qrd on rockwell and what he said to martin nigger king?
Zachary Rivera
He mocked him as a jew puppet but respected malcom x for being a good leader
Jordan Smith
He even quoted him and other black separatists in his writing and speeches, because he agreed with them. I don't know however if he would have given them piece of USA.
>Looks like George Lincoln Rockwell is owed an apology.
Rockwell was right about Kang Rockwell was also right about Malcolm X, and teaming up with black nationalists in general
Past that the man didn't accomplish shit He was the origin on retard optics larping in the country and poisoned the well for generations All he accomplished was getting a dozen guys and a federal informant in a house to larp with armbands.
Picrelated was the way The American bund, despite sympathizing with Hitler and being ethnically German understood that for the smoothbrains in this country you have to drape shit in Americana. Burgers on average don't even know the (((official story))) when it comes to history, let alone what actually fucking happened. Every second we try explaining to these people Hitler was really the good guy is a second wasted. All our founders would be considered WN today. We need to take that and run with it.
Whats easier to explain to Joe Normie, Hitler was the good guy, or, George Washington was the good guy
No Swastikas No Fasces (yes I know it's in our govt buildings, the average fuck doesn't)
Revolutionary war symbols is what we need. No brand building has to be done. It is instantly recognizable as "American", yet does not mean the same thing as the current burger flag. The left has openly rejected the symbols of our nation, they have gifted this to us on a silver platter. Being an "American" is meaningless now, they have gifted us the opportunity to redefine it.
Kriegsmarine flag=Kekistani bullshit among a few other things it's understandable though when they don't have Culture they have to larp from somebody elses, and always include themselfs WE WHITES N SHIEET.
You Krauts had the chance to fully rid the world of Jews , and what happened? You collapsed under the pressure because Hitler couldnt keep his dick in his pants and had to attack Russia. You Krauts are weak.
I don't see why GLR gets so much praise. He would have been far more successful if he had not used the symbol and the name of the political entity the United States was at war against just slightly more than a decade before he started his political party.