Putin will become leader of Belarus in 2024

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lukashenko is more popular than Putin in Russia

yea he seems pretty based compared to gay putin the niggerlover.

been in talks for a while. Belarus, white russia, is very close to Russia. Most people in Belarus speak Russian exclusively, especially the young where russophillia is especially prevlelent. Most see becoming a union with Russia as a path to a better life, and to living in a more prestigious and power country. And as the article points out, it would create a new country, and thus have a new constitution. This would allow Putin to become president of the new union state, and continue his reign, yet again. The deal would probably involve The Belarus leader, Alexander Lukashenko, to become PM, and be next on the block to become president when Putin finally retires. around 2030 or so. The name country will probably remain "Russia," and Belarus will just be annexed as another republic; as Russia is mostly a collection of federal subjects, oblasts, and republics, with a couple autonomous republics in high trouble areas. The real long term goal is then by 2050 to obviously annex Ukraine, the Caucasian states, and the Turkic states again, and cobble together a poor man's copy of the Soviet Union minus Moldova and the Baltic states. The trashcanistans in central asia will probably just be militarily forced to be annexed. They are poor as fuck anyway and would welcome come some suggestion.

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To the people in Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania...


Baltic states will never be touched. Basically if you don't join NATO, you are red meat. But if you they join NATO, Russia accuses you of territorial aggression because you are blocking their territorial aggression.

Russia is choking hard in Ukraine. They are clearly in a stalemate because nobody wants to support them on Crimea and occupation of Donbass, they can't do shit but larp. Fuck Kremlin and Putin desu, a bunch of fucking crooks srsly.

Lukashenko is chad, his son is going to be Tsar of All Rus'. Putin is incel.

Is there a need for support? Crimea is a strategic location and Russia controls is.

If they control Belarus, the times for games may come to an end.
They may just, move a large number of defenses into Belarus and then forces and just stop tip toeing around and move into from the North and from the East.

This but unironically

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I don't know if I like this, Belarus is like a pure white homeland, Putin is a civnat cuck like Trump that wants to import mudshits and asians.

t. brainlet Putin has done nothing strategically wrong in regards to Ukraine, Crimea had a fucking Russian naval base. Do you think we would ever give up Guantanamo to Cuba?

Putin's problem is being a soft civnat boomer just like Trump and millions of others in the west.

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>Soviet Union 2.0: Radiation boogaloo
When will you Ivans learn

based, can't wait til 2024 Putin versus Lukashenko. Now those will be competitive elections

and do what?

NATO is never disbanding, Trump is just another neocon puppet. Even if it did Russia has the GDP of Italy it can't support a real land war.

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this is dumb, Luka is also pretty old, Putin would be retarded to make him successor. Putin grew up under gerontocracy, there's no way he'll make that mistake

No one who has a chance to dethrone putin will be on the ballot. USA please.

do you think this is actually a possibility of happening though?

He'd be in his mid 70s in late 2020s, 2030. Biden is probably going to become president in USA, and he will be 77 or 78 upon election. Old age isn't what it used to be when everyone is living far longer. The elite easily live to their 90s now with top tier healthcare. by mid 21st century that will be into the 100s.

Lukashenko would take the junior PM role, and would run as Putin as a unity ticket. Then he would be crowned for 2030 to become president for a term or two, and then new generation would arise after that.

the point is that Putin is only three years older or so (maybe 4 I forget). No point in having a successor if he's only 4 years younger, just stay in power yourself

No, if he was on the ballot he still wouldn't win. Belorussia is small and putin has a lot of support through the whole country, particularly because of you cunts antagonizing Russia.

lel is it true that it's just a ploy by Putin to stay in power?
>what do you mean I can't run for president again? I've never been president of this union!
based Putin

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I meant a merger of Russia and Belarus, not a competitive election between Putin and Lukashenko, I was just baiting because the idea is mildly amusing and I saw a lot of shitposting on sosach about it

honestly this is pretty chad

oh, I understand your angle, I suppose that's plausible

>Gay source
>1 post by this ID
>For something that has already collapsed because Russia was forced to pull out the ambassador that was the pointman on the project
Fee-fi-fo-fum, i smell the stink of a shill scum

I don't know. I don't see why they'd need it. Belorussia works as a nice buffer state for sanctions.

fair enough, it would be a major happening though so im rooting for it

They both pretty bad - do their job.

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Now post a map of projected population change of white people.

fuck, Russia, have babies.

but they never stopped being russia's bitch

+21.21% for sweden
friendly reminder that by 2050, moderate pew polls put
>sweden at 25% muslim
>france 15% Muslim
>Benelux countries at 20% Muslim
by 2100, all states in western and central europe become plurality muslim and minority indigenous. The only indigenous power remaining in Europe being Eastern Europe, and what Putin hopes, a Russian super power that sees itself as the last true and powerful heir, and benefactor of European civilization.

How many of those population increases are just shitskin invaders?

virtually 100%. Not even meming.

>fuck, Russia, have babies.
>based Boudine raises VAT for 20%
>10,2% mortgage rates for shitbox commieblock "condos" is considered sensible
>No jobs other in three populations centers filled with degenerate homos and ethnic Muslamic and Jewish mafias
>based Boudine is doin literally 0 to fix any of this
yeah my dude let me have some babies that will become marginalized serfs to the (((oligarch))) ruling class

>Russian super power that sees itself as the last true and powerful heir, and benefactor of European civilization.

Except that during this time, the US will have become the preeminent Space Power, probably including a few viable permanent colonies. Putin seeking out glories of the past will doom his people to dominance under a hegemon that dominates MULTIPLE planets.

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>lukashenko giving up his seat
ha, no.

well thats just one route. The other one is they become full mudblood eurasia theory. I decided to go for the more comforting route.

There's something so magnificent about those massive hats.

i don't et this mindset, so what if life is poor, kids are a good investment if you treat them well they will help you later. Do what you think is best, though.

I am not interested about "white people" in general, all these englishmen, french and other fritzs, if tomorrow they die, I will not cry. I am only interested about fellow Russians.

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for me its the mustache

Russia could keep the base but instead they chose to annex the whole peninsula which is a huge price they will pay until they give it back and they will.

too bad russia is already ahead of sweden, france and belgium in muslim population, and their native brithrates are the lowest of all european nations


>give it back
oh lad i am laffin

If that was the case you wouldn't be posting here.

Proofs for what I say:

>Russian space editor Andrei Borisov has captured the fading zeitgeist of the Russian space program in a lengthy article on the new leader of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, and the changes he has proposed. "The 'Russian Space' Rogozin is trying to create reminds one of the Dark Ages in Europe," Borisov writes on Lenta.Ru, where he serves as editor of science and technology. "In it, there is no place for modernization, there is only the mission of survival."

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Then he will make a great replacement for Putin.

there's a weird of difference from genetically european atheist meme muslims from Caucasus, and pure mudbloods from central Africa, and middle east. Beyond those, non-european muslims are

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>so what if life is poor
>so what if your children have no access to adequate healthcare, eduication and have no social mobility
American retard, the only power the average citizen has is buying power and bribe power. If you're poor you literally have no recourse against anything and can't protect your children.

More interestingly, certain elements of Russian power may feel that Putin will no longer be able to provide as good dividends compared to Lukashenko.

>social mobility
who cares
>adequate healthcare
have a bunch
who cares

Look at GDP PPP.
Same as Germany.

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Based burger knows what's up.

I will add; basically Putin is trying to replicate the best part of the USSR, which was their vast trade network. Which in all fairness is a genius idea, actually allowing them to build cars and other products cheaper and actually become competitive.

>life is poor
>children have no access to healthcare, education and have no social mobility
Many American retard also have life in this way though, it is very common.

>social mobility
>who cares
>who cares
I'm just going to write you off as a mental deficient and hide your posts at this point

In general, so far, our muslims better than european muslims - the legacy of the Soviet Union, I suppose.. But how long will it last?

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>Our muslims better than european muslims
No they're not

You're not curious at all about why Putin has been spending more on short-range means of deploying nuclear weapons? Here's a hint: if Russia can't afford its space program, what does that mean about the thing it is derived from?
The conclusion is inescapable Russia can't afford to maintain its ICBM force anymore.

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Russia is very weak economically and their currency fell more than double only in a few mounts after they made that dick move with Ukraine, they're not the ones who decide anymore. Also Belarus would be much better off with EU and Nato and not with Russia which is clearly an oligarchy regime at the moment.

Also, you cant stay in power too long, before the people begin to hate you. Knowing when to leave is also important.

What are you trying to say? I don't get it.

Well... We have a union state for like 20 years already

>Russia is very weak economically
Yeah since like 1990 and?

GDP isn't the end all be all of society or of political strength. They have a massive nuclear arsenal, and a very equipped modern military, that is 2nd or 3rd in the world in terms of capability. They also are the largest country in the world, and have enormous amounts of untapped natural wealth, let alone their oil and natural gasses which fuel 80% of Europe's oil, and up to 100% for eastern europe. Russia is also unfazed by the meltdown of society seen in western countries currently, and is growing socially stronger and more cohesive, as the west, ans especially multi-racial societies splinter. (even if internally Russians dispute this for meme value) Russia is also one of the only countries that benefits from global warming and climate change. Vast nearly limitless swaths of Siberia permafrost will be melted during the mid to late 21st century. It's generally agreed upon that Russia will produce 40-60% of the global food supply by 2100 as traditional areas suffer or are annihilated by climate change.


While I agree with your analysis, the minor point I wish to make is that I don't believe Putin views himself or Russia as a new Soviet Union. Rather, I firmly believe Putin sees himself as another Peter the Great, modernizing Russia and pulling the Motherland out of the post-Communist dark age it currently finds itself in. I would not be surprised to find Russia recreates the office of the Tsar again and restarts the monarchy.

On an unrelated note, got any more pics of that cute chick with the weird hair? She's smokin'.

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>No they're not
Yes - They are
I work at a construction site, the main labor force is - uzbeks, armenians and time to time dagestans.

Thats what they said about ukrain amd look what happened, soros subverted and conquered by globohomo, same will happen in Belarus. Annex before it is too late

1) Every country with a space program derived their vehicles from ICBMs.
2) Russia can't afford to keep their Space Program on schedule anymore, this is a public fact.
3) The Russian government has been both working on and playing up shorter range, less expensive systems that could deploy nuclear warheads, even going as far as violating a treaty with the US for a few years now by pursuing that work
4) Despite how it seems, even Russia doesn't normally like to violate treaties of this type because it exposes the country to a lot of risk.

Add all of that up, and you can infer that Russia can't afford to maintain a standing system of hundreds of very complex, expensive rockets to deploy nuclear warheads at long-range. They're making adjustments to maximize what they can truly afford, and still maintain deterrence.

it means that they fall into a chaos and possibly a civil war
>They have a massive nuclear arsenal, and a very equipped modern military, that is 2nd or 3rd in the world in terms of capability
doesn't mean shit because NATO can crash them in less than a week
>also are the largest country in the world
Canada is a second largest country and look where they are.

>Russia can't afford to keep their Space Program on schedule anymore, this is a public fact.

Lol what? CNN told you that? We build half of ISS.
Our space in shit because of Musk but it still ok. Kremlin announced the same as SpaceX reusable system.

>The Russian government has been both working on and playing up shorter range, less expensive systems that could deploy nuclear warheads, even going as far as violating a treaty with the US for a few years now by pursuing that work

Not only that. We have multiple new systems.

And this is was your decision due to China. China not affected on this program. They can have these systems.

That is means the US needs this type of rockets too.

Russia is not guilty about this at all. This is was only political bullshit. Because it is very OK to blame Russia about everything. But blame China about nukes is too scary for mass media.


Even Korean retards and Iranians can afford them. It is not "rocket science" lol.

And for us, nukes are the most important thing. Kremlin better cut of all free medicine than they cut nuke programs.

You built a third of the ISS, and you did it more than ten years ago.
>Not only that. We have multiple new systems.
I like that you ignored my next point Ivan, in that your government really doesn't like to cross these lines if it doesn't have to. They learned from the 1980s that they don't have the economic activity to win an arms race. The US does stupid things with its money, but it has so much of it that it rarely slows us down.

On the flipside, Russia used to maintain a policy that a nuclear First Strike was always an option. After this, I think Pakistan will be the only country with such a policy. This is very good for peace and general international relations.

is this real? i always thought russia was really poor

obviously these factors suck but they have nothing to do with kids.
t. poor bumfuck with 3 kids who have neither of those three but still make my life meaningful

>Kremlin better cut of all free medicine than they cut nuke programs.

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I experience second hand embarrassment every time I see neocohen shills attempt to spew their bile here of all places. Why are you here?

Not sure if to praise or criticize.

>Russia used to maintain a policy that a nuclear First Strike was always an option

You watch to much CNN buddy. WE NEVER use nuclear First Strike. This is YOUR option with a global strike.

And now the Pentagon discusses limited use of nukes against arabs and Iran. It is on the public. Google it.

i think the brand new state of the art russian cosmodrome and their spanking new nuclear arctic bases shit on your uneducated opinion
>murica no 1

>Even if it did Russia has the GDP of Italy
Lol? We never had any GDP. We are fighting for the right Russian honour and we will never run out of resources.
Went to hell dirty American mercenary.

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Belarus has a lot of unpopulated land and is perfect for Russian lebensraum, a lot of it is irradiated but I don't think Putin will care. I think it will be annexed when Lukashenko steps down.

You know what other country has a lot of unpopulated land? Russia.

I got my opinion on the topic from some of Russia's best minds in the field of aerospace engineering.

Russia has been working on the Federation capsule and the Angara rocket system for almost twenty years now. About 25% through its development, a Russian military officer made a very bad decision and literally spat in a particular South African expat's face (pic related) when he asked why they kept hiking the price on the two surplus ICBMs he wanted to buy. On his flight home, that expat decided to build his own rockets... (cont.)

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Fast forward to December, 2015. The company he formed, with only $2-3 Billion in outright funding, managed to build a rocket and improve it to the point it achieved the first soft propulsive landing of an orbital booster on Earth in history in six years. Meanwhile, Angara is still not ready, and there are serious questions about quality control in both the soon-to-be retired Proton rocket's lines and the Soyuz booster's facilities.

That is true. Our space industry is in crisis. Because of Musk and some other reasons.

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Siberia is a frozen wasteland, sure you live there but you won't be able to do much and people will want to leave for warmer climates. Other than the irradiated parts, Belarus is mostly fertile land with a similar climate to central Europe.

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>Fertility is bad.
>Health care is bad.
>Space program is bad.
What should we do Billy?

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Being less adversarial, the big reason you don't see much of this in the EU or Asia (but not China because all of their aerospace, even the private stuff is basically run by the PLA) is because of regulations. Not just space/rocket-related stuff, but general business regulations. If you want really fast, private development yet have stupid hurdles all over the place, you're not going to get shit.

Sometimes, letting an autistic immigrant and his friends with more money than common sense fiddle with engines in a garage works better than the finest blue-ribbon commission.

Pretty obviously.
We have to unite with the rest of Europe.

>white russia joins russia
Whats the surprise?

>NATO is never disbanding

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True. But it's not the case of Russia.

Well Putin did try very hard on the first one, but the guy I posted a picture of has a point: it takes 25 years to make a 25-year-old. There will still be a deficit in the population in the gap between the problem's emergence and the application of the solution (assuming the solution takes hold).

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>But it's not the case of Russia.
Maybe not explicitly, but I haven't heard a great deal about private aerospace in Russia. I would love to read more about it, it's going to be one of the biggest industries of the next few centuries.