Black pill me?

Anyone interested in feeding into my nihilism and depression I'm looking for the most demoralizing shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

Find Jesus, Repent and sin no more

It's not too late

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Okay, I'll ha e a go. You're a subversive jew trying to demoralise pol. But Jews are not as smart as they think, and we can see through your kikery.
Soon your gassed, emaciated body will lie in a mass grave in a European forest with thousands of your rat kinsman.

Hapa daughters are made for their fathers pleasure. And they will give your pure offspring.

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Kek you give me too much credit and I'm always interested in a shit goal isn't to demoralize pol I actually rather like this place. I'm just a masochist who is bored and wanting to see some dark shit desu btw great attempt

You can give the asteroid doom one more try. Another one due may 30th. Closer than last weekend's disappointment

Nothing you can do will stop Trump in 2020 and you demoralize yourself more than you do the actual Jow Forums members.

Also, you will never pass as a woman.

IDGAF about Trump kek anyone who's egotistical to run for presidency doesn't deserve it so honestly I enjoy someone who's so open with his bullshit besides anyone who's elected is going to be shit it's the way the world goes politicians generally suck. And damn how will I ever live knowing I can't pass for a woman you know how to cut deep

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Eh I'm not too concerned with the world's end it'd be interesting to see no doubt a beautiful sight if it did occur

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Stop sucking dick you fucking faggot.

You’re already showing your stripes, cuck.

I find this pretty demoralizing

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Here you go:

How so

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Nihilism is retarded. Read into existentialism.

Dating pinay hapa. Will my kids be white?

I have believe me I understand that nihilism isn't a good thing and that it's something to be worked through but I figure fuck it I'm in a mood might as well go all the way with it for the moment being. Personally I normally favour absurdism and camu

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I'm not saying nihilism isn't healthy. I'm saying it's impossible. Lack of pleasure doesn't mean subjective happiness is impossible.

I don't disagree I suppose I need to brush back up on philosophy honestly it's been a while since I studied it

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Read the Singularity is Near and realize that an objective purpose exists.

Well, way i see it there's two options.

1) You deny ego in which case Nirvana and going back to The Source shit becomes plausible.

2) You embrace ego in which case either it all dies in the end or we live forever, eventually either going to Hell or Heaven (even if reincarnation is real).

Eh, if you can't murder people im like "cute fetish, faggot". Then again i'm a war vet/demon.

Isn't karma just fucking great? wow you guys are such sinners, fucking your own daugther? wow, i'm shocked and appalled.

And what's that? for our souls to be enslaved froever by the AI/Singularity?

Becoming biologically obsolete and our souls (if we have them which i think we do) probably getting enslaved forever (>implying that isn't already the case) isn't my idea of Divine Purpose/Ultimate Meaning.

Eh, maybe there's something Biblical going on. I dunno. This whole AI/Singularity business sounds demonic to me.

At some point you get past cute shit and you just realize "oh wait yeah no, i'm just evil" enhances the thrill of it and shit.

look here too, a jew with indian VPN.
why are they pushing the bash the hash psyop?

I mean it's amusing, the demonic/negative doesn't mean God is real, could be just karma. Hmm, maybe God is real though. I dunno.

Even fucking Hitler talked about The Lord like it was self evident albeit well hidden because reasons, mainly cause if God was obvious that would detract from it. Familiarity breeds contempt.

How blackmail works in LA:
>Acquire kid
>Acquire gun
>Acquire camera
>Acquire target
>Force target at gunpoint to fuck kid
>Make him kill kid after
>Record entire thing

Target is now your de facto slave.

>in one hour more people will die than in WW1 and WW2 together.
Athos Elders

"Look, i was forced to do it 103 times. Look, you have to understand i had no other choice".

Disgusting chink whore and kike poster

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There actually is no hope. The white race is in check mate. Absolutely everything is controlled by Jewish money including those we think are allies. We’re doomed to a Jew controlled prison planet worse than anything Orwell conjured. Trump president and deep state and their partners in big tech have set up an absolute fool proof snitch control grid which continues unabated by With Zion Don in charge. It’s prison planet or death

That's a feature of the system: The more blackmailers that exist in the system, the more blackmailees are forced to partake in the blackmailing acts. They begin to enjoy it.

Or you can you know, die in battle before raping killing and probably eating a (let's be honest, White Aryan) child to save yourself. That's just me perhaps, i'm about that thug life.

HAHA, you sweet summer child.

Not even death is a release, the endless cycle of transience means even your very molecules will be scattered pitifully asunder and eventually become again drowned in the sorrow of sentience, while your empty soul writhes in nothingness in preparation for the next vacuous experience of all the tepidity of the banal ego that is yet another futureless and frail frail mortal existence.

[reddit space]


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Bullshit, we've won in droves, find a rock to crawl under so our kids don't find you slimeyid

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He asked for black pills specifically so why are you dispensing white pills?
Also perhaps I k ow way more about it than you do

Our existence is the result of genes competing with each other. There is nothing more, just reproduce until we consume all the resources.

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I believe in reincarnation

There is only struggle, will you fight or perish like a dog?

Men doubt demons know or so they say, i wouldn't know. I'm such a nice guy. Ethel, isn't he just such a good boy?

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I must say Gertrude, he sure is.

muh dick>yours

Everything is a giant “Why?”

Oh I’m dying fighting don’t get me wrong

>There is only struggle, will you fight or perish like a dog?
The only answer, is to fail at both.

The White Nordid Aryan Germanic (particularly German) race is like the uh, existential thing that uh...

You know, diametrically opposes ze joos. Everyone else is in the middle or below (niggers). In other words, everyone else kinda doesn't matter.

There's two master races and guess what? in the end there can only be one.

I prefer to associate winners, champ.

hurr duur the only way to win the game is to not play it hurr durr

That's loser talk.

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Fight or perish like a dog, no way around it.

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>he expects to ever figure shit out

Look, you have your life and your interests and you better fucking defend them otherwise you're just another one of this race traitors and degenerates and basically just another enemy.

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Demons are wave forms in the network. They are stable, like standing waves. Real things.



I call that "doing shit half way", punks.

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In other words just negative entities not actual demons from The Bible, got it.

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Nobody is right.
Humanity was corrupt from the beginning.
Nothing human deserves to live

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Nihilism and relativism is exactly what is destroying our society. So, stop with this crap.

No, you're literally just a degenerate White liberal/pseudo-kike or maybe just a dumb nigger, i dunno. You could choose to aim to be as much of a White Nordid Germanic Aryan as possible but you won't will you

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In-between just means you're a dumb nigger, actual people strive for an ideal either a positive constructive one (Aryans) or a destructive one (Jews). It's really that simple.

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>ham-fisted and archaic Jow Forums jibberish
You are definitely some kind of shill.
Or, autistic.

will he fuck...
no - with a flag like that, he'll be spending today mostly eating his own jizz

What? I mean I would think it's funny from the angle of Twitter and how'd they'd handle it but I haven't supported it or contributed plus journalists always are a source of entertainment

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America will be minority white in a few years, this trend won't be stopped. It is hopelessly corrupt and owned by Jews in all parties and media. And an ethnostate will never happen, neither will secession or anything else.

Europe could likely drown in the incoming flood of 4 billion Africans. It might even happen before the mid of this century.

Just google “demographics Africa” OP.