Sweden, Norway and Denmark should uncuck ourselves and create a Scandi ethnostate. Prove me wrong
You can’t.
Sweden, Norway and Denmark should uncuck ourselves and create a Scandi ethnostate. Prove me wrong
>not including pekka
why you always bulli him? :(
Because he’s a mongol weirdo who isn’t even scandi
I don't think ''''should''' and '''prove me wrong''' go well in the same sentence like you did dumb nordic faggot
you should also fuck off along with germans for imposing socialist shit on us
based on your logic, islændinger, færǿyar og grǿnlændere are not welcome in our ethnostate too because they're also not Scandinavian.
if anything, finnbros are honorary.
The Nordcuck fears the Suomi BVLL youtube.com
do it
wow, you're an actual retard. No wonder you hide your flag
>hurr durr my country is absolute shit and always has been
>better blame someone who actually knows how to run a society for more than a few years at the time
>Germany is more socialist than medniggers
Finns are not ethnically Scandinavian. They're Nordic however and we need a Nordic Empire with Finns and Estiis as well. OP is a cuck who doesn't appreciate loyal and valuable friends and allies of the Scandza for millennia
civic nationalism for the win, but muh money right? You can still be friends, allies and whatnot without creating a state with them
I always fancied a scandi Baltic breakaway from the Eu and Russian spheres of influence called the new hanseatic league.
Pretty much this
Iceland and the faroes may join simply because of their size, and they are mostly ethnically scandinavian. Greenlandic people are mongol for real though
>Sweden, Norway and Denmark should uncuck
How? They have placed (((their))) guys as vote-counters, and there is too much söy in all three populations to do anything but vote
italy was the first economy before germany ruin everything
Yes I can prove you wrong.
Sven love to be a cuck.
And your princess is having a nigger shaman as husband.
A bunch of iceland country cannot form a country rather than alliance
Not fucking happening. We'd be the junior partner stuck with the bill.
>the new hanseatic league
The Hansa were happy merchant cunts. Their ilk brought Jews to Scandinavia in the first place.
And they have their own cuck anyways. It's called The Baltic Assembly
>We'd be paying the bill
Just like how the rest of the country is paying for Oslo to be comfortable? Skjelvet needs to become a reality
>because we're still living in feudal societies where the king with the biggest army enslaves all others, right?
Would the union not be an economic one? Did the former incarnation of this arrangement not massively benefit its members economically?
While I certainly hold values beyond the economic, you could still call it that without the happy merchant aspect. It’s familiar and historic with a positive record.
Yeah I'm not a big fan of Oslo either.
t. some asshole who used to build the rigs pumping up our riches off our coast.
>Prove me wrong
These people are naive user, and goodwilling. The jews got in like wolves in a coop. The north will take decades to recuperate.
Watch this norwegian prophecy from a old woman who had revelations for norway before she died in the 70's, it's about our times now.
Also known as tyranny of the majority.
And we are the smallest Scandinavian country in population, yet we're also the richest. Guess where all those riches would go.
And I'm not even bothering counting Iceland, since they're smaller than our 2nd biggest city, which is tiny by international standards.
Really need to get me one of them snow white European women.
Then split the countries into federal regions. You'll get even more local democracy then you have today, in addition to enjoying the larger military, financial and industrial power of a unified scandinavian state. It's a win-win
Show ur flag
Yeah, I wish we had actual power out in the districts, but that's not happening unless we revolt.
But if we were to enter into a union with Denmark and Sweden, we'd stand to gain very little and lose everything we have and have spent half a century saving up.
Is the finnhate is real ?
A clean democracy is good because it's the government of least discontent , if the majority is happy(ier)
Not necessarily arguing with you, but what would you lose? You're kind of talking as if they would go all bloodthirsty and split Norway between themselves like in the past.
Italy was among the first to embrace socialism as a form of governance. Thays why it wad the first nation where reactionaries sprouted. You dont have antibodies without a disease. Emiliano Lusso was one of the first. God save us fron the Italians. Smite them so we may be saved from their medNig shenanigans
All 3 countries are rich and have massive surplusses, it wont be like you will have to bail us out or something
No, we just don't give a fuck about them. They're weird autists who are often so shy they can't speak to your face.
There's no such thing as a clean democracy and majority rule is a fucking joke when you have a majority in big cities who produce nothing, only take.
>but what would you lose?
We've been under them both several times and if you think that's happening ever again, you're sorely fucking mistaken. We have a retarded amount of natural resources in this country. We have shitloads of oil, most of which the income from goes straight into a fund, we just recently found the biggest amount of rare earths (lantanides etc) found in the north. Shit that's necessary for every fucking piece of electronics and China currently has a stranglehold over.
And there'll be a cold fucking day in hell before we hand that shit over to filthy fucking Mustafa Swedes and drunk Danes.
We're a magnitude above you in GDP per capita, don't embarrass yourself.
Can you please tell me how a 90% icelands countries with a tiny population
can form an alliance. Climate changes gonna fuck you yall. Scandinavia never exist
>Climate changes gonna fuck you yall
And how do you reckon we're fucked? We're not the Netherlands. We'll anchor our boats 3-5m further inland and fucking laugh at you.
But the Skandis hate eachother!
Norwegians and Swedes call the Danes "swine" or "devils", the Danes call the Swedes "cucked", and nobody mentions Norway because they are just too insignificant, even for scandinavian terms.
You have as much as 0 industry as far as I know, and your agriculture is ridicolously subsidized. Your military is none existent because of muh (((NATO))) and you're currently raping your own nature with wind turbines and such. Don't you see that you would all help eachother? That you would all contribute to a scandinavian community? You're practically speaking the same people and culture, everyone in the world you, including many of your own. It's a perfect opportunity to go big while remaining small, unlike the failed EU or similar.
You got one thing right, our agriculture is heavily subsidized. And fuck your commie bullshit, the only thing Sweden has that we want is snus, and we're quite capable of importing it without all the other shit that comes with Sweden.
And quite frankly, we brew better beer than Denmark anyway.
You might have to cut your losses and just unite with Denmark alone.
By divine law, given to us by Gods own blessings, Norway is forever and for all eternity to be a sovereign kingdom, with our holy king Olav as our Rex Perpetuus Norvegæ, his blod running through our nations veins
I'll join a scandi alliance if you want but you can take shitty union of yours and shove it up your ass
This. May our nation never cuck itself to foreigners again
Good luck rutting out all the hajii rape babies that the victims won't report
Based and redpilled pic
Why don't Germans understand how government systems work? You don't get to just slap a label on something and then it becomes that thing. A federal system is less democratic, no matter how many subdivisions you create, by its very nature. Making people have referendums until they get the right result is not "more democracy". It's like you're genetically designed to try to create destructive empires. Even when you're taught that empire is bad, you just call your empire a democracy and it's all good.
And Norwegians always make fun of us swedes.
But when will you actively stop bitching against each other? You call it bants but after a while it's just counter productive. None of you are revolutionary in your actions. Why can't you form up irl and build up monbey and resources?
>dude just wait for votes lmao
There are fenno-swedes
What retarded meme is this. Go away with your clown Mossad
Retards don't understand that Berg means nothing but Small Mountain in our Germanic language family and that it has fuck all to do with Nosebergs.
Out of interest: What do you call a big mountain then?
>jews are in all governments in the western world but not in Norway!!!
literally can't recognize crypto-jews, sad.
>uncuck ourselves
>You can’t.
You cunts are blind and you are not in charge of your own country.
Thanks, interesting.
In German, Berg means moutain and Hügel is a hill. Though I don't know at what height one becomes the other.
Vedän turpaan uuloffin perkele!
Memeflag off, faggot.
Haug, Berg, Fjell. Hügel would be haug.
I like it but what language should we be speaking?
Names ending with berg can be Scandinavian too
watch this
>the merchants run the world but there are none of them in Norway!!!!!!!!!!!! Just silly leftists!!!!!!!!!!!
Memeflag off. There's barely 1000 kikes in this country.
Let me see who knows so much more about my country than me.
Sign language
will you let me in?
Can you give me a source on these jews? The last name berg doesn't automatically mean you are a jew in Norway like it does in muttland. A large part of the population have berg in their name but we still only have 1500 jews.
Old Norse as a Lingua Franca, and our own languages in everyday speech.
With Sweden?
Are you fucking dumb? Or have you been living in a cave?
I prefer swedish but finnish sign language is cool
Norway, Denmark and Iceland
->Without Sweden
What does the name have to do with anything? Look at their faces, their dark soulless eye, their noses. This one is an ashkenazi intermixed with nordics.
What language do they speak in Somalia? That's your future, not nestled up to us.
I want you to name the Jews in our government. Not some infographic i want a real source. I am genuinely curious
Memeflag off, bet you're a fucking turbokike straight from Tel'Aviv.
I'd really like to see a Nordic alliance/union, as long as each country has autonomy. I'll be damned before I let a Swede decide on Norwegian matters.
stein is also a common name in norway
Plz no bully
I heard that norwegians love swedish
You heard wrong.
I vote for Paludan to be führer of the future Nordic Reich
>Look at their faces, their dark soulless eye, their noses.
I don't know if that's common in Norway.
They could be jews
But who gonna do your IBM tech support? I'll be there to shit on your streets and picnic tables, and rape ur trash can too
How about this one. The wife of the last Prime Minister of Norway, and current NATO boss is a fullblooded jew. Since you didn't even know that the wife of the last Prime Minister is a jew, and thus their offspring are jews - how can you expect to know that the other minor cryptikikes are jews?
How about färber. Is that common? They equip the non-kikes in your government with jewish (((helpers))). Like this old chief secretary to your current PM.
bbc blndcuck sjw whores.
not white or European, just a bunch of snownigger apes
Färber is german or jewish, not norwegian
and this one, a politician in one of your communist parties. Are you so blind that you don't see this is an ashkenazi jew? You have lots of them, you just suffer from racial-blindness, just like the Swedes. People think Scandinavia is getting fucked up by retarded liberals, retarded conservatives and retarded socialists, but it's mostly just jews in the important positions pushing their agenda like always.
Look at the foreign minister you had who dragged you into Syria, (((Brende))). A jew. They're literally everywhere. You're just blind.
>The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari, Proto-Bulgarians) were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes
Whatever T*rk roach
i don't think they were actually that closely related to modern Turks
Are you sure they can get along