Based as fuck!

Based as fuck!

Attached: Basedaf.jpg (954x821, 226K)

there sure are a lot of Jews around Tommeh

They are our greatest ally, Ahmed.

shitskin immediately shills a tommeh thread. You shitskin niggers need to be fucking killed. All of you.

yeah yeah.

when they get more than a third of the vote come back and talk to us.

but la pen didn't actually do that well lmao after all after what macrons done you would have though la pens party would have blown up to massive proportions

avi yemini is a kike and tommy is a zionist

wilders got assblasted though lmao the fuck is he on about?

What makes them think we're not still laughing at Le Pen and Wilders? Hell Wilders PVV just lost every single MEP they had: I'll be laughing about that for months.

You can tell that the Zionist politicians in europe are 100% shills, since it is not even a popular position there at all. In the USA we have this mass of retards known as evangelical christians who literally worship Jews as demigods, so it sort of makes sense when our politicians are Israel shills, or at least you can rationalize it as what some voters want. In Europe there is no other explanation than them being shills.