@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Memorial Day Address Aboard USS WASP 5/28/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Yokosuka Naval Base 5/28/19
>Arlington Natl Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony 5/27/19
>Pres Trump Motorcade 5/27/19
>DoDVideo: Memorial Day 2019 5/27/19
>DoEVideo: A Sacred Sacrifice 5/27/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @State Banquet 5/27/19
>Pres Trump Joint Press Conf w/bff JPN PM Abe 5/27/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania meet w/Japanese Families 5/27/19
>Pres Trump bilat w/bff JPN PM Abe 5/27/19
>FLotUS Melania visits Akasaka Palace 5/27/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Welcome Ceremony @Imperial Palace 5/27/19
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itt rationalizing cuckoldry and losing to dems
why fish when you can eat bugs?
That split shouldn’t create any problems.
>POZ month is in 4 days
Fuck Im already seeing fag shit at the mall.
I'm voting for Trump again.
Boomers might get a kick out of the butter knife thing, but I have never met a single boomer with adequately sharp kitchen knives.
Boomer kitchen knife culture is getting a big wooden block of Wüsthof knives for a wedding gift in 198, then running them through the dishwasher on a daily basis, performatively honing them on Thanksgiving, and never ever sharpening them even once,
Boomer knife culture is keeping their knives dull so they “don’t cut themselves” and using serrated steak knives for everything that isn’t butter.
Boomer knife culture is driving past the farmers market to Costco or Walmart and buying pre-chopped vegetables imported from Mexico, because they can’t cut their own vegetables, because their knives are too dull.
Boomer knife culture is buying Cutco knives from their college freshman nephew, because their 1981 Wüsthof wedding knives are dull, then putting them loose in drawer after taking them out of the dishwasher.
Boomer knife culture is buying plastic chopping gadgets from infomercials that promise to solve the problems they made for themselves by never sharpening their knives.
100% of boomers would define Nakiri as someone their daughter subscribes to on YouTube.
Boomer knife culture is cutting on a glass cutting board because a wood one “isn’t sanitary”.
Boomer knife culture is using an extremely dull but high quality German knife to open a box from QVC containing a knife replacement gimmick chopping gadget.
why eat either when I can eat moocow
it was to an old thread
t. kike shill
I'm gonna say it
Why eat moocow when I can eat bipeds with the feathers removed?
Gay and bluepilled
Imagine if instead of 100 years of subversion through our media, it was 100 years of positive propaganda. 100 years of pro-traditional family, pro-health, in group preference. Sitcoms, action shows, reality tv, etc that all reinforced positive lifestyles.
But hey, thank god we saved the world from Hitler, amirite?
Come on user, don’t be shy!
/ptg/ has been so dead for the last 2-3 days
Feel good cover song about Trump and Pence.
you are hereby invited
This is low. Even for Trump. Lying about dead soldiers. Bragging. Sad! Stolen valor for dead people. Stolen Remains. Impeach!
Fuck niggers
holliday's will do that
Is there anyone good named "Acosta"?
Any VPN suggestions?
Fuck, I need to mow the yard
slow as hell news day anyways
something big must be on the way, too quiet lately
Yes now Tyrone can ENRICH my daughter with his bongo congo dongo
I stepped on my android phone guys, the sadness is real
CIA approved hosted in 5 eyes only
None that are alive. In Minecraft.
Niggers were a mistake, Kikes are a disease.
Trump is a failure
He cute.
>pelosi STILL polling this kek
Spin up a cheap VPS and run your own. VPN as a business = vulnerable to warrants, NSLs, etc.
She probably bought the standard month duration or something.
>its (You)ing itself with the same shit for at least two hours
>shills are still here ann posting
>big wooden block of knives
When I was going through my kitchen recently, throwing away shit I don't need, I realized that I really use 1 utility knife for pretty much everything
about 9.5 inches overall
5.25 inch blade
Running your own VPN kind of defeats the purpose since all traffic would be directly linked back to you regardless...
You saw this one?
Drink your covfefe, unMAGA niggers.
I believe in da workas, making that delicious chicken for my homie he’ya
Please vote for me and not kamala, also buy my mixtape/books [no refunds]
It's true though
It's because Fedora keeps fucking banning the NEETs and all the semi normies were on vacation for Memorial Day.
Why can’t niggers swim?
When do we get Trump-Dredd clones? Sigh
I think the jews finally realized shills don't accomplish anything
sips > covfefe
Depends on the purpose. If its just to protect urself from an untrusted wifi network then self hosting is fine
They fear wadur! They're also pretty weak to fire too.
It depends on your threat model. If the feds are already personally watching you, you need more protection than a commercial VPN can provide anyways. If they're not, your primary threat is your ISP, geoloc, etc., which can all be defeated by tunneling through a VPS or a colo'd physical server.
Also waiting for declassification news
No father figure to teach them. Its a generational problem.
Same goes for niggers driving. Its why a vast many more niggers get "pulled over for being black". Its because no one taught them to drive, so they speed, they don't signal, they leave the lane, etc.
literally everything > kids
memeflaggot tranny janny who got his name for tl;dr rants in favor of abortion and against Christianity
Also because they think they’ll get fucked anyways they figure they may as well break the law, which gets them fucked. Self - fulfilling nigger prophecy
I swear this women has zero foresight. Does she think the world is going to end after Trump's presidency? Or that republican rule will never be challenged again?
We should tread carefully about who and where and what people are forced to host or not host for that matter, lest it be used against us some day, and this applies to all things in every manner or make.
My favorite idiocy of Ann is the complete shock and bewilderment she exhibits about the border. As if she was completely unable to see or predict that announcing you're closing the border and building wall wouldn't be a huge red flag to illegals to die trying to get in now or take it off the bucket list.
What evil possesses someone to do this kind of shit, and the absolute idiocy of FILMING yourself doing this kind of shit?
Nothing really
nigger brain
She's not wrong
The good news is that she's been arrested for this. I think she was doing this for money - people actually pay people to send them videos of them abusing children.
>tfw local news audibly seething that the economy is doing well and stocks are up because they already had MUH TRADE WAR BAD script written
Shills are butthurt about the booming economy
>childless whore that supported Romney
She's been wrong her entire life.
Check’d and true
She's not wrong about the border and not wrong about Trump not doing anything about tech Censorship
If she understood incentives and politics beyond screeching THINGS BAD BUY BOOK she would be a lot richer.
SCOTUS said that an Indiana law that required aborted babies to be respectfully tended to, buried or cremated, was a-okay.
Is it true that mixed race people can only say "nig" but not the full word without being nuked from orbit?
Ann doesnt need foresight. She doesnt have kids and is old, how much of the future really matters to her? She just needs book income for a slightly more comfy retirement now
I know that's the easy answer, but this has to go deeper.
No species on the planet would be able to survive with the levels of violence and animosity niggers display towards each other. What the fuck happened in their culture to make them like this when there is no competition for resources?
this nigger-brained nigger gets it
They can say nigger if they are left wing
Trump has made mention of the abuse republicans face on social media numerous times. As I said before though, this is something that should be treaded upon carefully.
Reactionary brainlets that can't see beyond their own nose shouldn't share their opinions so willingly in the pubic arena.
>pic related
>She's not wrong about the border
That she only started to care about 4 years ago, because she's a dumb whore. How many books did she write about the border when Bush was president?
>Trump not doing anything about tech Censorship
>Durr, Trump should write an executive order banning banning
You're such a fucking clown.
>What the fuck happened in their culture to make them like this when there is no competition for resources?
Niggers being niggers in Africa. As for here, probably LBJ making niggers worse with gibs.
having a boomer news stream on in a tab is killing my sides
>(((pundits))) trying to explain why Dem enthusiasm is so low without explicitly saying it's because Biden has pale skin and a benis
Fedora hello here let's continue with the abortion convo
>Reducing immigration and changing who comes in, promotion of white social conservatism, restricting abortion in white areas
while i agree these are some nice goals, let's break them down to ideas that push the overton window enough so all white people would be for them
>reducing immigration and changing who comes in
how can this be implemented as US law with congressniggers blocking it because it goes against their major donator plans? cus at the end of the day they go against everything the voters want (reason why Trump's promises were instantly accepted: they didn't come from a politician's mouth)
>promotion of white social conservatism
ok how? any ideas? remember it should be on the individual level and not based on a leadership since it's the easiest way of getting the idea subverted
>restricting abortion in white areas
good you are against abortion too and how it should be done but answer me this, if doing it at as a blanket rule is so difficult, wouldn't adding the race variable (so leftist golem and the master scream RACISSSSSTTTT and moving the lolbertarians and moderates to reject the idea of banning abortion) make it even harder to apply?
They rolled a 1 on genetics
the fact that this had to go to SCOTUS is a blackpill in itself.
Schizophrenic post.
He's gonna lose 2020 cause all his supporters got banned. He needs to break up and punish the tech companies
>I desire to end a million year's of progress because anime
Kikes I tell you
Also read this.
>nigger-brained post
ftfy. i've seen him link that post to like 5 people now. he literally is like a monkey - my pet monkey.