South Africa Should Enslave Whites before they run away

You may not like it, but there's only one logical way for South Africa to survive the mess they have created, it's the same way that the United States survived after cutting off the feeding teat of Great Britain, Slavery.

In the United States after completely isolating ourselves from the more intelligent and productive Europeans we had to enslave hard working physically fit Black people to build our country for us, it worked because we had a super majority and kept them under lock and key, the same needs to be done in South Africa if they are to survive. In the case of South Africa the Black supermajority is physically superior but needs the White to help structure and plan their society, I would highly suggest the current South African government immediately place all Whites under lock and key for the survival of their great Nation.

It may sounds cruel, but White Slavery is the ONLY way forward for South Africa currently. The Whites might cry about it right now, but just like the Blacks in America, a hundred years from now when they are set free again they can bask in the knowledge that they are the ones who really built the country. Just as America would be a stinking, drunken, diseases ridden European shithole without any culture without the hard work and dedication of enslaved Blacks, Blacks in South Africa need to enslave the Whites and accept that they NEED to force them to stay in order to avoid collapse and loss of important culture.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Lets make the slaves the leaders and the leaders the slaves.
>This doesn't sound like a retarded idea
>American flag

>In the United States after completely isolating ourselves from the more intelligent and productive Europeans we had to enslave hard working physically fit Black people to build our country for us,

Didn't know the US is made out of cotton pickers. I'll kill any kaffer that so much as touches me. Death before dishonor, you filthy shitskin.

You can only enslave slave races, i.e. races that are so passive they let that happen to them.

You say that, but again and again your White countrymen are useless meat puppets when the Blacks come knocking.

Just accept that life will be better when you can relax and allow the Black man to take care of you instead of fighting him and receiving rapings and beatings and killings.

I am not an advocate for mistreating your slaves, but I am saying that enslaving the Whites of South Africa is the only way the current government can fix things since you Whites seem unwilling to help the Blacks of your own free will. You're a very greedy and stubborn bread of Whites, more like Jews than anything else.

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We've been btfoing niggers since we came to this country. Look up bloedrivier. The only thing that stops us from putting you dirty little apes in your place is America. You can kill me, but I'll take at least 2 niggers with me.

Theyre white slaves because they're black.

>Mutts acting like they know history

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You killed the natural inhabitants of the country like cowards, a peaceful native people. You have been raped and killed by the Bantu for decades now, you hide behind fences and hire mercenaries to escort you to the call centers that you "work" at. Just accept the inevitable future White man, you will be broken and you will succumb to slavery.

>since you Whites seem unwilling to help the Blacks of your own free will
Whites pay over 80% of the country's taxes. Whites fund the government, hospitals, schools, everything is funded off our work. We designed and built the infrastructure. Whites farmers reach out to teach blacks agriculture. Whites built the largest hospital in the world for blacks during apartheid. Whites stopped the largest genocide the country had ever seen, blacks killing 2 million other blacks, then whites gave them all their own homelands and stopped them from retaliating or murdering each other more. Whites still provide over 25% of the country's food, and that's ensuring the poorest blacks have access to cheap and abundant food like pap. So please explain to me, what the fuck more is expected of us?

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You are such a clown OP.

you and yours are welcome to emigrate to South Africa and try and enslave some boers.

I will even give you my address.

You can come, i will put the braai on, and we can have a beer, while i put you on the spit.

You niggers love to post those pictures, and i want you to send them to all your nigger friends.

I want you to spread them far and wide.

But i bet you dont know why.

Dude, why are you arguing with a american kaffer who doesnt understand anything anyway?


During apartheid, so you haven't done anything willingly over the last 30 years. No need to get your panties in a bunch, I'm just saying it how it is, the simple fact is that South Africa will not survive without White Slavery. You're truly stupid if you can not see that White Slavery is the only answer for South Africa. If you didn't want to be a White Slave then you should have left Africa already. It is the time of the Black man and you will be a White Slave by 2021 if you don't leave, it's no one else's fault after that but your own.

You White Savage can't even have a normal conversation about the logical future of the country. Such a Slave attitude, reminds me of an American Black.

It's Jow Forums, at the end of the day isn't it all screaming into the void? What difference does it make if that void is the emptiness of a black's mind?

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South Africa is in a bad states because they are ruled by communists.

Ag kaffertjie.

You live in that wakanda fantasy the white man sold you.

Niggers will never be the equal of the white man.

And you keep posting shit, aint gonna make it happen either.

You know what i say is true.

I would rather be a white savage in white mans world than a kaffer in a world that he doesnt understand and doesnt want him.

Cheers boet.

>so you haven't done anything willingly over the last 30 years.
What are you talking about? There are multiple white charities, like I said, there have been programs by Boers to help teach blacks agriculture. Whites don't have a government so we can't keep building hospitals. We can't build hospitals for ourselves or programs to uplift our own people out of poverty. We food the most impoverished, we fund everything.
I don't think it's a black. Blacks don't use apostrophes. Some troll trying to show SA can't survive without whites or /leftypol/ gay ops.

Then its a white kaffer.

They exist.

Bono and the UN and the Muh apathy is evil snowflakes destroyed it.

>enslaving the Whites of South Africa is the only way the current government can fix things


They cant.

They are too scared.

Are you literally retarded or are you intentionally responding to obvious bait?

it's Jow Forums in the current year +4. It's all bait all the time.

Whites feed
Jews leech
Blacks eat
Yellows seethe
Browns reap for cheap

How does it feel to farm? Do you use tractors and all that modern stuff or do you guys just do it the old fashioned way?

I want to farm but I really really hate the modern stuff like fertilizer and John Deere garbage. I just want to do things the old fashioned way without non biodegradable bullshit like plastics.

Bantu aren't native, you fucking idiot. Bantu have slaughtered the natives in what is called the mfecani. You're about as educated as the nigger trash over here.

at this point in time I think the best thing for whites in SA is to seek asylum in russia. shit is just going to get worse for you guys

Farming is pretty easy if you have everything set up. You get automated tractors and shit.

Nope, future of entire Africa is negroid slavery under Chinks.
Chinks aren't pozzed by cuckstianity, there will be no mercy from them.

I live in jo'burg. I don't farm, working on a potato farm for a while is the extent of my farming knowledge. It's all modern. Ask this guy, he sounds like the farm boy from the northern cape that usually hangs around here.

They basically already do this OP, the Government is way ahead of you

The South African Revenue Service is basically like East German border guards when it comes to getting your money out.

The ANC has to act antiwhite to get the monkeys to come out on Election Day, but they love their whites the way a needy and desperate woman in her 40s loves her betacuck provider. They’re never letting their white boys go, without them there would be no more money for fat BEE contracts and government tenders. Whenever you see an ANC politican with a fat belly and a Beamer some white guy somewhere literally paid for all that.

>all the governments that helped collapse SA were secular
>the only white government in the west to continue segregation into the 90's was explicitly Christian

do you think Putin will take white South Africans once the blacks start genociding them?

True white kaffers are the worst.

American, being a puritan country, is suffused with slave morality.

I can't really forgive Russia for their support of Niggers in the past. I'd rather move to Ukraine or something. Maybe China, Just so I could work for them here and make niggers lives miserable. Even If I fled the country, I'd never be free of my hatred of these things.

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They're already taking farmers.

Leftism/liberalism/progressivism/egalitarianism are secular cuckstianity with supernatural elements removed from it to pretend it's not a religion.
Russia already offers or plans to offer easier immigration procedure for South Africans as far as I know, not sure about details though.

I'm absolutely convinced that you have a big brown stinking turd instead of a brain!
NIGGERS build america LMFAO they were so bad for the economy that the south didn't even stand a chance against the north you dumb uneducated piece of commie shit ...also if whites were enslaved in SA there will be no ore whites after just one generation because nigger scum loves the rape more than everything else including food shelter etc. KYS :)

SA was also secular during apartheid.

Is Putin welcoming Americans to move to Russia? I might consider it

Slavery won't help anyone in time and age. What they need is a cold hard look at themselves assuming they even stop murdering each other like the other African nations are doing right now after the White population either leaves or is extinguished.

Slavery is a bad solution. It's like trying to treat internal bleeding with a band-aid. What South Africa needs right now is complete segregation. Assuming the White South African's even survive or remain at that point when its implemented. We recently got an influx of White South African's here in my country of all places. Not that I'm complaining. They're nice and wonderful chaps and Christians too.
Bu,t its telling of how bad the situation is there that at this point it's hard not to think that any solution might already be too late.

Well you can move here, but I doubt you will like it unless you are qualified to get high income job or have good income from elsewhere.

Sure it is, that's why the enlightenment movements that birthed those ideologies instigated violent revolutions to depose the Christian monarchs and remove Christian morality from the public sphere. You anti-Christians will lay everything you don't like at the feet of Christianity. To leftists and Jews it's responsible for everything authoritarian, to the anti Christian right it's responsible for everything egalitarian. It's like a Rorschach test. It was secular enlightenment thinkers that handed over America to the Jews, the Christian settlers had sidelined them entirely. Same for the Russian monarch.

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>instigated violent revolutions
To oppose ETHNIC monarchies, because as long as one in place banks can't have power. Race and blood > religion.
But you and ghouls are one in Christ, remember? You aren't one of those Redpilled Christians™ who never actually open Bible, are you?
>It was secular enlightenment thinkers that handed over America to the Jews
America was created by freemasons. Having it taken over by jews eventually was their exact intent.

>In the case of South Africa the Black supermajority is physically superior
This is your mind on burgers. Nigger worship is a real problem in your country huh? In SA your average Afrikaner is much bigger and stronger than blacks

>jack parow

The mfecane was bantus killing bantus bro, not bantus killing khoisan

hardly, afrikaners were still very religious during apartheid's height

Why not just literally buy out the politicians? Negroes will sell out their own for money. Just toss in a few dimes and they will let you fuck their wives.

>But you and ghouls are one in Christ, remember?
I don't believe i've ever said that. I lean more towards the beast of the field interpretation. Even if I didn't, black South Africans Christians engage in cannibalism, black magic, divination and witchdoctors. Blacks as a group never understood or followed the teachings of Christ.
>You aren't one of those Redpilled Christians™ who never actually open Bible, are you?
I read my bible every single day. A lot like all the Spanish fascists, all those Romanian fascists, and the 60%+ Christian Wehrmacht. Just like my ancestors that founded all the explicitly white Boer nations.

> Acts 17:26
>And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Sounds pretty ethnonationalist to me.

Can you name a president that wasn't a Christian? Or any member of the NP that was openly atheist or not a Christian?

>at this point in time I think the best thing for whites in SA is to seek asylum in russia.
Leave South Africa to move to an authoritarian regime? Okay

Slavery is evil and a downward spiral of the human condition. I'd go John Brown on you faggots all the same.

rhodesia & south africa are great examples of how africans ruin everything, the anc is a disaster but it's still whitey's fault

>muh wakanda

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Just buy out the politicians. Whites have money. Blacks don't.

Buy the politicians and then you can make them do whatever you want. You can make them create all white towns. You can fuck them in the ass and record it for enough money, while they hold up a sign that says "I love Boer cock".

>In SA your average Afrikaner is much bigger and stronger than blacks

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>Do you use tractors and all that modern stuff or do you guys just do it the old fashioned way?
megaboere all have massive computer driven John Deeres that does all the work. My cousin's family still farm with an old tracktor and does a fuck ton of work. "The old fashioned way" is very hard so have fun getting up before sunrise and going back home at sunset everyday for a few week during planting and harvest season. pic related is my cousins

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Casper is 1) a homosexual 2) an obese manlet

He is like the afrikaans male version of those crappy us comics.

Notice how all the "vryevoels" are either disgusting unfuckable men or faggots.
>Casper de vries
>Koos Kombuis
>Andre Brink
>Pieter Dirk Uys
>Schalk Bezuidenhout
>Bouwer Bosch

>your White countrymen are useless meat puppets when the Blacks come knocking.

See nigga, all you whitey be weak n shiet. Wez gots muh violence n muh dick.

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to me, they are just a symptom of a disease that started years ago, and are now mainstream.

My grandad always said that a poofter was the worst kind of human being.

They were utterly without a conscience and would lie and betray you without a thought.

The thing about the blacks is that they use violence against easy prey.

The elderly, The very young, the women.

They come in numbers.

Jy het vergeet hoe brand 'n poesklap Sipho.

I think that people always have and will exist. They should serve as an example for us. Point fingers to our sons and say that they should never accept such behaviour/should same them

he is a american nigger.

as such he is untouchable by the yanks, so he thinks he will be here as well.

Thats why he thinks he can talk the way he does.

>think that people
think that THESE people*

That looks amazing honestly. There are few professions as mentally rewarding as farming, especialyl if you own your own farm and can plan it for maximum efficiency.

Less than 3% of the south african population, feed 50 million people.

>I think that people always have and will exist.
I think that environmental pressures like food shortages, actual starvation, wars, diseases and so on probably weeded out a lot of the physically weak as well as the psychologically weak. There's a theory that these people have genes that were never meant to survive, hence their suicidal tendencies. It's nature trying to correct itself.

I agree brother. Enslave the white until he converts.

You should because they're the only thing keeping South Africa from collapsing. You Southern hick.

Can anyone tell me what exactly is stopping you from just buying the politicians? Like you wouldn't have to fear any law if they were in your pockets, right? You could right the laws.

Is there any particular reason the rich and wealthier whites in SA don't pool some cash together and toss a few pinches at some prominent pols?

as per allah the eternal goat fucker

Is South African farming like how German cars used to be? Like extremely high quality? Or is it just because like nobody else there is competent enough to farm that you end up doing it all?

Also what is to stop you guys from just buying the politicians?

I support apartheid for South Africa because it is uncivilized to deal with load shedding.

Ek kan nie wag dat die fokkers 'n paar ballas groei en hulle kak begin nie.

If only it was food shortages, starvation, wars, and diseases. Modern society is pollution, plastics, ugly skyscraper filth, unsanitary public bathrooms, noise, lights everywhere, loud disgusting people with awful manners, no quiet, no clean air, etc.

I'm not suicidal because of material lack (although I certainly lack a lot), I'm suicidal because the world is dystopian. No freedom of speech, etc.

South African Farmers, are almost exclusively white, and have been farming on a large scale for 3 centuries in South Africa. In all that time, there have been no similar black farmers anywhere on the continent.

The politicians have been bought by the jews.

Problem is, South Africa is basically a desert climate. Very little grew there, which is why natives didn't settle there until the Dutch traded with the local nomads for it.

Without modern irrigation and farming techniques, SA is not what you'd call a breadbasket.

i want malema or one of the others to become president.

I want the world to see what they can do to their own people.

You must remember there are 50 Million blacks inside the country.

Kept alive by 2 Million whites.

Then why not just buy the Jews? Seriously, find the people who fund the politicians, and offer them some cheaper food or whatever in return for leaving you the fuck alone or even making pro-white laws.

Most Americans were also Christian, yet the US was secular. I assume by secular it's meant that the Church and state are separate.

Because my friend, only one thing will settle the problems in South Africa.

A civil war.

That is what is needed.

Not money, not politics.

A nice hot ugly civil war.

Jews are into Diamonds here.

In that case what my evil twin would hypothetically do would be to antagonize the kaffirs. However that might backfire as kaffs are submissive to people who are ready to fight back. They only pick on weaklings.

So....look as weak and as pathetic as possible and when they attack you legally fight back in self-defense of course?

What is this some kind of troll thread? This wouldn't work at all.

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The blacks worst enemy is himself.

>I assume by secular it's meant that the Church and state are separate.
In that sense technically the Boer states were secular. They weren't ruled by the church but by men who attended the church. There can be no doubt they were Christian states. The NP didn't rule with the church, but they were openly Christian and defended Christian morality and it's influence on the society. Western secularism is much more about not just separating church and state, but eliminating Christian morality from the public space entirely.

Look at the differences between the states and apartheid South Africa, Christianity was promoted in all spheres of life and institutions, being atheist was heavily frowned upon, homosexuality and abortion were illegal. So was porn. Can you call that a secular state? Look at America during the same time, millions of abortions by the 80's, homosexuality legal in some states since the 60's, divorce, porn, all mainstream by the 70's into the 80's. Could this be considered a Christian state?

True, I always ask myself where were these vryevoels during the groottrek and vryheidsoorloe. Tough circumstances breed tough people. These people became a thing as soon as the very first middle classes came about.

>Is South African farming like how German cars used to be
Now it's because historically only Boers farmed (hench the name "Boers"). Blacks could never and still can't (without MASSIVE help) sustenance farm

They became a thing because of the degenerate british influence in South Africa.

Before the british there were none of them.,

>That looks amazing honestly
Yeah until you have a 10 year drought in the Northern Cape like they've had. A little lack of rain and all animals die, you lose everything. Read about a northern cape farmer who committed suicide yesterday. Drought has hit many very hard. This is how our farm looked many years ago

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There were lots of liberals in pre-Boer Netherlands and France. It's not like Brits introduced the concept of liberalism to the world. If anything it was the French.

All the vryevoels went to UCT unironically. JM Coetzee, Breytenback, Andre Brink, Koos Kombuis said he grew up reading English (his only son was also put in an english school). But this has been a thing since Jan Smuts



The brits have always had lots of that.