make Negroes slave again I'm African nigger btw
I want to be slave again
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Sure you are shlomo
Erm, uh, no thanks. I actually look forward to the coming racewar that will not end well for wh*teoids. They are self hating, their women love us, and frankly they seem to hate each other. They have no unity and will be destroyed.
We tried that already. Damned fools thought they could get a day’s work out of a nigger. Not going to do it again. You can’t come over here Mobutu. We don’t need you.
but you never stopped being a salve to democrats. they simply switched crops from cotton to votes.
Gods... no thanks.
we did that once, and we are still paying the price.
You nigs need to take care of yourselves.
yeah but life was easy when we were slaves
Whatever Tyrone.
Remember your history of encounters with white folk...
Usually ends in massacre for your side.
so.. if you think about it, the blacks natural habitat is being told what to do, in the NFL or NBA... they are being told what to do by white men [ their coaches ] and have a very high sense of comradery. this would probably make black people a lot more happier if treated well .
we nigs hate each other and love white people nigs can't live together we need someone to control us by power
Every screen in my house turned on full brightness as I read this
I wish I owned slaves, I'd be super nice to them and give them nice things just to remind the free niggers still struggling to survive that it's better to just submit to the White man at the end of the day.
Black guy here, I just wanted to ask Jow Forums why do I love stealing so much and how come I never want to work?
exactly brother we love to be humiliated by cops we don't hate them actually we don't want to work we don't want to care about our kids we used to have the white man take them
thank you man I love you I have a sister she can be your slave I swear
post pics
Make yourself useful and start a farm.
We will need more farmers in the near future
The African American community between 1860 and 1960 was actually BETTER OFF before the great society in 1965. blacks only lost all that progress because of socialist policies and infectious jews ruining black culture
Listen to Thomas Sowell, you dont need to be a slave and you can totally have the American Dream
Top kek.
A african farming?
Remember, barely a century and a half ago, you were property.
Fuck off kike. Actual Africa here
Super rare flag. Redpill me on Cameroon.
Slavery is a myth. The reality is whites offered Africans jobs, but dindus couldn't understand the concept of wages in exchange for labor. They preferred to get housing and food gibs, much like today. They also put themselves in chains because it reminded them of their natural environment, prison.
>femanon here
Here’s my ass to prove
Part shithole, part decent place to live in. People are generally welcoming, never relax though.
Did you just take a blurry pic of your sofa and try to pass it off as your ass?
and what you do in life without the help of white people
I swear it's my ass I don't have a sofa
look at the stretch marks
I don't need white people. There are very few white people here, most are some faggy french expats
I feel like the word slave shouldn't have such negative connotations all the time. Like if I owned slaves and put the work into teaching them how to better themselves and maintain a family structure how is that even bad. Like yeah abloo bloo how dare you own a people, there wouldn't be ghettos and gang shootings all the time by feral nigs who've been left to run amok if I owned all the Black people.
The french...
Probably the worst colonial masters ever alongside their colonial cousins the belgians
Indeed. They never want to let go of their former colonies. I hate the bullshit that is francafrique, fucking kikes and their puppet (((Macron))).
Seconded. Usually i would make Kids into slaves, but i'm a boomer, so i don't mind if Niggers become slaves again
come on we don't have nice food nice schools nothing only a desert and i'm tired we need to surrender to white people and let them rule as I don't want the chinks
>massa probably will let me take breaks on hot summer days on my favorite rock
We really ducked up with this whole freedom thing
the chinks are your friends.
I don't want to be their friend I want to be trump friend he's the right man
MASA: Make Africans Slaves Again.
Get it?
African Americans learned to farm, what's your problem nigger?
>massa probably will let me take breaks on hot summer days on my favorite rock
Yes, you also get drinks and a pool to cool off in that's been specially designed to not drown you since Blacks can't swim.
Memeflag, where do u live?
people don't know how we suffer to get bread it's not a joke sometimes they start a riot and you could be killed for no reason being slave is better
Remind me of the k/d ratios in the Rhodesian bush war again?
all you need to know is that I believe that I live in the west of Africa
Uhm, Ya Tyrone...
Been to zimbabwe lately?
Anywhere in africa?
Blacks cant farm beyond subsistence level.
Its the eternal black belief in their warrior ability.
Then when they run into real warriors....
Things go wrong.
never hear anyone go on about islamic slave trade of the nearly 100 million sub saharan africans
Cough it up memeflaggot. I need a country
No. Explain it please?
Why do
you write
like this?
fuck you I told you things about us that people don't know about don't you hate living like an animal you don't have enough food no one takes care of you when your sick but your people make things that they believe it will heal and it doesn't and you still sick and you think you will die
You've got a race war in SA, Hateboer. Perfect opportunity to show you're a real warrior
No thanks dude. Hydraulic machinery exists.
Go back to plebbit
Sorry no need for nigger slave , Jews fucked up by bring your people to the new world . Just go away or back to Africa which ever you can faster
Sounds like a shithole, sorry. You can go to Europe, the cucked whiteoids will welcome you with open arms and even pay you to invade their country. I suggest Sweden, fren.
You're not white, larpfaggot
hes not wrong
WTF lol
Lame ass reply.
And when it does kick off, please remember, if you are still alive, to keep a running record of the score.
Based on past experience in africa, it should be heavy...
And just fyi, i did prove my warrior status, many years ago, in another country, against your kind.
It is called Angola.
Maybe you have heard of it?
Lol, thats another thing the westerners dont understand, the hate that different tribes in africa have for each other is epic.
Rwanda is just one example.
And in South africa we have 12 different tribes, all of whom just love to hate each other.
Fuck off boer.
This is why niggers need to go back to their shit hole Africa , they can't get anything right .
yeah your right but I don't know how because they free now what if they still slaves
I hate this because I'm pussy and I don't want to be kicked by people
>reddit spacing like a mofo
but yeah, the tribes will never get along.
Whats wrong buddy....?
Monkey steal your banana?
Fuck kaffer niggers
Chinas taking care of that.
Kek. The monkey outsmarted him.
>And in South africa we have 12 different tribes, all of whom just love to hate each other.
Sad state of affairs right? Let them kill each other off and there'll finally be peace.
Fuck off.
We'll kill all leaders selling us out to bug chinks. Fucking vermin
Lame bait. You can do better
The monkey's still whiter than you mutt lmao. You don't even know why you're not white
Kill all your leaders who are sellouts?
Sheesh... you gonna be busy allatime.
Cos when a black man gets power....
Can't argue with this lmao. Fucking African Presidents think it's a lifetime position. We are cursed, for real
you alright cameroonigger
Automation killed the need for slaves. Africa's only salvation is continent wide euthanasia.
Pretty much.
It is one of the defining characteristics of black leaders and their sycophants.
And one i think, that is culturally enforced, and will be very hard to beat.
Fuck off Kurz. We'll make it right, expel all chinks and actually get some real development happen. Just need the corrupt boomer Presidents to die off first. They're a major problem. They're the ones selling Africa to the chinks and maintaining neo-colonialism.
yet it wont change anything will it?
You are doomed to rinse and repeat in africa.
The history of africa is one despotic leader replacing another since the dawn of time.
Nothing will change as long as the people remain asleep. Corruption is practically encouraged and seen as very normal in many African countries. Over here you can't go to see a "big man" without greasing his palms. You fucking have to bribe the police commissioner to get an ID, yet it's supposed to be free..... The same police will lock you up in a cell and ask you to pay at least 25000FCFA for not having an ID.
Thats africa.
Its how its always been.
And always will be.
But you must remember, to europeans, this is unfathomable.
They cannot comprehend society being run that way.
Its why they cannot find a way to coexist peacefully with immigrants in their countries.
Go have a smoke
And look at wonderful zimbabwe now...
Makes my heart warm, and have pleasant dreams of how the lives of the locals have turned out.
Shit's really bad. Cameroon was supposed to host the Afcon but corrupt ministers ruined the entire thing. I'm talking about billions being embezzled and none of the structures getting completed
Most people expected them to at least get axed from the government, but they got promoted instead lol. Doesn't help that the President is some 86 yr old dinosaur who is supposed to be nowhere near the Presidency. His wife and aides essentially run the country, she was the one who shielded her protégés from punishment. Fucking clown world. I'm sick of all this bullshit, can see why people are fleeing Africa in droves.
We need to sort shit out here but we're instead of fleeing to Europe for free shit. I actually believe in zero immigration, stay back and fix your shit ffs.
Nah I hate a fucking slaves or any kind cheap foreign labor workers. People who hired them need to be cracked down.
those both are memes.
but what to expect from meme flag kike
Lol. Cope harder Mgumbo. At the end of the day, you're still anigger, and you still have no banana.
i cannot agree more.
It happens here all the time.
Same shit as cameroon.
But, they want to make it worse.
They are going to nationalise everything, in a nation with 50 million people.
Can you say famine? starvation? disease?
Its coming for South Africa.
Twats like him with his cartoons forget, that the cure they glorify in their little pictures is actually way worse than what they say they are against.
Says the nigger.
Black on black crime is astonishing.
I for one, feel sorry for the italians.
You have borne the brunt of all the illegal migration.
I have fond memories of Rome.
Obvious whiteboy trolling in every thread
you think I'm white hahahaha