Why does Reddit ban and censor anything right of communism...

Why does Reddit ban and censor anything right of communism? Is it prove left-wing ideas can't survive unless the opposition is heavily censored?

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>he thinks Jow Forums isn't heavily censored against liberals

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>100 percent free speech
>far left and far right are here
>far left ideas don't survive here
>only survive when right-wing ideas are censored

Well not really. Its just that lib aren't popular these days because they support echo chamber ideas like Communism and inter sectional feminism, pretending to like black people, and spreading transgender-ism cause they don't humans.

No one gets more (you)s than liberal dissenters. It just gets fucking shredded.

You can have any shit opinion you want to have here. Doesn' t mean others will agree with you.

If that was true then jannies would have been deleting blacked threads instead of fapping to them

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Really gets the noggin' floggin', doesn' t it?

Reddit sold their biggest subs to the highest bidders. The official news subreddits are nothing but an RSS feed for approved domains.

Shareblue insider claimed back in 2017 that Reddit sold r/politics to shareblue for 2.8 million dollars.


archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/152440960/ ID: lerIYP4K



pic related is reply I got when asked their mods about it.

Shareblue was "banned" from r/politics a long time after the 2016 election.

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t. triggered libturd
your hugbox (reddit) already exists. go back

the left always has to attempt to "stack the deck"
that should tell you something..

Everything mainstream needs censorship out the ass. The cuck right need people to "support the troops"(diying for israel) and the left needs no one to say fuck niggers. Both need no one to say fuck jews.

Of course communism will be inevitably abandoned and spat upon if the public is left uncensored. Look at history, if not for heavy censorship and threat of violence USSR would've collapsed by the late 1920's. Same with reddit, if they stopped their shitty censoring then they'd all become fascist/NatSoc within months.

wtf is a reddit?

A website of people who's site is a vision of the kind of society they want.

I suspect that the citizens of Nazi Germany were truly happy which is why it took the entire industrialized world to stop them.

Well yes, many Germans were ready to die for Hitler and the ideas of National Socialism. Before Hitler took power Germany was in massive debt, inflation over the roof, no real army, shamed and withering away. Hitler took Germany and remoulded it into something grand.

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Meanwhile everyone in this society seems depressed and alienated, yet convinced that there is no better system...

>Fuck off cunt

Meanwhile on reddit

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the most retarded post on Jow Forums right now

Disagreement is not censorship. Deplatforming and banning is. Your ideas get destroyed because they're dogshit retarded.

>conflating communists with liberals

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based game

(((They))) aren't even hiding it anymore

Cause our society is being censored. The most genocidal ideology in history - communism is taught and openly talked about, its symbols socially accepted. While fascism and its other branches are censored and its proponents shut down and vilified.

>Reddit does the banning
Reddit only bans subreddits and users who are flagged enough and meet their vague guidelines which gives their admin staff a lot of wiggle room.

The people doing most of the banning are simply other users who were made mods of a given subreddit and these mods only have to answer to the Reddit staff in circumstances involving legality or site wide guidelines. They could ban anyone for using the letter "C" in their posts and the only ones who can do anything about it is the guy who gave them power in the first place or the other mods to clean up their mess.


It’s a social engineering tool that was infiltrated by Soros activists a few years ago. It’s easy to control because there are only a handful of powermods who can shape the narrative of all of the big subs

If you get banned its very easy to make a new account. Bear that in mind.

Post what you got banned for.

It doesn't matter, in main subreddits when your reach a -karma threshold your posts just stop being visible for anyone but you. Reddit is heavily engaged in shadoww banning.

then just make a new account you dumbfuck. also it is just as easy to gain karma as it is to lose it.

Bro I post on some reddits and I see the whole site shifting further left by the day. It's really only small pockets that you can find based discussions.

If reddit 'banned' shareblue, there's something else going on now that's just as bad.
