The final red pill

The final redpill

The red pill

>realize that the world is ruled by a shadowy elite that hates us and wants to destroy us and make us degenerate

> realize that our leaders are not working in our our interests but rather working towards the goals of the shadowy elites

> realize we live in a deranged clown world where evil and degeneracy is celebrated and goodness, temperance discipline and love are punished and looked down on

>realize there are globalists working to destabilize nations and destroy boarders and destroy traditional identities

>Be amazed at how quickly they are progressing and how all the worlds governments and media and corporations seem to be serving their ends

The black pill

> despair that there is nothing you can do to save your people or your nation from the terrible fate that the evil ones have planned


> Realize that the Jews and elites are not officially working together, but working for a greater more sinister more ancient power

> Realize that they are under the power of Satan - the Jews and Kaballahists worship satan as do the elite families

>Realize that pizza gate is just the tip of the iceberg

> Realize that people don't see the lies degeneracy pushed in the mass media because they are under the power of satan

>Realize that Jesus said Satan was the leader of this world (John 14:30) and through original sin all are under his power

>Realizing that the world is unfolding just as you would expect were it under the power of an evil presence that hates humanity and wants to deceive and destroy us and plunge us into degeneracy


>Realize that Jesus has already defeated Satan on the cross

>Realize that he will remake the world without degeneracy and preserving all peoples

>Realize that you are already a part of his kingdom to come

>Realize Jesus is the answer

Attached: Satanic-Statue-Presented-in-Detroit.jpg (1920x1080, 112K)

the final redpill is that everyone is completely full of shit, including me, and none of this shit matters.

So how can I help jump start the whole abolishment of degeneracy thing

>when you realize Satan is playing 666D chess against the Jews, turning the world against them, and Christ is Lucifer

This is all true.

Attached: Jesus money changers in the temple.jpg (512x284, 78K)

>Muh Satanists
>Muh Jeebus
fuck off shizo

Jesus didnt defeat the kikes romans and all european people( our ancestors did)
And we will do it again

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Jesus was the countereaction of the kikes of seeing thenself powerless and beimg defeated
You are misunderstanding cause and effect

Here is a whitepill

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A whitepill for ants?

>Realize the elite is evil and wantd us dead

This is what you said ten times over.


Shut up

> realize we live in a deranged clown world where evil and degeneracy is celebrated and goodness, temperance discipline and love are punished and looked down on

Pretty based. It's on the downward spiral, just smile user. Just smile.

We will be the one smiling in the end dont even doubt it

Attached: Jewish council leaders humiliated by Germans.jpg (640x406, 59K)

>Realize Jesus is the answer
Based and Christ pilled. This was my journey to Jesus almost word for word. Bump

The final red pill is literally Islam. It baffles me that the Quran is in the public domain, yet so many people willfully ignore God’s Word. It baffles me, but then I remember that God guides who He will, and leads astray who he will. Which one are you?

There is no such thing as a Christian that supports war.


Yeah I am sure Jesus would want you all to live close by


Every word of this OP is true.
John 19:30
>When Jesus therfore had received the vinegar, he said, IT IS FINISHED: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

The King Sacrifice. The greatest chess move ever played.

That's the final blackpill

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Boss man that's baphomet

>The final red pill
there is no red pill

The one who will be sealed in the pit of suffering has many names, and takes many forms, for he is the father of lies.

No it's the goat of mendes altered by Levi from the concept of Baphomet

Baphomet isn't a goat, Baphomet is a human

Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, if a disbelieving people waged war on you, intent on wiping out a community of people characterized by their worship of God, why would a violent response be unwarranted? Whether it’s Adam, Moses, or Jesus, certain people were sent by God to inform the people of His Lordship. You wouldn’t support a war against a people whose mission is to wipe out the believing people? You make no sense.

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Yeah I was thinking also that jews are bait, the truth is everything is controlled by satan
What is more, theres 99% chance every human, who does not know Jesus has somekind of spirit, that makes the man become resentful, hateful else towards anybody that shares the truth.
Their plan is:
>Make a person not meet Christ
>If they do, make it so they are not an effective Christian
If you share the truth, many here start mocking you or become angry with you, but that's only a demon speaking through a person.

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His name is Yeshua. Get it right.

Baphomet is The Virgin Mary and Jesus and Mary Magdelene

they are all the same person

Looks like they're humiliating themselves

>despair that there is nothing you can do to save your people or your nation from the terrible fate that the evil ones have planned

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Why's it written so illiterately? And so extensively about piss?

Nah dude, the actual red pill/black pill? nobody knows what the fuck is going on and most people have low IQ's.

Including you and me, i just happen to realize it.

Peter wanted to stop the fulfillment of the crusifixion. Why the fuck are christians so dense?

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>tfw the ancients even had this meme understood

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Gay. There is no "Law of one". Gay as fuck.

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>the power of Satan

Look, apparently nothing matters/only what you think matters "matters". So you can't really judge anyone.

Evil is real, Good? i'm not so sure, but Evil is legit real.

Fugg :-)

Christians are sent as sheep among wolves. Not wolves among wolves. Either we have faith or we do not. We stand in the way of evil, we do not fight it in flesh.

Attached: Romans non resistance.jpg (936x698, 131K)

Are you of pure Anglo-Saxon descent? you sure there's no Irish or Scottish there? or, god forbid, some French?

And of course, kike on a stick

when leafs are based, they are seriously based

>not understanding we live in a collective universe where all of our actions have an effect on the rest of us

>only what you think matters "matters"
read above. this is new-age bull shit that you are speaking of. its true to say, however, that what you think matters, you manifest. but again, we live in a collective universe so our actions do not only effect ourselves

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There's another version that zooms out further and is still the star of Davis. I thought I saved it

The crusifixion had to happen. You fucking rapture-believing mormons.


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>Fake ass
That background image.. holy shit

The way his name was pronounced by his contemporaries is irrelevant. “Yeshua” itself is the Aramaic rendering of the Hebrew “Yehoshua,” which continues to be given to the children of Hebrew-speaking parents. It was rendered “Isa” in Arabic, “Joshua” in English, “Jesu” in Latin, “ and then the novel English rendering of its Latin counterpart is “Jesus.”

Why does it matter which rendering you use? They all have the same meaning and they all refer to the Son of Mary.

I'm not disputing that, nor are you disputing me with any reason.

Attached: warfare not carnal for christians.jpg (940x700, 157K)

What i always suspected.

REPTILIANS/DEMONS/WHATEVERTHEFUCK (some call it TRAVELERS, apparently they aren't from "here" which i guess means this dimension/reality)>MELONHEADS (Elites)>MT's (Warriors, everyone in this thread, we all share a similar psychprint)>PEASANTS (low IQ NPC's/niggers of any race).

You also have your Neanderthal OUTSIDERS, but as the name implies they aren't really part of the societal pyramid.

Help me set up the 4th Reich

Krishna would say man the fuck up, stop being a whiny pussy, do your duty and fight the battle in front of you.

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Whats this pic from?

Interesting the whole "shaking of hands"/playing both sides thing. I'm guessing there might be some truth to the whole "they're draining our negative emotions/spiritual energy" thing, cause why else would they do it?

>Muh Jesus
If Jesus were real you'd have lots of trouble finding something as simple as the gospel.
>God protects it
Of course, pic related.

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Compton, dude.

Peter would have been killed by the romans if he had taken up arms against them, jesus knew this and did not want him to die also he needed him to found the church.

You defeatist

Realize that your IQ is too low to understand you are worshiping a jew created god

Worshipping gods is for the plebs, why worship anything? even yourself?

It sounds like you’re arguing in favor of the Red Heifer project OP, thoughts?

Actually, there is no evidence that a crucifixion took place. All we know for certain is that enemies of God tried to kill him and a a disputed series of events led to his ascension to Heaven, tasked with the responsibility of returning one day to defeat the False Messiah.

If you think that the crucifixion story is 100% true, then you have been Jewed by forces that make George Soros look like Hitler himself.

What about the rapture?

Attached: jesus buff.jpg (500x333, 27K)

>that pic

Similar to what happened in Notre Dame with the golden cross being intact after the fire, means nothing. Or does it.

dammit the red pill was only disconnecting from the deception to see life as it relay is, nothing else. I am starting to wonder just how much no one controls anything atoms moving into a black hole with relativity of things we don't yet understand about time relative though out the whole galaxy and any one planet becoming on a advanced plane would send ripples though out the very way all the atoms behave. Other then occults, blood rights ancient family vendettas and lets not forget the blood sucking (((Jews))) that would slurp it from a baby dick to get it.

When it's your time to go user it's your time to go.

with a loose cannon

did you use the swirls to transcend the earthly plane or what?

>Krishna would say man the fuck up
so does most religion, christianity included. they dont like to talk about those bits, however

not sure where in egypt it was found

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On what do you base that? Jesus armed them with two daggers. You think that was enough to take on a unit of soldiers? No, he wanted to illustrate how if one lives by the sword they die by the sword. It is not the way of the Christian.

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Means wood flame can't met gold.

>interesting the whole "shaking of hands"/playing both sides

>I'm guessing there might be some truth to the whole "they're draining our negative emotions/spiritual energy" thing, cause why else would they do it?
i believe it too, there is definitely something to all of that. even in the matrix, which is one of the best analogies there is, morpheus says theyre "turning us into one of these" as he holds up a battery. so many questions out there

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>sell your clothes if you are poor and need to buy a weapon
jesus wasnt fucking around

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Follow Jesus. It is the final redpill.

Is that a euphemism for Trump? I've looked into it a fair bit.

The Roman Empire still exists. It has merely moved bases and expanded. All the true (((elites))) draw their bloodlines back to them.
The Whore of Babylon is ROME. And Rome still exists. Look at the architecture of DC and Moscow. Western Roman Empire vs Eastern Roman Empire. Rome vs Byzantium. All these wars have been proxy wars. It's just getting the mark of the beast (central banking) in order and tying up loose ends. I honestly fear what they have in store for us.
I'm sorry but Christianity and Jesus are the real blackpill.
Judiasm will fall. Islam will fall.
This is the true Luciferian doctrine. Lucifer is the light bringer. There's many demons who people consider gods.
I'm not sad because of this loss. I'm sad because my brothers will fight against me and try to kill me on behalf of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, or capitalism. This is the true blackpill.
I don't want to fight bros. You guys will kill me. I may kill you. It's not right. I don't believe in their doctrine. I'm so powerless. I see why people do anything to get and why they do anything to not give it up.

Life is nihilism until man puts his own influence onto it. I'm just sad too man

(M)elonhead-back-of-head (elongated back of head, like in that pic i responded to), Neander(T)hal front of face (basically deep eye sockets).

Pretty much.

Not really, only POWER is real and you and me are not at the top of the food chain. We're basically all slaves to some unseen force and reality is nothing more than a prison. Nothing means anything.


No, it isn't, it's the blue pill, see

Not sure if bot or Jesuit, or retarded

Amen brother.

the apostles were armed with two daggers. Jesus said that was enough. He did not intend to fight off a military unit. He wanted them to have the daggers so he could teach them, and us, the lesson of one who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

BASED and Christpilled.

Read Nihilism by Father Seraphim Rose. Just do it.

i feel the same way

I believe in reincarnation and the final victory of the German (not "Germanic", fuck the Dutch the Swedes and those Norwegian snow monkeys) Aryan race over all others.

You gotta die of something.



Steng ikkje vegen for eg vil fylgja Guds folk til strid over berg og bylgja

When the Angel chosen to usher in the Final Judgement blows his trumpet, and every human realizes that he is now standing before Him as His slaves, to be Judged with perfect Wisdom under His Irresistible Power, you will be surprised to find that no man, not even the promised Messiah of Israel himself, will intercede in your behalf. It will be you and God, and only your good deeds and sincere instances of repentance will avail you. Of course, you only have a shot at Paradise if you never joined partners, equals, or any sort of distinct entities or personalities with the One God.

You only get one shot. This fleeting, temporary, short life.

>preserving all peoples

Lost me there Christ cuck
Deus vult
Death to all Saracens

Yes, and it is best to die standing in the way of evil. Suffer with the suffering.

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If Jesus doesn't come back this Occult Elite fucks (many of them Jews, a lot of them just Germanic White) are going to enslave and eventually murder all life on Earth IMO.

Meh, come git sum.