This little retarded girl terminated global warming. what did you did with your life?

this little retarded girl terminated global warming. what did you did with your life?

Attached: D7k-kWzWwAAim9-.jpg (768x1024, 173K)

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jew detected

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faggot detected

Every Earth Day, I burn Styrofoam and pour a gallon of anti-freeze into Lake Michigan as a 'Fuck You' to the piece of shit Hippie ex-wife of mine.

Another one

Attached: 1558717324033.png (600x878, 106K)

I convince people to not listen to fake jews with european blood and to hate their evil occupation.. and it works

>terminated something that doesn’t exist
Yeah she’s retarded alright

hey, me too

She's a (((media))) creation.

Every year I blow a couple cans of R-134-a into the air to celebrate Earth day. And not too far from Lake Michigan, coincidently

I prefer soph.

Why do you’re people do this to us op?! Why must they lie about simple pole changes and call it global warming?!? Is because you rats remember that last pole change better and have had this planned for hundreds of years??

Its weird thats jews dont realize pushing climate change can only end in genocide.

Or the 110th time they are kicked out

>be downy kid
>talk to world (((leaders)))
>photographed with (((Hollywood))) stars
>promoted by (((MSM)))
I smell bullshit

>this little retarded girl terminated global warming

The only thing her visits to Brussels did was making sure the Greens got absolutely destroyed in last sunday's Belgian elections.

Her (((coach))) who travels with her everywhere to feed her talking points is a confirmed employee of George Soros.

>overuse regular kids so much that they aren't as effective tools anymore
>bring in the tards instead
Also fuck off jewcunt

Amd this little retarded girl terminated thousands of lives.

Never trust little girls. They are always used by the worst of people.

Attached: Nayirah_(testimony).jpg (320x240, 12K)

Every time the topic comes up about this cunt, I ask where the money comes from and the topic subsides immediately
You should try that sometimes, it makes for a great drunk defusal kit