Kek q user turned out to be a psyop created by retired boomer intelligence agents for maga boomers

kek q user turned out to be a psyop created by retired boomer intelligence agents for maga boomers

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Q predicted this.

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So the IC really does LARP on Jow Forums?


The title is literally
>Is This Intelligence Group Responsible For The Q user Conspiracy Theory?
And no, the article doesn't prove it. Nor is this the first time "Q has been unmasked". This happens about every three months.

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Q is Jeff Sessions

Oh, and this fucking line made me kek.
>The damage wreaked by Q user has already been done.
Literally anti-Q shilling...from a website that specializes in concealing the identities of their writers. Hypocrisy and bullshit mix so well.

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>unironically defending Q
Boomers really need to be banned from posting on Jow Forums.

Boomers get the rope

Where did I defend Q, faggot? I laughed at the idea that "Q user has wreaked damage". If it's a fucking LARP, what damage has it done? And my point about lambasting someone who posts on the internet anonymously...on a website where the writers post anonymously, is both bullshit and hypocritical. Where then, fucking niggerfaggot, am I "defending Q"? kys

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Dude I knew this since a year ago

lol so transparent how glowniggers try to SHUT IT DOWN anytime someone doesn't immediately virtue signal to them by screeching "MUH Q ZIONIST OP" as if they have any fucking more clue than the rest of us. gtfo my Jow Forums, you niggerdick-sucking kikes.

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whoever believed in Q after the shitload of CBTS threads and boomer influx was either a boomer himself or an absolute retard

your reading comprehension is showing

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You’re a shill.

Q is real, the movement is real.
It can’t be stopped.

im positive the same agency that created the kek cult, also created the Q psyop. Their was an enlightning thread on x a couple months ago that put everything in perspective.

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Q is real .pain is coming

i bet they were behind the yang gang and aoc memes as well

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Posters like this make me think the room temperature IQ meme is real.

>fuck i hated those CBTS threads
>posts retard-tier wojak shoops
In other words, you've been a glownigger since the CBTS threads and still haven't learned how ineffective your shit meme attempts are.

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>Q shills for Israel
>Q shills for Iran regime change
>Trump shills for Israel
>Trump shills for Iran regime change

based and zionpilled

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>literally can't point out where I defended Q
>lol ur low IQ is entire argument
Can't believe these fucking scripts are still here.

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>Q shills for Israel
Prove it, nigger
>protip: you can't
Guess how I know you're a shill. Amazing how you kikes have to lie to attack Q when there's plenty more legit ways to criticize it.

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I didn't give a shit about Q until someone felt the need to discredit Q. Its like GE or Monsanto running commercials with no specific product being sold making me wonder why they suddenly feel guilty enough about something that they need to do PR.

This whole site is a honey pot. Im just here to make the sea of shit more unbearable for the fucking intern that has to sift through this shit and the kikes in the JIDF to get their panties in a wad. Pull your head out of your ass bro.

>t. you

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Reeee no shit.

Been trying to tell you autistics this.

No, he didn't. He happened to post one month to the minute before McCain's death with a picture of McCain with his hands up and the words "returning to headlines". You keep spinning demonstrated foreknowledge of something as a "prediction". Again, you cunts keep lying to attack Q when it's not necessary to point out where Q has been wrong or fallen short. You only make Q more alluring through this amateurish attempt to dissuade others.

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>ask another shill to back up what they say
>no ur dum heer's shit-tier meme
How is it you haven't upped your game in nearly two years? Fuck.

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Trust the Plant

brainwashed liberal nazi zoomers still upset about a "larp" they cant understand...


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That's not news

No shit. Remember how “Q” promised military tribunals in January? Or outright admitted they are pro ZOG? Pepperidge farm does

seriously though, who could have ever known that an octogenarian with political with a tennis ball sized growth in his brain wouldn't make it very long. it's a good thing Q's post was detailed and specific so there's no chance this is a coincidence. I only wonder by what mechanism Q could have possibly predicted a death exactly to the minute, must have been magic.

I'm glad we have reliable news organizations like the New York Times to tell us unusually which time exactly he died at. If I was a retard I might think this was all set up from the beginning, good thing I know better and am aware that Q is in fact clairvoyant and that we should trust his plan

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Remember when they used to post here and we chased them off by posting rare hitlers and Nazi qts in their threads for a week and they called us jew and chineese trolls and clowns. Hahahahahah
Jow Forums wins again.

Fuck these kikes

>I agree to NOT PERMIT atheism to be the National Religion, which is the most oppressive of all religions that discriminates against all other religions by attempting to restrict the FREEDOMS OF THEIR MEMBERS, to remove peace promoting symbols and diminish their value.
Absolute kikes

>Q user
Literally thousands of autists saying random shit in random threads, it's worse than Nostradamus, since Nostradamus never said any dates, it was autistic people after autist Nostradamus said something who released books, purely made up shit.

lmao what the fuck is this shit, even the insiders were cultists.

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>an octogenarian with political with a tennis ball sized growth in his brain wouldn't make it very long.
>mfw when you project diminished mental capacity in the same sentence you demonstrate yourself having it

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All of you shills are going to look really stupid when Sessions arrests the Clintons. I am writing down all of your ids so I can rub it in your faces when it happens.

Q is Frank the LARPer who was banned from here a long time ago

Everyone should know this, but you are all a bunch of retards

Q predicted this conversation that is taking place.

>haha! you accidentally a word!!1 I win!!11
the only diminished mental capacity here is the mutt who can't guess which word is missing. I guess you had to say something though, couldn't just be wrong AND not have the last word.

doesn't Q omit words all the time? you boomers fill those blanks pretty liberally

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>We are a group of White Hat Deep State Patriots from the Intelligence, Military, Law Enforcement and Judicial Communities, who have formed a supergroup of MAGA Counterstrike Patriots to Expose and bring to Justice, former and present U.S. Government personnel referred to as Black Hat Deep State

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these niggers have been on a warpath ever since Q started naming Israel, afaik

>mfw he comes back with "read my mind" to dismiss the fact that he stroked out and won't take his medication
boomer detected. keep refusing to take your meds. your kids want you dead anyway.

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>n-no u u schizo
>Q is real!!
wew lad. hot tip for Q boomers: the feigned smugness you think you emulate perfectly is transparent and has the opposite effect you think it does. I know you're just trying to fit in, but it backfires when you don;t know what you're doing.

This Boomer faggot must be involved. He posted this shit on Nov 4, 2016

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Forgot the Link

i didn't call you a schizo and didn't say Q is real. i pointed out that whoever Q is has demonstrated foreknowledge of events, and I said you stroked out, which is because the neural pathways of your degenerated and booze-addled brain are failing at greater and greater numbers every day. Soon you'll gracelessly expire on the floor of an overpriced condo that you starve to live in to avoid your kids' insistence on putting you in a "home".


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stop saying unironic

Jow Forums predicted this.

no, he's a good dude
when they were trying to vote in the first Supreme Justice, he went on Jonestein's show, and he attacked the judge as a neocon
Jonestein, obviously shut it down immediately

>jokes on you I don't even have an opinion
so you're just stopping by to let us know you're a retarded faggot who needs attention? my mistake, I should have known better than to expect integrity from a hermetic and miserable amerimutt with debilitating autism

The trial never ends and neither does the ride.

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i'm not here to give you my opinion. I'm here to point out when shillkikes like you fucking lie. that really seems to piss you off, and i like that.

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This is actually big news. Right wing conspiracy theorists btfo once again. Trump a zioncon theorists proven right once again

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I just hope Q actually gets doxxed and he doesn't go down in history like the Zodiac Killer, completley undiscovered and a mystery to everyone.
The thing about Q is that it's such a stupid LARP that none of the alphabet agencies have even attempted to find who that is, that's how off-base his boomer takes are. The guy is pretending to an insider who is constantly threatening to leak shit, and not a single agency decided to find out who that is.
It's such a sad pathetic LARP that he might just go down in history as a complete mystery, some legendary troll or some shit when in reality he was just too bad for the agencies to care.

>none of the alphabet agencies have even attempted to find who that is
I think you pulled that out of your ass. If you don't think the CIA and DIA and NSA have been looking into the identity of Q, you're putting a lot of faith in their recklessness. Although now I'm imagining a movie where some NSA analyst is Q and it turns out he's the one keeping the agency from making the connection. Fucking clownworld.

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Why would intel agencies try to dox and stop someone who pushes war with Iran and tells the Drumpf boomers not to do anything except sit around and watch Fox News?

This just goes to show that intelligence agencies are all over these boards trying to spread narratives and ideas. Beware of what you read on these boards

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These agencies have the tools to find anyone. Using a VPN will not really hide you. If someone in these agencies even suspected that Q was real, they would track him down immediatly.
If Q was some insider who had tools from the agencies that would allow them to post trully anonymously, they would still be tracked down as the agencies would be checking to see which of their employees has been using their computers, software and other tech to make untraceable posts. If these posts were untraceable, if someone from the CIA decided to track down Q and it turned out that Q was using some CIA tools to avoid being found out, they would immediatly know that Q is real and works for the CIA.
There is no way Q would be a real leaker. It's eiher an anonymous troll, or it's deepstate agents pretending to be against the deep state.

Q is trump

They would always find out who it is unless they already know. Even if the person pretending be a leaker is pushing your agenda, you still need to investigate the threat of leaks.
Either they were the ones who created Q or the claims Q make are so laughably stupid that none of these agencies have even attempted to find out who he is.

>they were the ones who created Q
This is my suspicion desu, people who follow those posts have done shootings in the US. They have to have investigated it at some point.

>tells the Drumpf boomers not to do anything except sit around and watch Fox News?
As opposed to...what? I've seen this claim made a million times and nobody who uses it ever can say what it is they think Q is keeping people from doing.

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so u are saying it's a larp created by intelligence agents

so it's real?

>implying that three-letter agencies don't hire people with ambition and the will to skirt the law if they feel it's justified
You're putting way, way, way too much faith in bureaucracy.

Qfags are over

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>The front page of JTFMAGA's website describes them as a group of "White Hat Deep State Patriots from the Intelligence, Military, Law Enforcement and Judicial Communities" who have formed a "supergroup of MAGA Counterstrike Patriots" to go after what they label as the "Black Hat Deep State."
Just trust us, we the deep state will fight the deep state!

>Unironically defending zerohedge
Russians on proxy should be flayed for pretending to be in the US

Whether it's true or not, what's disgusting is that the Qtards don't even consider the possibility.
Just because someone says they are on your side doesn't mean they are. These people blindly trust Q, the idea that Q might be trolling them or that it might be someone from the deep state working against them doesn't even come into their mind.

So, retired boomer glowniggers pull off one of the largest LARPs on Jow Forums.
And it therefore may not be a larp, just plain shilling.

Sounds about right.
Thank God the End is nigh.

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Everything is not extremes. There are not only doubters or Qtards. There are plenty of people in the middle who have followed Q with interest, but without the dogmatic genuflection. People blindly following something isn't really that new or revolutionary. What's more disgusting is how many people have to lie about what Q says in order to ward people off reading the shit. It's counter-productive, as best, and organized disinfo at worst. In which case, if it's the latter, and Q is deep state, then they have really become the same as that which they fight.

Most of them went directly from Fox to Q larps so not really surprising that they never asked any questions.

t. user copeposting hard in this thread because he realizes he fell for an intel op.

>either ignore Q entirely
>or you fell for it
>no other option
>being this obtuse

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Thoth predicted this

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just wanna say hi to the intelligence community, this whole thing has been very fun for everyone involved. i suspect the whole thing is a Halo 6 viral marketing campaign.

These reaction gifs are stale, you kind of seem like a glownigger trying to fit in on Jow Forums.

Remember the CBTS threads? Fuck me, those were utter Cancer.

In the end based and zenpilled 4channel wins again

> either ignore q entirely
> or you fell for it
Are you gay? Have you ever tried it? This is you right now. Only the absolute most easily manipulated people on Earth could ever believe something like q existing and that Trump is a reincarnation of Cyrus.


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>The new york times is interested in exposing the crimes of democrats
Kill yourself

>actual schizoposting

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did you read the article?
did your uncle lodge a rock in your temple when you were young?
do you have any idea
fuck me shills are retarded


lol you guys are fucking retards to believe this lololooo

wtf do you think.
Patriots fuck.
just because q isnt jfk jr doesnt mean its a larp you fucking absolute fucking idiots. this fucking website jesus. you idiots fuck

shills really are this retarded.


Wow another fake news hit piece from the mockingbird media. The deep state must really be shaking in their boots because they know patriots are about to bring the pain and start the tribunals.

We were never supposed to know.