fashtag exploded in 2 fucking days i'd say keep that one going for a while but we should get some more memes backed up into our arsenal for unrelenting buttblasting capabilities
any and all ideas are on the table as we wont be using them just yet
Hate symbol think tank
What about a hexagon with the nazi flag?
Oh yea thats racist
blank white piece of paper/image, then evolve it into anything that is purely white
perhaps a pentagon
>just random shapes lmao
I liked the idea of making clean bottled water a symbol of white supremacy and white privilege.
>oh yea lets make the pentagram a white hate symbol.
All these fashtags and hate symbol think tanks are the biggest kikers or retardum i have ever witnessed.
Claim the nazbol flag and use it to get the hammer and sickle stigmatized.
>paying for water
you disgust me
leftists do it. Do you not get this?
What about the peace symbol?
>user implies that bottled water must have a price by saying in sarcasm >"Paying for water".
>user backs it up with the assumption that of "of course you have to pay."
In conclusion.
Bottled water cannot be free.
I agree random anonymous user!!
>eve eats red apple out of temptation
>we take red pill out of temptation
>red apples are racist
let the fashtag die down before forcing another meme
The ultimate goal would be to aproppriate the star of David. Black star of David, in a white circle on a red background.
Imagine the smell when people stop using clean white supremacy
What about the thumbs up thing that was tried and than forgotten.
The thumbs up originated from the roman empire and we all know that Hitler was a fan of the roman empire. Also a lot of historians say that the meaning of thumbs up and down got mixed up so up meant death. Because of this we could say thumbs up means death to all niggers, jews etc.
We should co opt the stop sign.
People start ripping them down
Imagine anyone wearing a tie with a floral pattern or a Hawaiian shirt is now a Nazi. Your kid drew a picture of a flower? They're idolizing Hitler. Get your girlfriend a boquet of Hitler roses. Black Sunflowers, approved by Brenton Tagart.
if we're a bit more subtle we could pull this one off
The color brown is a fascist color as in the brown-shirts. A true fascist symbol.
Brown color t shirts only look good in white people .
Make becoming fat a hate symbol of White gluttony. (White privilege for having more abundant's of food.)
Lots of side-affects to this also that will benefit our collective cause.
Niggers will hate this.
So this is a huge mutt board, and I know some niggers are here too.
Can we get some niggers taking pictures of themselves throwing Roman salutes? Hide your face if you want, but it would be great to have niggers be the new “dog whistle” of the alt-right.
Oy vey!
An encircled fist symbolizing white power being okay sits atop a Christian cross.
how about...
the shape of the continent of Africa?
this should be somewhere in the arsenal
Just imagine if we could turn the Seal of Solomon into a hate symbol.
He also called out the jew in the 20s
any way to put a autistic geometry-user on making SOMEthing out of the star of david?
Two fingers = Two genders
Two fingers = Master Race and Untermenschen
Two fingers = Letter Y referring to Y chromsome (i.e. trannies will never be women).
Two fingers = V for victory in the coming race war
Turn Islam symbol in hate symbol
Thats the only way to make media hate islam
Maybe CNN? Have one n stand for nigger(s). Maybe something like "Carry no niggers"
I like this one. Maybe have it be the peace sign. The v for victory is already an insult for brits.
Peace sign = Universal Peace that will be achieved by exterminating all the non-whites.
Peace sign = Peace between whites; war against non-whites.
V sign = Vanquish the mud races
Fuck yes, that's perfect.
And it's a dig at cripples.
something more believable would be nice. how about finding david duke tweets with hastags then pretend to attack him
TV characters like Rick Steves and those real-estate shows were suggested in another thread. It seems like it might be funny to give 'em the ol' red pill.
Isn't the "peace symbol" an inverted Algiz rune? The National Alliance (Dr. William Luther Pierce's organization) used that rune as a symbol. Definitely a good target.
All politics is local politics
Here’s my first and only forced meme
If that's true, we'd have alot of ammo to fire off to get the ball rolling.
Think globo act homo
Planned parenthood logo:
Since the majority of abortions are from niglets and spics.
The first letter looks like an A for: Aryan Proud
But it's working so fuck off Shlomo
Nazi haven
Peace sign should be next
black wimin with straight hair.
Shrug emoji? The left loves to use it.