Do you agree with the statement made by Richard B Spencer, the de-facto leader of the alt right on his condemnation of President Trump and his most recent cuckoldry?
Do you agree with the statement made by Richard B Spencer...
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Trump has always been and will always be a low IQ retard.
Trump just surrounds himself with high IQ people to tell him what to do like a child.
If thing don't go the away he wants them to he just blames the people he hired, fires them, and hires new people.
LOL "white nationalist leader attacks Trump"
The Jews got you stormfaggots again.
Good job!
>the de-facto leader of the alt right
>If thing don't go the away he wants them to he just blames the people he hired, fires them, and hires new people.
That sounds legitimately like every CEO in America.
Least he's not a lawyer, lawyers just cover up all their fuck ups, pretend they're amazing at everything then pay off people to repeat the delusion that they're amazing for them and never really do anything while charging a premium for it.
Richard is irrelevant.
Then who's supposed to be relevant?
Fucking LoL what happened? is it because there is no wall?
Literally the only interesting 'political commentator'.
Thanks for getting all those Confederate statues/memorials torn down with your asshattery in 2017, dumbass (Spencer).
Spencer was always right
Zoomer faggots with dady issue and boomers can't accept this simple reality
Nah schlomo, retard Trump wants to let criminal nigs vote
Spencer is the new David Duke.
In that he's a controlled opposition shill.
Fuck Richard Spencer! He's not leader of the alt right. There's no leader. I'm disappointed in Trump but I don't care for Spencer either. Try websites like View From the Right by Larry Auster, or The Oz Conservative by Mark Richardson, or Upon Hope. There is so much more to the Alt right than Richard Spencer.
They were going down anyway retard. Running away from the Fight just shows your cowardice.
Richard is not irrelevant, but probably the greatest influencer is Eric Striker.
Auster would not be an optics cuck had he lived. lol He sacrificed his mainstream career as it was to be a dissident.
The problem comes when he has to deal with people he can't just fire, you know the other 100s of elected people in the government.
Richard, why didn't you gloat on Twitter when Sargon got BTFO in the European elections? I am disappoint.
No, that was Ricky Vauaghn who was literally on the payroll of a Jewish Giuliani adviser.
Who cares what this closet faggot has to say?
Spencer was a Dems supporter on Facebook ways back. He’s controlled opposition, Jow Forums had him figured out long ago.
I agree that Trump is full of hot air, and interested only in himself.
I don't agree that it would be a good think to destroy him and his family.
The wisest thing to do is ride it out, and replace him with someone you prefer.
Not sure why his family deserves to be destroyed.
Trump has always been a nigger lover. All boomer conservatives are nigger lovers and Jew/Israel lovers. Trump is no exception and that has never been a secret. We knew this back when he ran. Not sure why Spencer is getting bent up on that tweet.
What is fucked up is Trump’s betrayal on keeping the fucking spics out. As a boomer he openly hated Muslims and Mexicans. We had an implicit agreement with Trump, he does the Jew and nigger worship but he also kicks out all the spics and dune coons. And he stabbed us in the back, all we got the kike and nigger worship and instead open borders.
Spencer is fucking irrelevant and desperate to have anyone care about whatever it is he's up to these days.
Spencer has always been a Republican
Then who is supposed to be relevant in comparison?
Adolf Hitler
I love that Jow Forums is filled up with people who think nigger felons should be allowed to vote.
Reddit destroyed this board.
Spencer is controlled opposition, so hardly anything he has to say matters, or is important.
That said, Trump turned out to be an actual traitor to red-blooded americans, and is now openly a MIGA-pede.So yeah, both of them are trash.
>the liberals wouldn’t have torn down our statues if we had only kept our mouths shut and not fought back and made them mad
Worst take I’ve ever seen on any topic in my life.
Never post on this website again.
This is the fourth time (((you've))) posted this 2/10 bait thread since yesterday, give it a rest. Literally everyone on this board already knows Spencer is a spook.
Who is the real opposition?
Trump has been courting the vote of niggers and jews from the beginning.
The retard is Spencer for believing the lies of a real-estate mogul.
You're the defacto Jow Forums faggot. I sincerely hope you kill yourself for being a shill.
I knew he was a kike wannabe whiteman the whole damn time.....
That's a really good fucking question - from what I've read, basically every right-leaning outlet gets funds from jews.Sucks if you think about it, but getting money is the reason why republicans sold out in (iirc) the 70/80s.
Then who do you follow?
Spencer is controlled opposition.
Then who isn't?
No. He's just an egotistical faggot.
>giving a shit about spencer
>not controlled opposition
The first thing he did after Trump won was HAIL TRUMP with a roman salute.
This guy could not glow any fucking harder.
What you described is exactly what you would want somebody in his position to do... oh wait you’re just trolling.
He was 'hailing' all throughout the election cycle alongside Milo and no one said anything. That was just an excuse.
How do I know Spencer is controlled opposition?
Seriously, fuck that dude and his tits
begone boomer
Striker is half Puerto Rican.
>it's Spencers fault the statues were going down
Nigger, he was one of the few standing up to save them. What the fuck were you doing boomer? Raising d'nations for Zion Don's next election?
>We knew this back when he ran.
We didn't KNOW it would be like this. A lot of us had a sliver of hope for Candidate Trump, but alas President Trump has been a depressing reminder that we are not free.
How has this dude never been banned from twitter but nearly all of us here have had accounts banned? Really makes you think
>shits on trump
>offers ZERO alternatives
>would have been happier with HRC
Seriously, fuck off, Shareblue. You're not fooling anyone.
I only agree with him that Trump is shit.
Spencer needs to do less drugs. He should be smarter than this, he should know basic things like the fact that impeachement doesn't mean anything, or that there is nothing to impeach Trump on.
It's sad seeing Spencer become such a drugged up brainlet. He used to be a young good looking white nationalist that even our enemies would praise, you would constantly hear leftists praise his looks, U2 said they hate the guy and said that he was smart.
Now Spencer is a fat diseased looking alcoholic who does brainlet takes. Anyone who even uses the word ''impeachement'' should shut the fuck up.
Why Spencer uses that blue wave emoji?
Wait, it was Depeche Mode not U2 that said he was smart.
Which ones?
>MIGA cucks
Get censored on social media for supporting Trump, continues to back him anyway despite getting little in terms of concrete policies.
Are all glowfags,dipshit
Every user worth a salt has known this since 2016
I want the Trumps to end up like the Romanovs. Death to all kikes except Larry David.
Larry Ridgeway is the only true leader of the alt right.
Spencer literally supports Israel lmao
What's that 1994 bill about anyway and why won't niggers vote for you if you supported it?
Spencer was literally a pro Israel faggot who was mentored by Kikes
Trump wanted those statues saved you faggot
His whole point was that if Jews had their own right to an ethnostate, so did other ethnicities.
>What you described is exactly what you would want somebody in his position to do
Kushner crashed Trump's Presidency with his disastrous advice to fire Comey setting off the muh Russia investigation.
Kushner did not get fired.
That crime bill seemed stupid. You should be staging one of your foreign interventions in Mexico/SA and executing anyone heading north or carrying drugs with a bullet to the head in the street.
Then legalize drugs and prevent the trade from returning.
>Trump wanted those statues saved
That's BS. Trump hired Rosenstein on Kushner's advice. It was Rosenstein that started the investigation after Sessions recused, and now to replace Rosenstein he's brought in Rosen.
>No, that was Ricky Vauaghn who was literally on the payroll of a Jewish Giuliani adviser.
most of these e-celebs are probably on someone's payroll.
I get the impression Spencer pisses them off because he drops inconvenient truth bombs on them.
Alt-right died the moment Spencer declared himself as their leader.
he's right though
Yes, fuck Zio-Trump.
Well, he invented the term, and he encouraged people to back Ron Paul in 2008-2012, which is where it began.
If you are alt right you are a fucking faggot.
>55 replies
>1 image
Essentially. Trump failed to deliver, or even go to bat, on any of his core campaign issues, of which, the wall was the foremost.
"The Wall" as a concept, meant a reversal, or even simply a stop, of the demographic dispossession of white America. It was more than just a barrier, changing the demographics required a complete overhaul of legal and ilegal immigrantion policies. That meant mass deportations, severe remittance taxes and restrictions on employment, curtailing H1B's, and ending Birthright Citizenship, Dreamer Deferment, refugee loopholes, and chain migration. Trump came in on a lot of implicit and explicit promises. So his opponents mobilized for a fight and started rushing caravans and families across the border in anticipation of Trump SHUTTING it down, something he was perfectly capable of doing. But then Trump did... Nothing. Absolutely *Nothing*.
And so the demographic creep continues at an accelerated pace. The GOP will never win another presidency, ever. And the slow Brazilification will occur. Everything will gradually get worse. And here we have Trump, peacocking around about how great black ex-cons have it with him in charge.
The leader of the altright is Hitler and Christ, you stupid kike nigger.
>That sounds legitimately like every CEO in America.
Trump thought being president was going to be like hosting a reality show but he forgot about the internet seeing his behind the scenes out takes
Wheres the lie. Tell me how is he wrong. Trumpcucks are seething. You cucks are defending Cheeto Elvis for releasing legions of nigs on the streets of USA.
based and checkpilled
yeah Richard Spencer definitely isn't a fed
Spencer is an upper class Anglo name.
This is the first time I agree with Spencer. I've had enough of Trump and his obsession with Israel.