A world without white people seems like a world without problems. Think about all the shit that whites have done and are still doing, now you can't tell me the world wouldn't have been better off without white people. Modern Technology has made the world a shittier place to live, the internet, cellphones. Why do we need progress pass the point of having running water, and electricity.. Almost all the problems in this world are do to white people trying to make things better, which end up making things worse as time goes on.
White people have ruined everything in the name of progression.
A world without white people seems like a world without problems...
A world over run by niggers is the solution of the fermi paradox
>why now i have to read stuff cause of whipepo an' shit?
>A world over run by niggers
the world is only over ran by nigger because of white people fucking around in Africa giving them and and medicine
if u dont like whites just go somewhere that has little to no whites lol, it's that easy
whites have ruined those places
Go to Nigeria or Northern Africa, you will find happiness?
A world without humans will solve all problems.
whites have ruined those places
by giving them aid, and medicine to keep them from being wiped out.
whites are the reason that African population is in the billions
Yourself a killail
Especially, those two-legged sewer rats in human form who think all the land between the rivers belongs to them
>whites are the reason that African population is in the billions
fucking lol you idiot. thats why the white man have to go.
you're right. they have to go first.
das rite
posts a picture from the world that has whites in it.
nice try schlomo
Fuck you white people. Thanks to your enlightenment nowadays my fellow chinks are going to rule the world and make it a shithole because they're actually retarded as fuck.
Tell me about Compton and Carson, California.
my country is a perfect example of what happens when whites stop runing the country lol.
The real redpill is that feminists and feminist-leaning women are subconsciously trying to destroy civilization because they sense that it's degenerate.
Who is behind (((Google)))? Who built the airplanes, buses and ships that bring millions of migrants to the West's shores? Who invented the telephone that roasties use to call the cops on their husbands? Who created steam power and later the combustion engine and nuclear power all of which make male muscle power insignificant and worthless? Who created laws against perfectly natural human behaviors, like groping women and fighting and killing other men? Who created elaborate abortion procedures, the Pill, and other contraceptives?
MEN did.
Women hate civilization, because it restrains normal human instinctual behavior (what Jow Forums and betas call "nigger behavior" and what our ancestors call "savagery"). MEN (especially beta men) are trying to keep the current system together, because they fear what other men will do to them if it all collapses.
Civilization is killing the white race, right now. Sedentary lifestyles, low testosterone rates, the ability to deliberately prevent pregnancy, easy transport from the Third World and modern economic and social systems are making the West fatally effeminate and impotent.
Women (and niggers too, now that I think about it) are RIGHT to hate and despise civilization because it's anti-human. They hate institutional power of any kind, they only recognize and respect individual power that individuals hold. The charismatic man. The man who speaks well, who has a strong, powerful body. That's what they want and can respect.
They hate and fear the thin, pencil-necked scientist, as men hated and feared the sorcerer and magician of old. We don't need to know much of anything. Knowing about how nature works, how celestial bodies you can't even see with the naked eye look, what's inside the human body, none of this is really worth knowing.
>White people have ruined everything in the name of progression.
White men have historically been the scourge of humanity and can be directly linked to all of its current problems. No , seriously. Name one bad thing or issue that currently exists in which men aren’t directly involved and at least partially to blame.
Whenever a white incel presents the “13% of the population” meme regarding black crime, just respond with “well 100% of the history of white people constitutes 100% of the world’s problems at a certain point of time”
Put in very simple terms, men want to hunt and sometimes fight and perhaps kill other men. They want to grope and fuck hot teen pussy.
Women want the kind of man who does what I have just described above, and to be pregnant and taking care of babies while they are still young.
Our civilization has done so much abstract stuff and yet somehow it cannot or refuses give and prevents people from obtaining the very simple pleasures I have just listed in the name of... nothing at all, really.
There is no mission really anymore, religious (like bringing the Good Word to the world) or political (like making everyone equal or free).
It's just a stupid, mechanical, soulless bullshit life that offers only frivolous comforts that aren't even the ones people want deep down the most. Our society is called "degenerate", but in reality it can't even do that right.
People like you bore me.
your country is a perfect example of what whites have done to the world.
If whites would have left Africa alone the population would be 1/10 of what it is now.
they would be still living in the woods, with different tribes killing each other.
Africa is only what it is today because of white intervention, farming their lands, giving them aid, medicine, and curing their diseases.
fuck bill gates.
>they would be still living in the woods, with different tribes killing each other.
And they would almost certainly be happier. Ironically we probably would, too.
well then fix them lol non whites > whites shouldn't be a problem, look at the japan anime people, they fixed their country right up!
>Tell me about Compton and Carson, California.
whites gave apes control of shit they have no understanding about is what happened
without white there would be no Compton and Carson, California.
thats my point
Logical fallacy my man. Rhe white man rule being shit doesn't mean that the kebab/bugman/nigger rule will be good.
It would even go as far as saying that the untermensch rule will be way worse than whitey's.
I thinka world with women who know their place seems like a world without problems.
they should not have had them in the first place
>a life lived in prison seems like a life without problems. Think about all the shit that you have to do for yourself, and do every day, no you can't tell me that life would have been better off without freedom. forget about things like dentistry, anesthetics, and modern farming while i wave my hands.why do we need to progress pass the point of having running water, and electricity.. i mean, who in their right mind wants access to all of the worlds information at their finger tips 24/7; if i don't know what to do with it, no one does. Almost all the problems in this world are do to freedom.
your entire post is you announcing that you are happiest in ignorance, and so everyone else should be happy in ignorance.
no, thank you.
i would rather be the master of my own fate than accept the proposal of some brainlet. why should i abandon research, which makes me happy, in the name of making other people happy?
>i would rather be the master of my own fate
Are you? Are you really?
t. projecting kike
it turns out my desires are extremely limited in scope:
* eat burgers
* read papers
* write papers
* raise a family
i'm doing exactly what i want to do.
let me get this fucking straight... YOU are on the INTERNET, complaining how white people made the internet. Probably on a cellphone, complaining how white people made cellphones.
Could you be MORE of an insufferable faggot?