I'm 21 year old Arab who is planning to leave my country for Europe. Which country should I move in?

i'm 21 year old Arab who is planning to leave my country for Europe. Which country should I move in?

Please note that:

I won't work
I want free money
I might breed your women, idk, I'll definitely make 5+ children there though
I won't be arsed to learn your language, why should I speak your language?
I'm muslim and I deserve respect for my beliefs

So, tell me why should I grace your country by moving there and how.

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Move to the UK. You can rape and kill as much as you like and the police wont do anything out of fear of being called islamophobic

the UK has too much of my people, i want to be unique so white women come to me in flocks, i want a place where BVLLs are a rarity so i am special.

Salaam brother. It is important that you go somewhere where you can help tip the scales.

1.) UK

2.) Sweden

3.) Norway, France, Holland

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i have been thinking a lot about norway, i think it is the place for me.

Arabs have an average IQ of 80

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You’re going to raise your half viking half fedayeen kids to be muslim right? Otherwise there is no point.

Fuck off shitskins jew go to fuck your 9yo boy wife disgusting subhumans

Try killing yourself, may be you'll be reincarnated here.