I fucking hate my country, the left has started worshipping a fucking kid now to virtue signal...

I fucking hate my country, the left has started worshipping a fucking kid now to virtue signal... Is there any good place that a Swede can move to?

Attached: greta-thunberg.jpg (1200x630, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the middle east

He said ANOTHER place than Sweden

Also: that is literal fetal alcohol syndrome, isn't it...?

just buy her some "My Little Pony" toys, pat her on top of her head and tell her to be a good little girl and get on with her studies, and tell her to forget what her giant loony lefty lesbian mom has brainwashed her with

well between you and me Antarctica is looking pretty good

That joke hit too close to home user


Does she skip school to model for the media?


Redice is live, discussing Sweden with the Golden Gay


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I hate that bitch so fucking much, just wants to skip school


stay there, we don't need cucks

Woman, this little fucking whore told that she doesnt want people to ne optimistic, she wants them to panic. Why s.o.? Typical leftist scum trying to implement a marxist hegemony while people are under mass hysteria.

Jesus Christ...the absolute state

Attached: (((Western Civilization))).jpg (1796x1504, 901K)

>signal your virtue to shitskins
>get raped and murdered anyway
eventually they'll learn

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>Wants the public to panic about climate
>Wants the public to panic about Russians
>Accuses everyone else of fearmongering for decades
They're a joke.


Deserters get the bullet too

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Fucking kek

please come to brazil drink some mandioca

Germans give EVRYONE the bullet

autism,many such cases

LMAOOOOOOOO she looks like 9

Czechbro delivering those burns.

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this cunt is nothing but a narcissistic sycophant like most bitches and whores...

LTCorbis is where its at!

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where's it all going to end?

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Y-y-you too!

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You could move here. It's not much better, but we could use the bleaching.


Attached: Greta Thornberg 911 survivor.png (1202x633, 900K)

And let´s not mention the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...

Stay and fight
Get a gun, go to the range and train
Go to the gym
Join NMR for Gods sake!

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Do you think someone's ever fucked Greta? I mean, she's 16 and Swedish women are quite promiscuous and obviously very sexually open.

So do you think anyone's ever fucked Greta?

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Plus, if i was her, i would stop Globohomo to turn my country to a Third World shithole

That thing looks retarded.

you fuckers are infecting us aswell, this fucking downie is in every newspaper i open here now

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do u like my meme

Attached: greta thornberg Israel.png (1202x633, 964K)

How is that ugly retard 16 anyway?

Soph is better anyway

Did he touch her butthole

He's done worse.

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How about instead of being a pussy and leaving you gather your warband and reclaim your damn Sweden

Why the fuck has Arnold ruin all that was good about him.

retarded nigger convention?

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lol its hilarious, his illegitimate love child like a hispanic version of him.

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could you like stop posting that
it really makes me feel uncomfortable

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She's special needs, so I doubt she regularly attends school.

Why does her face piss me off?

She's demon possessed and the "Extinction Rebellion" uses basically the Mark of the Beast(Typhon for easy searchaility) as their logo , the X inside the O

Poach a couple pictures of her being guarded/coached or go up and spray her with something if her guards aren't there. She is fake as hell and probably lives higher on the hog than most working men.

What's wrong with combating climate change?


It's a transgender boy

shes so very rapeable

Come be my roommate. I just bought a house, looking to rent out two rooms. As long as you’re not gay or a nigger.

it goes again right wingers profits

There are no words to describe how bad Greta turns me on. I want to raid a car dealership with her in the dead of night, burn all the evil cars to prevent them from being used, and then strip naked with her and make hot passionate love right there on the lot as the cars burn around us as our bodies burn for one another.

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Based Typhon!

Attached: screenshot-twitter.com-2019-05-28-20-18-21-020.jpg (632x847, 511K)

FFS. All my childhood heroes are dead or leftists now except for Eastwood.



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She's the new face of conservation.
Iron Eyes Cody was a fake too.

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It's a Mongoloid

>sure, global warming will kill millions and trigger mass migration north, but I think some of the people who oppose it are opposing it just to look good so I wanna flee the country

Saudi Arabia seems like your kind of place.

I'm getting really triggered at you guys constantly making fun of greta. She is going to SAVE THE WORLD losers so maybe show a little respect?

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She's so fucking ugly, and she'll get much uglier when she grows up.

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Not just a kid, an autistic kid with fetal alcohol syndrome. Meanwhile, your police are being attacked with grenades.

I'm just going to leave this here

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Global warming is a specific model of climate change that states the CO2 will warm the earth and cause catastrophic climate change.

However the climate has been cooling for some time so now they say it is climate change. A real moving of the goal posts.

Do remember that climate change and global warming are two different concepts.