a liar

I bet you also think Martin Luther King, Jr. is dead too, don’t you?

still not proof

OP can't prove the Adolf shot himself

Yeah, letting your enemy parade you around like gaddafi and stick bayonets up your shithole is much more redpilled.

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uh oh, looks like OP got fucked in the ass by the truth, but I bet he likes being the bottom

Killing yourself to avoid execution by your enemy is redpilled.

Scientists analyzed his teeth.

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>This loser killed himself
Did he really though?

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you've been thoroughly raped by the CIA's release of the JFK files where the truth of Hitler's escape to South America by u-boat was revealed.
I know you enjoy being called a loser and a faggot but try to aspire to change that crippling masochism

Apparently Hitler was a woman, because the remains the Russians had were female.

It’s okay to admit you were wrong. No need to be this butthurt. :^)

He saw what they did to Mussolini and new what he had to do. Based

iirc it was a .32 PPK

Hitler lived a long life in Argentina

Literally the bones Moscow claimed were his were female and the slavs publicly burned "his remains" fucking retard.

Yeah sure buddy . He killed himself... yeah u r a retard

That's a bullshit map and has been edited user. It took some searching but I found the real one! Educate yourselves!

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lets assume for a moment he wasnt a rothschild puppet to ensure jewish power in Europe. The man was watching his lifes work collaspe around him suicide was the sensible way

That was the teeth of the rabbi who bit his micropenis, according to an op-ed by Susan Goldberg at


Killed himself = faked death and fucked off to Argentina with friends now?

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>This loser killed himself


Can't be willing to ask millions to die for the idea and not be willing to do it yourself. He probably should have gone out panzerfausting some commies, though.


cmon kikeoids do better

false they did no such thing the skull was female and last time I look partial....most insane jewish drivel as tell lies

Proof, his body magically disappeared