Why are there so many Native American casinos?
Why are there so many Native American casinos?
oh my god stop posting that shit you are literally in every thread you fucking subhuman
Some tribes have sovereignty due to very old acts being exploited by Native to avoid laws. In the 80s they throw a big fuss to be allowed to not have laws and rules apply to them.
Jews are heavily involved in "Native American" casinos. They are largely unregulated and completely untaxed
Just let him. He's just trolling. Btw, Sven, aren't you supposed to saving your country?
because it's sovereign land and american gambling laws don't apply
>Why are there so many Native American casinos?
No tax.
so they can steal you money to buy more firewater
Boomers. Don't worry though - millennials are killing gambling.
Literally jews. The jews got the redskins tax exemptions for all of their businesses and casinos pushed through using white guilt, then Chief Chasing Shekel started opening casinos and selling cigarettes.
Gambling is illegal most other places so they can capitalize by building them on the tribal land...pretty simple really
Is there anything millennials aren't killing?
You want to see hyper-capitalism? Go to any "Res" or Indian Reservation. Since the "Indian Nations" are recognized by US gov as sovereign entities they get to do whatever the fuck they want with their land. In this case they build massive profitable casinos and the chiefs make bank. The alcoholic borderline retarded underling redskins live in squalor on the reservations raking in cash for their bosses but due to ethnic pride they don't see this dynamic play out. Truly western bugmen.
Also they don't pay taxes on vice drugs like booze and ciggies and some people have made beaucoup bucks in arbitrage ferrying the goods from the bush to the city. Taxman dont take kindly to this obvs.
>They are largely unregulated and completely untaxed
As they should be
Because if the whites hadn't fucked them up they would have all been croupiers now.
Because it’s a great way to siphon wealth from the white man so they have money to spend on fire water, police and schools. They also sell the dopest fireworks and tobacco.
So basically they get to live how everyone wants to live, in complete freedom, with only their own culture and kinsmen to stop them or moderate them?
Able to syphon wealth from the capitalist society surrounding them, without repercussion or taxation, and develop their lands as they see fit with the profits.
Sounds like they got a pretty sweet deal there.
because it's their meal ticket. it's their industry on their lands. they made a deal with the US government to run casinos on their tribal lands as a business model . they do decent at it, and as you can see, can run a business better than any nigger