Why do you think shills (((Joe Rogan and PJW))) are dissuading you from becoming Vegan?

Promoting myths about estrogen and saying Saturated Fat and Cholesterol are nutrients.

Associating Veganism with nu-male betas and saying you can't get everything you need from plants.
The rest of the (((media))) does this: Promoting meat as masculine, vegetarians as feminin, and promoting bunk myths that "you need a source of protein". If you only ate fruits and vegetables you would have more than enough protein. You can literally count all the protein, all the amino acids in everything just like you can count all nutrients in everything. Plants have everything you need and in the highest quantities and quality.
>Is it ever going to dawn on you they've positioned this issue on The Right and the Globalist Left to keep The bodies of the people they fear most unhealthy?

The miseducation of health traces back to the (((banker's))) monopolizing the Federal Reserve, education, and legal & illegal drug industries for mind and body demoralization.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Grab a mirror and look at your teeth


You can easily test their lies and look at the fucking nutrient contents in everything.

Why are you siding with liars and going against the verifiable truth of inanimate fucking objects?

>look at your teeth
No cavities

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Is it the saturated fat or bad cholesterol I need to consume for my teeth?
What in animals do I need for my teeth, doctor?

Veganism is for SJWs
A perpetual weak state of mind and body in order to ensure your total compliance as a slave

>Veganism is for SJWs
>A perpetual weak state of mind and body

Only if you live in a fantasy market world of (((marketing))), you retard.

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Humans need a balanced diet. Its impossible to get all that we need from one source. So eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Also veganism is pushing a lot of soi products.

and what nutrients are a best to get from an animal?
Pro tip: None of them.

Have you ever seen the amount of supplement these people have to take just to get all the nutrients they need?

cum guzzling is a degenerate form of protein intake

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>take artificial shit supplements to counter their lack of organic foods, all sourced from Chinese waste

I wouldn't call other people retard if you think these four are living clean.

Humans need B12. A plant-based diet does not provide B12.

End of discussion.

You need healthy grass feed meats and vegetables. Like I said before these vegans take a shit load of supplements to get all they need.

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Bullshit. THere is more protein per calorie in greens than meat. Plus you can eat beans.
and even these facts are irrelevant because NOBODY is lacking protein. There is no such thing as a protein deficiency.
Look at you. Arguing based on a myth. A Jewish lie.
Something you can easily look up.
Look up the protein content of 2000 calories worth of random fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, beans, and seeds, you retard.

>unironic soiboy



Animals are given B12 supplements because B12 comes from fresh water. From rivers lakes and streams. Go drink from a creek or take the supplement yourself.
Maybe we can give the B12 to aborted fetuses instead if you need a flesh vehicle to take the B12 first.

Is this gachi?

>Paul Joseph Watson subscriber

You probably believe people were shot in Vegas thanks to him too. How many Jewish lies do you believe?

>Doesn't understand bioavailability
Ahahaha brainlet

No, idiot that's how you get giardia.

I don't even like PJW but leftist soiboy nu males are way worse

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You forgot to mention that 2000 calories worth of broccoli is almost 6kg worth. You're gonna have to spend your entire day living like a plain grazing animal.

This just in, from first world intellect Brazil: Healthy food that is full of nutrients makes you weak!!

Coke and burgers for me!!!

People don't take supplements for calories you fucking retard, they take them because their diet is extremely deficient in dozens of vitamins and nutrients. Vegan faggots like yourself delude themselves or just straight up lie, not sure which, but micronutrients =/= macronutrients, big difference

Vitamins vegans are deficient in without supplementation:

Onions is good for you. Read a textbook you god damn mong

Why do you think japs are so healthy and live so long? Hint: it’s not the white rice

Again, why is your argument literally: “healthy food is bad for you, got. Eat more economically stimulating meat products so you can be a big dick boy”

Wait, I know why, because you are a Jewish shill.

They eat a seafood heavy diet, compared to the west. They're not vegans.

Ok, so, I’ll buy $6 worth of b-12 pills and I’m good.

Nice sturdy argument, tho. :)

>Why are you siding with liars and going against the verifiable truth of inanimate fucking objects?
you already know the answer user, they are fucking shills for their corporate masters. they suck the same cock as everyone else

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Post the same showing heavy metals and get back to me. Organ meat is generally dispositioned as dog food for a reason

I don't care about any of that. Meat tastes good.

Being vegan is terrible for your body, soul, and the environment, please stop being so selfish and self destructive, being arrogant is one thing, but when your actively making the world a worse place because of it it's honestly just evil.

even before looking those up I can tell you that you get vitamin D from sunlight you colossal faggot.

umm maybe because now that we have years of scientific evidence on what it does to your body which is extremely negative after the first few months well yeah maybe they are trying to help in their lame brained way

Project more, commie

>Thinks Joe Rogan and InfoWars are not disinfo shills

Get a load of this boomer goy.

now stop being a retard and show the volume of food that must be consumed. you know show the 3 oz of steak which is like half a palm sized or the fucking gallon zip lock bag filled to the brim with kale

Onions are good for you, soi isn’t and same goes for corn. FYI that’s why it’s in everything you buy these days has soi and corn in it.

Fish and soi, no beef or pork

Thanks for agreeing?

Ultimate redpill: The human body only need water, air and sunlight to survive.

I've been on a water-only sungazing fast for almost 60 days. I've lost over 100 lbs (down from 220, M/5'9). YOU DON'T NEED FOOD IF YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY FED.

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Go ahead and be vegan if it's so great for you, you do you. Why do you feel the need to push your dietary choices on me tho?

this, these vegan idiots never mention this shit in their dishonest graphs, etc. I'm sure the average person can eat a 5 gallon pale of kale a day and get the same nutrients as a single steak

This is the only correct argument

Vegans are pussies. They are also the next wave of Globalist social engineering, trying to persuade us to either abandon meat altogether or eat insects just so the food monopolies can make more money per tonne of protein in singificantly less space.

Now, there are people who conscientiously avoid eating animals as best they can for self-imposed moral reasons, but they don't call themselves "vegan" or even "vegetarians" 'cos they know it's none of anybody else's business but their own and keep it to themselves. They are rare, but they do exist.

So in answer to your question about the alt-lite joke thieves, they are shitting on this new wave of veganism because it's next up to the bat on behalf of the liberals. Personally I prefer it when the vegans are batting way more than say the homosexuals, the nigger racebaiters, or the paedophile trannies because at least with vegans you get shops selling stuff like Pea and Mint Fritter Sandwiches, or even Onion Bhaji and Roasted Cauliflour Wraps which to be honest are as nice if not nicer than the usual meat-based ones, and no children are getting sodomized in the backgorund as a direct result of the twisted reality being promoted. IKEA flying the rainbow flag and only stocking rainbow bags is tanatamount to endorsing child rape. Supermarkets increasing their lunchtime mix harms nobody.

So in conclusion, yeah vegans are stuck up twats wanting to impose the equivalent of No Smoking/No Fun on the world on behalf of the richest most powerfully evil fucks in history, but their impact is negligible.

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Shills and their useful idiots claiming you need animal food in the OP
Shills and their useful idiots claiming you need animal food in this thread

Continue with the ad hominems, lifestyle marketing tropes, and provably false disinfo, lads.

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Broken clock being right twice a day thing.
In the least they have to make some sense so normies give shekeles and idolize them.
>Grr eat meat like big strong man
>Raise you wife's black daughter
>Visit vibrant gay scene
>like so counta-coolcha

Nice analysis, faggot.

Name the three edgiest conspiracy theories you believe to prove you're not a shill.

Because I’m saddened that almost half of the usable land in some countries is used to produce meat- such a terrible waste

>pops pills to get basic ass vitamins because of ritualistic pseudo-religious denial of basic foods for a viewpoint he cannot defend morally or logically.
teach us more about whats healthy, you embaressingly dumb bastard.

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Joe Rogan is a centrist kiss ass who just wants to be popular and I don't pay attention to conspiracy wars and I'm gen X so that makes you 3 times the faggot you otherwise would have been before you're retarded comment

>ignores all science
continue on retard you fit the vegan bill for sure

The only retard here is you thinking you can just have a plant base diet. All I am saying is your diet needs to be balanced you shouldn’t eat just meats or just plants you should eat both in appropriate proportions. I eat fruit and vegetables during the day and save my meat for dinner.

Japan produce the world's finest beef too. I agree that Americans eat shit food.

Check your facts, nigger

The Jews/ globalists are GE ones who chopped down the rainforest in Brazil for the lucrative beef industry - literally destroying the planet and making us unhealthy for a dollar

roids aren't vegan you brainlet

>Being vegan is terrible for your body, soul, and the environment
how on earth can you get it so backwards?

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it takes far more land to grow your organic vegetables though.

be gone shill

Mud flood, Reset Theory and uhh the Pyramids at Giza are the real Noah's Ark? I'm unconvinced of the first one, the second one is actually pretty much self apparent and humans have been aroung building stuff since at least 300,000 years BCE, and the third one blew my fucking mind.

I took the Mandar Pill, I highly recommend it.

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i never said that once you fucking mongoloid. go ahead you fucking retard and review every post i made and then shove your foot into your mouth and learn to read and comprehend what you read before posting fucking low iq brainlet

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If you think beef is a great source of essential nutrients, then I may as well explain myself to a cinder block

Alright, it's terrible for your body because you don't get any of the vitamins or minerals you need to function healthily.
It's terrible for your soul because of the terrible destruction of farmland to create organic vegetable patches, where they annihilate all life in a square area, unlike hunting or raising cows, which is covered in life, every single sparrow, rat, or deer anywhere near your organic vegetables are eradicated.
It's terrible for the environment and soul in one I guess, you are evil for hurting this world, that's bad for your soul and the environment.
if you have questions I will address them.

have fun being a fag, veeg

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>Joe Rogan is a centrist kiss ass who just wants to be popular

Wrong. He's married to a Jew and he is working for somebody.
I can make endless lists of people he has on, such as Shermer, and people he don't have on like James Corbett.

HIS SHOW IS ORCHESTRATED. The Twitter story arc and technocrat fascist figurehead Elon Musk did coragraphed interviews.

The fucking faggot pushed Iowaska. He's a glownigger faggot and pull that up Jamie is related to people in the IC.

Ok, Japan has the Kobe meme beef...
But japs don’t eat it. And when japs do eat beef, one American sized steak is enough meat for the whole whole family

>all meat is beef
wow it's like you know your actual arguement is stupid so you create all these bizarre strawmans

I dont need any convincing to not be vegan. I avoid acting like a faggot naturally.

ive heard tale of some dude in India, i believe it was, who sat in a tree for months. you, however, im not so inclined to believe

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No, no it fucking doesn’t you insufferable retard

>Pussy redpills
Just like I thought. Why is a shill, just like the OP shills in here writing diatribes against veganism?

How about the Holohoax, Sandy Hook, 9/11, The Las Vegas Shooting Hoax?

Tell me more, oh wise one

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You're right, it's an animal hormone, thanks for proving my point vegan bitch


Whatever you say soiboi.

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It does though, you being ignorant does not fundamentally change reality. You should try to open a book. Organic vegetables cannot feed the entire world, you're asking roughly 1/3rd of the planet to go extinct so you can organically farm.

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>get any of the vitamins or minerals you need to function healthily.
where are you getting this? people all over the world have lived off strictly vegetarian diets for centuries..

>terrible for your soul
>as opposed to slaughtering sentient beings in the most inhumane ways
interesting take

>im evil for not partaking in the horrible treatment of other living beings
>im evil for not wanting to ingest tons of hormones and other bull shit that is in todays "meat"
im ok with this

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So you're a vegan who dislikes fascists and jews?...interesting.

can you make it more obvious that you are a pharmashill?
joe rogan doesn't support or rely on big corporation, he gets his meat from small farms and hunting, while your side has ton of kikes behind it.

now put the calories next to each kilogram of said food you obfuscating moron.

Ok, so, if I need 10 units of corn to feed to cows to get 1 unit of beef.... then why not just grow One plot of beans and keep 9 plots of natural forest??

your argument is clearly nonsense

Because beef isn't subsidized by the government unlike the US, so it is expensive and not affordable enough to eat daily. Same deal in other East Asian country that have long lifespan.

Americans are unhealthy, because they consume a grostesque amount of HFCS in their food. Because corn is subsidized by the government.

Vitamin D is an animal hormone?

Does that mean the sun is an animal? I get VItamin D just being outside.

this is how you know they have zero argument

not in grass fed animals. nigger.

All I need to know about Veganism is that they go out of their way to replicate foods that they now no longer eat. Vegan bacon, Vegan hotdogs, Vegan steaks etc.

That alone speaks volumes about why being a vegan must suck ass. When vegan food sucks so bad they have to replicate the food they now deprive themselves of eating.

Checked and Re-checked: The Amazon Rainforest is fucking massive, so massive that we can't find those goddam pyramids we can clearly see by air. Nor the wall that stretches across the horizon! How the fuck can we not find something that fucking big with accurate GPS co-ordinates?

The planet processes CO2 through pytoplankton, chaps, we could chop down all the trees and still not impact jack shit. Trees are late to the game, and the current O2 cycle has existed and flourished for sixty times as long without tress than with.

The driving force behind "Save the Rainforests" was the Texan beef industry, totally not suspicious at all, that a comofrtable near-monopoly would seek to crush foreign competion.

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and who the fuck cares how much land it takes?

>slaughtering sentient beings
you mean like any animal in a two mile zone around your organic vegetable patch?

You're evil because your demanding everyone live in an unsustainable nightmare world where we only eat organic vegetables so you can indirectly slaughter rodents, small birds and insects at what can only be sadistic levels.

Or you could hunt a deer, help the environment, protect the forests with your fees, and get your protein without eating a fucking barrel of vegetables.

THe shill who won't name a conspiracy theory edgier than some faggot nonsense about the Pyramids in Giza.

Why are the shills in OP and shills in here lying about this topic?

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Nice debate skills, ameribro

I know being vegan can give you a better cardiovascular system look at Nate to Connor but even Nate eats many eggs because your simply not fighting fit without some form of animal protein.

>you mean like any animal in a two mile zone around your organic vegetable patch?
>Muh rodents

So I guess we should stop growing all that animal feed then, faggot.
Livestock eats 3 to 4 times the quantity of plants farmed for humans.

>How about the Holohoax, Sandy Hook, 9/11, The Las Vegas Shooting Hoax?
What is this ancient shit? This is Current Year. go post your outdated boomer facebook memes somewhere else dad. Flat Earth is where the kids start at now.

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how fucking stupid are you?

>joe rogan doesn't support or rely on big corporation
sweet innocent child you, go eat some more hormones

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Ok, meat grows on trees now??

Ffs you are a shill

What your saying is literally nonsense, 10 units? where are you getting this math from? You sound fucking autistic, you saying 10 to 1 is what something is and then referring to it as proof of something? You didn't prove or make any kind of point, 1 patch of beans produces less food, and hurts more animals, just smaller animals.

so I take it you are from plebbit, because no one here listens to either of those guys

>go back to plebbit and stop littering our christian board with your faggot garbage


Nice try retard, do you really think there are 100x more calories in a kilo of beef than a kilo of beans??

Good Christ you are dumb