I'm dating a girl in her late twenties who says she doesn't want kids. We're both white.
She hasn't given any good reason for it. All her friends want kids, and she just says "I don't know, I just don't want kids."
She also said that the MAGA hat teens were terrible people and obviously hadn't seen the retraction, so I think liberal propaganda may be at play.
I've already told her the basics: I won't want her, no man will want her, and she'll be the loneliest loser of her friend group if she's "that woman" who doesn't have kids.
What do I do before giving up, Jow Forums? It's already looking like it's not gonna last long term, but I really want to get through to her before she makes the most regrettable decision of her life, not to mention more white genocide.
Get her to interact with some kids that aren't little shits. If she still isn't willing to have kids then ditch her. Late twenties is already expired in terms of having healthy kids instead of autistic shitbags so you wont lose much. Sure you might like her as a person but trust me when I say that the connection is easily broken and more importantly easily found in others.
Michael Jones
She doesn't know what she wants... by the time she wants kids it's too late
Julian Richardson
>I'm dating a girl in her late twenties who says she doesn't want kids. We're both white. stop dating her now
Jace Thompson
Cum deep inside of her pussy as often as you can. When she becomes pregnant, tell her it's alright and that you can do it together. She will cave in and get onboard, enthusiastically, once it happens. I've seen it before. I've lived it. Women don't want kids until, suddenly, they do.
In my experience, I rapidly fell in love with my current wife and got her pregnant within a month. Our daughter is in elementary school now and life has never been better. Granted, I had known my wife well for over a decade... In a scenario like that, it's common to abort. I just told her there's only one option... Raise our child together and become a family. We're in it for the long term, nothing will break us up.
My sister in law didn't want kids. Now she has two. When she became pregnant, everything clicked. It just made sense. Now, the idea of, and I quote, "her pussy breaking" by delivery didn't matter. She wants more kids.
Another friend went from being a hardcore abortion advocate... Believed you should be able to abort up until they pass through the birth canal. She never wanted kids. Then her husband blasted a good one into her pussy and it all seemed to fall in place. Abortion is now murder and she's pregnant with her second child.
Women are afraid. Show them leadership. If you're in it for the long haul, tell them. When they get pregnant, they will keep the baby and you will form a family.
Robert Diaz
People who advocate for abortion are fat feminists.
What she means by that is "she doesnt want to have kids with you". If you were a better man/boyfriend/lover/chad, she would have children. Its a bitter pill to swallow. Work to be a better man.
My girlfriend says she doesnt want to have any children of her own but she wants to adopt niglets.
Eli Thompson
>"her pussy breaking" This is what my wife is afraid of too. and that her stomach will be permanently flabby
Matthew Bennett
Quite contrary - she knows better than any of you here.
Ayden Phillips
Just leave her but dont be afraid to tell her why. You want kids and want to settle down while she still wants to be a kid and party it up. Her eggs are already depleted and every year that passes by means that she will produce retarded kids.
Kevin Edwards
Leave her now. There is no saving shit.
Ayden Walker
I was in a similar situation. However, I was able to do the in brainwashing through little things like having her interact with my niece and nephew and saying things like, “man we make an awesome team, I bet we could raise a child.” Emphasis on the A CHILD, if you say CHILDREN you could possibly scare her off. It also worked in my favor that she was present during her nieces birth and thought it was beautiful. Now when we eventually start a family, she wants to have 3 kids. The brainwashing can be broken my friend.
I hope you convince her and put months of effort into caring for her and preparing for the arrival only for her to miscarry while you're not home and bleed to death.
Andrew Morales
Damn. Well what a way to break up. “No man will want you bitch!” Before you go. Guess if she wants to just be a partying drinking college hoe I wouldn’t either. But I would have just said “cya” rather than rubbing it in that she’s choosing the childless life. Hahaha exactly don’t try to cream pie a bitch whose anti child. This could be it too! You could just be her stepping stone. She’s a monkey brancher.
Oliver Baker
You say "Sorry. I'm having kids. Bye." And you go find someone who's outlook more matches yours, and you do it immediately because time matters.
Gavin Evans
Get out while you can
Dylan Morris
He should commit suicide after that for full perfection.
Benjamin Gutierrez
>“No man will want you bitch!” Spoken like a true man child.
Caleb Hughes
>dating a girl in her late 20s Not based and not redpilled. 25 is the maximum age you should date her. If she isn’t ready to get pregnant by the time she’s 26, it is too late for her. Save the American race. Have 5+ kids. Can’t be done with some old roastie
Jason Ward
This means she knows she's damaged goods and is going to be a shit mother. It's actually a bit admirable to find a female that self aware.
Joseph Butler
Women deciding not to have kids is not genocide.
Joseph Edwards
>late twenties
You already know the answer. Swipe left
Jace Young
Yeah same, i don't really have anyway to assure it it won't happen, except that i'll be there for her.
Alexander Price
Nope, you ain't. For an average looser here it was already big luck to get a girl. Double luck to get so smart as a child free.
In this case, it's more like pointing out the obvious. What kind of man wants a woman that doesn't want to have kids?
Evan Fisher
You mean go vegan and vote for Hillary?
Jordan Ward
Not a pedophile?
Landon Richardson
You break up with her retard. No reason for you to be more miserable. Why the fuck would you even ask such a basic question with a simple answer? Fucking LARP.
Jason Thomas
The jew is strong in her
Anthony Gray
Op you might need to dump her, you only have limited time on this earth. My gf didn't want to take my last name when we get married. Told her no name no ring. She agreed, sometimes ultimatums work.
Bentley Thompson
They want to live a free ride of perpetually free dinner nights and cock carousels. They get MAD when men don't fall in love with a wall hitting roastie anymore... then they want to cock block (You) from young faithful cunny...
roasties and feminists should be burnt alive for the welfare of all human kind.
(Nope, fucking her would not make her tight again)
Dylan Walker
Germans can be smart too. Even Americans can.
Hudson Miller
Try to tell her your positions, discuss, but if it doesn't work, then leave her. Maybe it's good that this libshit wkn't have kids, because liberal attitides are partly hereditary
>Get her to interact with some kids that aren't little shits Good answer. You have to play to her instincts, that still exist underneath the brainwashing.
Brayden Nelson
yep, and 'late twentys' doesn't mean you will automatically have spaz kids either. But you do know where you are right?
Josiah Myers
Feminists hate younger women
Brayden Robinson
get rid of that hoe, she's genetically inferior Search a good conservative racist woman and have 4+ kids, that's how you safe the white race
Dump her now and drive by her house later in 5 years and lol at her when she has 8 little Jamals, Tyrones, and Shaeequias running around.
Thomas Watson
>already 15 posts by this id You mad Russian
Adrian Lewis
Maybe problem with you been incell retard?
Parker Foster
She is demoralised. Nothing can change her mind. Until the boots are stomping on her head, she will not see. No statistics or true/genuine information can change what she knows to be true in her warped mind. Cut ties as soon as possible. Do not invest any further.
Juan Lewis
They try to act tought until the time comes, dude. That former abortion advocate was gung ho until the test came back positive.
Cameron Barnes
Dump her and find a new girl OP it’s the only way >Tfw dating a girl in her late teens who does wants kids and is down to become a teen mom Gonna start trying in a few months once she gets her GED
Tell her "I enjoy your company, but if there's no family in our future then we don't have a future."
Lincoln White
Russian were supposed to be based patriots, not civnat cucks
Jackson Jenkins
My wife ended up being tighter than before because she took kegels seriously. Now it's like being gripped by a professional arm wrestle and I have a hard time lasting more than a half hour. It's pretty dank, actually.
Benjamin Turner
Of course I do, that’s why I try and educate people about what is and isn’t genocide. Somebody’s gotta tell them.
Levi Fisher
You are new here?
Wyatt Gonzalez
Enriching is the word they use for demoralization.
Lots of women want kids, a good 90% of them. Finding one who wants kids is easy. Finding one who wants a long term relationship also isn't that difficult.
Samuel Bennett
Leave her. Sorry dude.
Zachary Lee
>late twenties, doesn’t want kids This bitch will be pregnant in less than a year. I know a few guys who got baby trapped by chicks that said the same thing. Clocks ticking and they’ll say anything to have a nut busted in them.
Robert Peterson
All white whores will say this. Keep blowing your load in her hole until you get the job done.
Leo Martin
Your attempt to attack Sweden is funny cause Sweden much better place to live, than any conservative state in North America.
Asher Johnson
Yeah man. They're flooded with so much propaganda about diapers and losing your free time... First off, you only change diapers for a little while. Secondly, I do more fun shit on my off time with my family than I ever did when I was single. Travel more, too.
That's why every day here "white crusaders" are whining here about chads taking your women?
Joshua Carter
Robert Anderson
bad advice. while it is statistically true that liberal cunts like this will eventually poop out one autistic kid or so, but you will either have to leave her, or resign yourself to this form of white genocide.
i would never gamble on cunts with such weak breeding instincts to turn into ambitious mothers.
Brayden Campbell
Than pay aliments.
David Foster
>What do I do before giving up, Jow Forums? Just knock her up.