Should NASA prove its spacesuits work on Earth in a vacuum chamber?

Most of the NASA space program is a hoax.

The Achilles Heel of the NASA hoax is the NASA spacesuit with ice sublimator cooling system because it could be scientifically verified on Earth today.

NASA must publicly demonstrate before independent witnesses the operation of a NASA spacesuit with ice sublimator cooling system in a vacuum chamber on Earth duplicating environmental conditions of orbit.

NASA refuses to verify and has always refused to verify its spacesuits with sublimators because they can't verify them because they've been committing fraud against the Citizens of the United States for more than 50 years. Plenty of NASA videos of spacesuits in swimming pools exist but there are none of spacesuits with sublimators in vacuum chambers although there is one video from 1966 of a NASA spacesuit without sublimator failing in a vacuum chamber causing a near fatality.

If NASA regularly uses the spacesuits with sublimators on spacewalks from the ISS as they allege and regularly tests the spacesuits with sublimators in vacuum chambers at NASA's Johnson Space Center as they also allege then it should cost nothing extra and create no unacceptable inconvenience to allow a few witnesses to observe the next test.

The NASA space program is a faith-based thing and that is totally unnecessary. Unless, of course, they have a scam to protect.

Attached: NASA=LIARS.jpg (1200x630, 60K)

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This is an oddly specific request.

I used to be a believer but then, ironically, I tried to prove we went to the moon and in the process stumbled upon the spacesuit ice sublimators used to cool the suits under the unshielded full force of the suns radiation. I wanted to learn more but couldn't find much. I contacted NASA and got nothing but reneged promises. The spacesuits are the weak link in the NASA hoax because they can be proven here on Earth today. NASA won't demo them in a vacuum chamber because they know the person wearing the suit will probably die.

>I used to believe Accepted Fact #1843, but then I and I alone stumbled upon this incredibly obvious thing that I've convinced myself blows the lid off the whole 'conspiracy'. Also I conveniently ignore any and all examples of evidence to the contrary of this thing I think exposes the entire evil plot.

The water circulates inside the suit until it absorbs so much heat, then it is ejected from the suit via sublimation, removing the heat with it.

It's a pretty basic concept that doesn't really need proving. Thermodynamics is pretty well understood.
You could probably test the core concept with a DIY vacuum chamber if you really wanted to though.

yeah yeah NASA films in a giant tank underwater. the money trillions lost actually is building underground bunkers. first there will be a global earthquake. everyone will die. then 50 years later a pole shifto magical chango you die againo - - - then we send out cristobal colon to explore the new world centuries later meh what difference at this point does it make

>Should NASA prove its spacesuits work on Earth in a vacuum chamber?
We can’t make a comparable vacuum on earth.
And they stopped testing in vacuum chambers when they almost killed a guy.

Attached: 89B3C2C0-731F-4948-803E-968F971DC7BF.jpg (600x600, 74K)

Attached: 342623A7-62BA-404E-B156-1600EEED834D.jpg (1000x1000, 141K)

I own a vacuum chamber that goes down to less than LEO. It's not that hard to do. It just takes a two or three stage system.

Attached: A02444F4-3FDF-48DE-A10A-1F9B868952B4.png (600x358, 41K)